Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing: Blog en-us (C) Daryl A. Black (Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Sun, 09 Feb 2025 22:10:00 GMT Sun, 09 Feb 2025 22:10:00 GMT Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing: Blog 112 120 Rail Trail "Generations" mural Fred and I first walked to this particular section of the Santa Fe Rail Trail near Santa Fe High School (between Siringo Road and St. Michael's Drive)  in late October of 2022.  Our friend and avid cyclist, Robert, had ridden by the mosaic mural under construction numerous times, and thought it would be a good idea to photograph the mosaic in progress.  So we walked - me with camera in hand - along the trail to the area where volunteers and lead artist Julie Deery were at work.  On that day, two panels were complete, with elements on the bottom of several other panels also in progress.  Here is a shot of the mosaic at that point in time. 

Santa Fe Rail Trail mural 2022 6Santa Fe Rail Trail mural 2022 6   


Today, the mosaic runs for the length of 10 panels of concrete block wall.  The concept, planning, artistry, and actual application of the mosaic is impressive.  It can be seen by Rail Runner riders as the trains rumble by, and appreciated by cyclists, runners, and walkers along the trail.

Santa Fe Rail Trail Mural  8 February 2025Santa Fe Rail Trail Mural 8 February 2025   


Because "generations" of volunteers, from school children to adults of all ages, worked on the mosaic, there are surprises to be found throughout the wall.  One element with the most splash is the sun with expansive rays above the mountains, slashing New Mexico's blue sky.

Santa Fe Rail Trail Mural  1 February 2025Santa Fe Rail Trail Mural 1 February 2025 Santa Fe Rail Trail Mural  2 February 2025Santa Fe Rail Trail Mural 2 February 2025

Santa Fe Rail Trail Mural  9 February 2025Santa Fe Rail Trail Mural 9 February 2025


Regardless of the type of animal - real or cartoon in nature - they comprise the topography and layers of the mosaic.  Elements such as the sun, mountains, and water have enough common tile shapes, sizes, and color to establish consistency but at the same time they are punctuated by hundreds of two dimensional  surprises to keep even the most scattered human brain working. 

Santa Fe Rail Trail Mural  3 February 2025Santa Fe Rail Trail Mural 3 February 2025 Santa Fe Rail Trail Mural  4 February 2025Santa Fe Rail Trail Mural 4 February 2025


Santa Fe Rail Trail Mural  5 February 2025Santa Fe Rail Trail Mural 5 February 2025



The "Generations" mosaic mural dedication tiles

Santa Fe Rail Trail Mural  6  February 2025Santa Fe Rail Trail Mural 6 February 2025 Santa Fe Rail Trail Mural  10  February 2025Santa Fe Rail Trail Mural 10 February 2025


February thanks to Barbara F. R., M.Fred B., Jean & Sam, Victoria, Steve, Terry T., Claudia, Heather H., Mary Pat, TTT, and Marilyn R. for commenting this week.

 My hope is that wherever you are now, you are able to appreciate art and nature in abundance with camera in hand.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image© 

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black Generations mural Julie Deery New Mexico photography Santa Fe Santa Fe Rail Trail Mural Sun, 09 Feb 2025 22:09:54 GMT
of viento, chile colorado, Sangre de Cristo, and Brazos cliffs I committed the original sin of photographers and writers this week.  Actually, I have been for some time.  In the digital age, any photographer or writer's mantra should be "Save, backup, save, backup."  A task that, for some reason, has escaped my attention in the last couple of years.  It caught up with me last week.  Not in the photography side of my work because my photographs are in many different places, but on the writing side.

Some of you may know that on 21 March 2020, I began a journal on the computer documenting life during the COVID pandemic.  It became much more than that as politics morphed into something we had never seen in America.  It was approaching 600 pages in length, as I wrote about everything from the mundane to COVID, natural disasters, and frequently, politics.  I can't say that the writing was brilliant (not being Shakespeare), but it did have its moments.  Most of all it was meant to jog my own and others' collective memory of the years in which we found ourselves.  My parents nor anyone I knew in their generation ever spoke of the flu pandemic that lasted from 1918-1920 and I would like to have known more.  Thus, my journal.  But due to my enthusiasm for clearing things from our iPhone and not really knowing that it was totally synced to our computer, I seem to have eliminated the most recent version of my journal.  It was like losing a part of me.  When I tried to add to the journal one day and was unable to locate the latest iteration, I spent a good part of the next three days searching the innards of the computer trying to find it.  After working through file after file and searching iCloud, where I suspected it was hidden, I used  a free data recovery program and did not manage to locate it (despite searching through roughly 50,000 listings.  I made the decision to try to reconstruct things via by blog, photographs, emails, and texts.  It is important enough for me to do that.  Lessons learned!

What does my sob story have to do with today's blog?  Not much except that part of what I blog every week shows how I spend my professional time.  Fortunately, I back up my husband, Fred's, portfolio of rugs every time I shoot an image.  They are in several different places including two different stand-alone hard drives.  His designs and use of color has been particularly brilliant this winter.

First is Rug 415.  Truly for the red lover in you, the rug is comprised of different dye lots of chile Colorado, and Sangre de Cristo.  It is Navajo-Churro wool dyed at Tierra Wools.  

  Rug 415Rug 415


Below is a detail of the rug under construction.

Rug 415 in progress 3  2024Rug 415 in progress 3 2024



A very "western" feel flows through Rug 416, in which both dyed and natural white, natural medium grey/brown, and natural grey wool are used.

Rug 416 half detailRug 416 half detail



Finally, Fred utilized a technique called pick and pick in Rug 417.  It is a bit complicated to present here, but the resulting weaving produces lines that run vertically with the warp rather than horizontally.  In this detail shot, you can see the variations of turquoise and viento, along with a beautiful natural black from Cedar Mesa Ranch in Colorado.  The red is Sangre de Cristo.  

Rug 417 detailRug 417 detail

Rug 417Rug 417

Thanks to Fred who continues to amaze, and to Ingrid, Jean & Sam, Steve, Marilyn G., and Barbara F. R. for checking in this week.  As we enter February and slight warming trend in the Rocky Mountain west, I hope you are able to head outside with cameras in hand to capture natural and other offerings wherever you are!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©



(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) big sage artisans blacks crossing photography Cedar Mesa Ranch daryl a. black FRED BLACK new mexico photography Tierra Wools weaving wool Mon, 03 Feb 2025 02:38:02 GMT
further adventures from the Albuquerque Botanic Garden Bright and colorful bulbs, flowering fruit trees, and deciduous trees and shrubs in full leaf are not prominent during winter at the Albuquerque Botanic Garden.  That is the season when the evergreen trees shine, and architecture and sculptures are much more visible.  The vision and planning of the people who have worked on the garden over the last nearly 30 years is impressive.  I hope all of them are proud.  

The Mediterranean and Desert Conservatories are housed in the glass and metal building designed by Architect Edward María and fellow architects Edith Cherry and James See.  When I originally walked into the garden in 1998, two years after the Botanic Garden opened, the most prominent feature was the Conservatory.  During our recent visit, I had to walk a bit before seeing it.  Even in the high desert of New Mexico, trees grow in 30 years.  Thus, as gardens should be, the vegetation, architectural, and sculptural elements are complementary rather than competitive.

ABQ Botanic Garden Conservatory 1 2025ABQ Botanic Garden Conservatory 1 2025


From the inside, one gets an idea of how large the building really is, with walkways winding in and over three levels, and the New Mexico sky everywhere in the inviting, warm, and humid space under cover of glass and metal structural elements.

ABQ Botanic Garden Conservatory 2 2025ABQ Botanic Garden Conservatory 2 2025   

Myriad species of plants are grown within the bounds of both the Mediterranean and Desert sections of the Conservatory.  The blue and gold barrel cacti show below, are native to Baja, California.  

ABQ Botanic Garden Conservatory blue barrel cactus 2025ABQ Botanic Garden Conservatory blue barrel cactus 2025 ABQ Botanic Garden Conservatory gold barrel cactus 2025ABQ Botanic Garden Conservatory gold barrel cactus 2025


There were several areas of the Botanic Garden I had not seen previously, including the G scale model railroad that winds its way on two 400 feet loops from near the Garden entrance.  

ABQ Botanic Garden G scale railroad garden  1 2025ABQ Botanic Garden G scale railroad garden 1 2025

A lighthouse shown below is just one of the buildings that populate the Railroad Garden.  

ABQ Botanic Garden lighthouse in G scale railroad garden  1 2025ABQ Botanic Garden lighthouse in G scale railroad garden 1 2025


There were a number of things that were surprises in other parts of the Garden, including the stained glass skylight in the entrance breezeway of the High Desert Rose Garden.  Just to whet the appetite for what is to come in the spring, summer, and fall, the roses are very much Charles Rennie MacIntosh in feel.  

ABQ Botanic Garden Conservatory High Desert Rose Garden window 2025ABQ Botanic Garden Conservatory High Desert Rose Garden window 2025


Another lovely visual is the castle tower of the Children's Fantasy Garden.  A bit Medieval and a slightly Disney in feel. 

ABQ Botanic Garden - Children's Fantasy Garden tower wallABQ Botanic Garden - Children's Fantasy Garden tower wall


Thanks to Claudia, Barbara F. R., Jean & Sam, Connie T., Carolyn S., Paule Marx, Steve, Victoria, and Rebecca A. for your comments this week.  I hope that the coming week brings warmth, sunshine, peace, and abundant photographic possibilities around your world!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Albuquerque Botanic Garden Blacks Crossing Photography Children's Fantasy Garden Daryl A. Black Edward Mazria gardens High Desert Rose Garden nature New Mexico photography Mon, 27 Jan 2025 03:02:36 GMT
a long time coming In 1998, I wrote an article for Rocky Mountain Gardener magazine titled "Garden Jewel of the Rio Grande - Rio Grande Botanic Garden".  The Botanic Garden and Aquarium opened in 1996.  When I saw it two years later, the most prominent element of the Garden was the Conservatory designed by architect Edward Mazria and his associates.  The 9,000 square foot structure with its myriad Mediterranean and Chihuahuan desert plants is the perfect place to soak up warmth and humidity on a chilly winter day.  Now, after 36 years, I finally made a visit to what is now the Albuquerque Bio Park.  For me, it was a long time coming, but absolutely well worth the wait.  

During my first visit to the garden, it was impressive. At the time, the Conservatory held 3,200 species of plants and 11,000 specimens.  But the powers that be had bigger plans for the 32 acres that comprise the Botanic garden.  One of those plans was for a Japanese garden, especially since Sasebo, Japan, is one of Albuquerque's sister cities.  That plan came to fruition.  There is a stunning Japanese garden in New Mexico included in the Bio Park.  And it is impressive, even in deep winter.  The three elements of Japanese garden design - stone, water, and plants - are combined with asymmetry, enclosure, borrowed scenery, balance, and symbolism.  It is easy to see how necessary each one is to hold interest, regardless of season.  Portland, Oregon landscape architect Toru Tanaka, designed the Sasebo Japanese Garden in Albuquerque which opened in September 2007.  The elegant garden incorporates all the elements and traditional vegetation, in coordination with and complementing the existing cottonwood trees that grow near the Rio Grande.  Because the garden is in a moderately level area, geography and slight elevation changes (courtesy of human-made hills), and ponds that weave in and out walking paths gives the feeling of being in a very different place.   A wall with several levels capped with tiles, holds the main gate, and gives the sense of an enclosed space.


On the right after entering, a bell tower awaits, with a sense of serenity.  Not one detail has been left to chance, with traditional wood joinery and metal base brackets holding the uprights.        





Paths take you in and around the entirety of the garden, over bridges and around ponds and waterfalls.


As is traditional in Japanese gardens, bamboo is a connecting thread throughout the garden.  It is used in a variety of ways, from walls, gates, and even as  overflows to keep the pond level, as seen below.  The native cottonwood trees were kept in place.  


The bamboo, despite the cold temperatures that kept ice on each pond, was surprisingly green.  


It is seen throughout the gardens and is frequently used for structural elements and screens.  Here is a weeping blue cedar hanging over a bamboo fence.  

After viewing the Sasbeo Japanese Garden in January, I anxiously await a spring visit!


Thanks to Jean and Sam, Terry T., Catherine, Barbara F. R., TTT, Steve, and Gustavo for writing last week!  I hope those of you in the path of the predicted blast of cold keep warm this week!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©



(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Albuquerque Bio Park Botanic Garden Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black Japanese gardens nature New Mexico photography Sasebo Japanese Garden trees Mon, 20 Jan 2025 02:45:38 GMT
the mighty acorn Given the massive, very nearly unstoppable fires burning in California, my guess is that some of you have been directly affected by the fires, or have friends or family who have been.  It is a tragedy of epic proportions considering the loss of human life, property, and infrastructure.  The destruction caused will change the area's landscape for decades, and it could take a century for the land itself to recover.   Like the horrendous fire that took Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii, in 2023, entire communities have burned in the current fires driven by Santa Ana winds in southern California.   And yet amidst the thousands of structures destroyed by the fires, many trees are still standing.  It made me wonder if what I had read years ago about oak trees being fire resistant was true.  And that lead me to the photographs featured in today's blog.

Over 500 types of oak trees grow world wide, and there are 10 species of oaks that grow into trees (as opposed to those that are shrubs) native to California.  They are the Interior Live Oak, Island Oak, Oregon White Oak, Valley Oak, Black Oak, Blue or Douglass Oak, Canyon Live Oak, Coast Live Oak, Shreve Oak, and the Mesa or Engelmann Oak.  All are in the genus Quercus and to my knowledge, they all are somewhat fire resistant and they all produce acorns.  

Acorns are an amazing part of nature's cycle of life, and are simply mighty in their production.  Not to mention the fact that they are great fun to collect, roll between your fingers, and eventually photograph.  Acorns have a protective top called a cupule (what I always called a cap and others call a hat) which separates from the nut at the right time.  It is a thing of beauty.  I spent a chunk of time this week photographing possibly four different kinds of acorns, and quite frankly, I have no idea which trees produce them.  Here is an image of a cupule and an acorn.  They are not a match, seeing that the acorn did not fit in the cap, which was another clue that the acorn on the right was yet that of another species.  

acorn study 2024 6acorn study 2024 6



Getting the inside details of the relatively small cupule or cap below, was an interesting process in itself.

acorn study 2024 5acorn study 2024 5


Photographing the acorns in both natural light accompanied by occasional full and broken overcast as well as fill flash, again reminded me that if any day I have camera in hand and don't get a lesson in shadow and light, it is a surprise. Here is a linear acorn that looks like it could have been turned on a lathe.

acorn study 2024 4acorn study 2024 4



The acorns shown here are oblong but rounder in shape.  On different surfaces and in different lighting conditions, it is easy to see they are also different species.  

acorn study 2024 2acorn study 2024 2



The top of the acorn that is underneath the cupule is so interesting that I wanted to show the area where it is attached.  

acorn study 2024 1acorn study 2024 1 acorn study 2024 3acorn study 2024 3    


Thanks to all of you who commented this week - Tim A., Terry T., Ann A., Jean & Sam, Karren L., Steve, Victoria, Barbara F. R., and Bill and Sue.  It was good to hear from you as we moved through our first week of 2025.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) acorns Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black nature New Mexico photography Quercus Mon, 13 Jan 2025 02:14:38 GMT
renewal Today is the first Monday of a new year - 2025 - a time of emergence, renewal and reflection, hope, and sometimes apprehension -  about what lies ahead.  In the early morning hours, I look out the bedroom window and see Jupiter, seemingly dancing around as I drift in and out of sleep.   The planets and stars are with us regardless of what happens on earth.  We have no control over them or the future, but we can embrace and watch with fascination.

Several things in our world have come to symbolize renewal in modern culture.  All go through the process of metamorphosis, literally and figuratively.  The first is the butterfly, and the fact that we saw part of this evolution last summer involved both observation and a bucketful of luck. The caterpillar below is feeding on parsley, making its way toward becoming a black swallowtail butterfly. 




Here is the butterfly, drying its wings after emerging from the dried bit of a chrysalis in the lower left-hand portion of the photograph.  

Butterflies - black swallowtail Papilio polyxenes) 1 2024Butterflies - black swallowtail Papilio polyxenes) 1 2024



The yellow swallowtail also frequents our part of the world.


The lotus or water lily is a dominant, world-wide symbol of rebirth.
water lily/lotus for blog 2024water lily/lotus for blog 2024




Daffodils - a certain sign of spring - start appearing in markets long before they emerge from the ground in the southern Rocky Mountains.

Flowers - daffodils - Ice Follies 2023 8Flowers - daffodils - Ice Follies 2023 8



Finally, the egg,  a perfect symbol of birth and life.

Still life - eggs 2Still life - eggs 2


Thanks to TTT, Veronica, Terry T., Connie, Lisa S., Steve, Marilyn G., Jean & Sam, Karen L., and Catherine Sobredo for your comments at the end of 2024.  I appreciate these and look forward to hearing from all of you as 2025 works its magic on us.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image© 

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography butterflies daffodils Daryl A. Black eggs lotus flowers nature New Mexico photography Mon, 06 Jan 2025 16:50:28 GMT
new year, new hope Wednesday is the beginning of a new year, 2025 to be exact.  Cultures around the globe celebrate the new year in many ways and on different dates but the idea is the same.  It is a time humans set aside for rebirth and renewal, and to evaluate our lives.  White lilies, such as the ones below, are said to represent rebirth.  The idea of many petals making a whole image,  photographically, appeals to me.


lilies color 2 2024lilies color 2 2024


lilies color 3 2024lilies color 3 2024


lilies color 1 2024lilies color 1 2024



Black and white photography does justice to lilies in its own way.

lilies black and white 2024lilies black and white 2024



America and the world lost an extraordinary human being yesterday.  Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States, died at the age of 100.  Despite what many think of the job he did as president, he was one of the very few politicians in my lifetime who had a true, solid, and unwavering moral compass.  He loved people of every stripe and did more after his one term as president than any other president has done, building houses for those in need through Habitat for Humanity, and serving as a statesman around the world.  He and he wife, Rosalyn, were a team and force to be reckoned with when it came to caring for those in need.  The quote below from Carter himself says volumes.

"The test of a government is not how popular it is with the powerful and privileged few, but how honestly and fairly it deals with the many who must depend on it." 


And while we contemplate the new year, words from writer Kurt Vonnegut in Breakfast of Champions, also ring true.

"We are healthy only to the extent that our ideas are humane."  


Thanks to all of you who continue to follow my blog, and comment on it, including Barbara F. R., Carolyn, Tim, Claudia, Ann & Tomas, Catherine, Terry T., Marilyn G., Ingrid, Steve, and Jean and Sam.  May 2025 be a year of gathering with friends and family, and cherishing life and our planet.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black flowers Jimmy Carter Kurt Vonnegut lilies nature New Mexico photography Mon, 30 Dec 2024 17:21:45 GMT
Happy Christmas! The holidays are upon us.  We are having much joy celebrating with friends and family - in person, via email, text, and phone.  I also channeled my inner Julia Child, not her brilliance and culinary skills necessarily, but her vigor and anarchy in the kitchen.  

Solstice was Saturday, and tomorrow will be four seconds longer than today.  It doesn't seem like much when one reads or says the words out loud, but soon we'll be able to note the difference in the amount of daylight.  

Since my photo printer was being extremely cranky during the printing part of the season (eliciting a few choice expletives from the office), some of you received a holiday letter along with the card, and a few received nothing.  Thus, I include this year's photograph here.  


Rug 413 with ornamentRug 413 with ornament


Now we carry on traditions, including watching some of our favorite holiday offerings, one of which is Joyeux Nöel, about a Christmas truce that occurred among French, German, and English troops on the Western Front during World War 1.  It warms the heart and soul like none other, reminding viewers that there can be peace among enemies, even if only for a short time.  How wonderful it would be for that to happen in these fraught times!  My wish is that you have peaceful and joyful holidays.


 Thanks to Claudia, Victoria, Geula, Jean & Sam, TTT, Paule, Marilyn G., Steve Lisa S., Catherine, Barbara F. R., Lawrence & Donna, & Carol for commenting on last week's and other blogs.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©



(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black Fred Black Navajo-Churro wool New Mexico photography Rug 413 weaving Sun, 22 Dec 2024 18:46:02 GMT
a blog full of fiber During this Winter Solstice week, the amount of daylight here in the southern Rocky Mountains is decreasing by roughly 18 seconds a day.  For us, sunset today will be at 4:53 p.m.  All of nature feels the change, and, as humans, we feel the lack of daylight too.  But the trend reverses itself on Saturday, the 21st of December - Solstice - when those of us in the northern hemisphere will begin to see subtle changes as the days become slightly longer and lighter.    

As we await those extra minutes of daylight, there are always things that can be done indoors, including weaving and all kinds of art and writing. And those of us who consider ourselves artists continue doing art, whatever it may be, year round.  Among other things I was doing this week, was photographing Fred's latest weaving, Rug 414.  But first, I am including photographs of the process, in addition to images of Fred's latest work.

Regardless of my attempts to explain how Fred warps the loom (which can frequently be a full contact sport) it is a difficult process to describe. Quite frankly, if I did not live in the same house as a weaver, I would be clueless.  So I offer the photograph below as yet another effort to show how the process of warping is done.  He loads enough wool onto the loom for four rugs.  The warp hangs over the balustrade, and into the living room as the loom is loaded.   

Weaving - warping the loomWeaving - warping the loom


The process is the ultimate in isometric exercise.  Here, Fred is doing the final part of warping the loom which is attaching the warp ends to the front or breast beam.  

Weaving - dressing the loom 2 2024Weaving - dressing the loom 2 2024

Weaving - dressing the loom 1 2024Weaving - dressing the loom 1 2024

Weaving - dressing the loom 3 2024Weaving - dressing the loom 3 2024


All of the rugs here are made of 100% Navajo-Churro wool, both warp and weft.   


Rug 411, in the style of the Navajo Chiefs blanket

Rug 411Rug 411



Rug 412 in progress on the loom

Rug 412 detail 2Rug 412 detail 2


Completed Rug 412, in Fred's own style, is an homage to the work of  Josef Albers and the Bauhaus movement
Rug 412Rug 412


Rug 413, below, uses five different natural greys, a natural black, and Sangre de Cristo red (dyed)

Rug 413Rug 413



Rug 414, fresh off the loom

Rug 414Rug 414


It was great to hear from Jean & Sam, Marilyn G., Barbara F. R., Orlando, Charleen, Victoria, Steve, and Catherine this week.  May the Solstice and the ever-so-subtle change in daylight make your spirits soar!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image© 

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) artistic process Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black Fred Black loom photography weaving wool Sun, 15 Dec 2024 22:19:49 GMT
all in a life The greater holiday season in the United States - Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's celebrations - is upon us, and is a bit like a driver who is late for work.  Yes, the driver should have left earlier, but suddenly, the need to accelerate comes into play, lending a sense of urgency to life's normal pace.  The atmosphere becomes more manic as we move through our days.  Add to that the many dire situations around the globe and politics at home that seemingly add accelerant, and a dicey mix emerges.  But it is, can, and should be a time of joy spent with friends and families, pondering the delight that can be.  Oddly, it reminds me of how other animals move through their lives, including birds and coyotes, as well as those domesticated.  For instance, our niece's horse, Atticus.  Atticus is a big and gentle boy, standing at 16 hands high with plenty of mass to plow or pull. He came from one life as an Amish work horse, and is now adjusting to a life where a rider on his back gives him directions.  He is a gentle giant and has lessons to teach us.  He was kind enough to let me photograph him, including a couple of closeups.    

Kate DeWitt's horse Atticus 2 2024Kate DeWitt's horse Atticus 2 2024 Kate DeWitt's horse Atticus 4 2024Kate DeWitt's horse Atticus 4 2024 Kate DeWitt's horse Atticus 5 2024Kate DeWitt's horse Atticus 5 2024 Kate DeWitt's horse Atticus 1 2024Kate DeWitt's horse Atticus 1 2024


With his prominent muzzle whiskers acting as sensory devices, Atticus must have a keen sense of the world around him. He certainly knows a carrot when he sees one.  

Kate DeWitt's horse Atticus 3 2024Kate DeWitt's horse Atticus 3 2024


Thanks to Marilyn G., Jean & Sam, Pater, Ingrid, and Steve for commenting on last week's blog.  And to Kate for allowing me to photograph Atticus.  

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©



(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black horses photography Mon, 09 Dec 2024 15:52:21 GMT
word of the day Having enjoyed the Thanksgiving meal at friends far too much, I am not quite ready to relinquish food photography just yet.  Particularly since the most interesting word emerged from the dinner.  Spatchcock is our word for the day.  Many of you have probably already prepared a turkey (or other fowl) in this manner, but I had not heard the word before nor sampled one.  It just sounds like a British word, not to mention the fact that it could be used as an obscenity or to demean someone.  Well, that is not too much of a stretch.  

Spatchcock is a turkey or other fowl that has been split down the back, enabling the bird to be flattened.  The word is a combination of "dispatch" and "cock", both from 18th century English but spatchcock was originally an Irish usage, not unlike "Dispatch the cock".   The action of splitting the bird down the back helps the cook flatten the bird, allowing the bird to cook more quickly and, at the same time, retain moisture.  The result is very juicy and tasty meat.  Yes, there were comments about it looking a bit like road kill, but one cannot deny the wonderful flavor.  Here is Thursday's subject after cooking.


A lovely bowl of greens with nuts, and goat cheese, assorted veggies, and cooked and spiced red cabbage topped off with a pecan pie filled with New Mexico pecans completed the meal.   

Cheese and vegetable soup 1Cheese and vegetable soup 1  

Thankfully, we all had spatchcock and other leftovers.  I hope all of you had tasty, interesting, perhaps exotic, and wonderful Thanksgiving celebrations.  Now, in December, we move toward the Winter Solstice on 21 December.

Thanks to gracious hosts Ingrid and Robert, and to all of you who wrote last week - Victoria, Barbara F. R., Veronica, Brenda M., Jean & Sam, Marilyn G., Catherine, Pauli, Connie T., and Steve.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image© 

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) blacks crossing photography daryl a. black food greens pecan pie photography pie spatchcock turkey thanksgiving vegetables Mon, 02 Dec 2024 00:41:27 GMT
for thanks and foodies This Thursday's Thanksgiving celebration in America represents something far from the original purpose.  These days, it is more about Thanksgiving Day parades, sports, mattress sales, and crowded airports.  But still, it remains a time to give thanks, and join with family and friends to partake in a groaning board of food.  It is a holiday for foodies!  And I love photographing the many fruits and vegetables that are available to us almost as much as I do eating them, beginning with one of the foods that was grown and used among indigenous peoples at the time the Puritans and explorers arrived on this continent - corn - a variety of which is shown here.  


Another food that originated in the New World food is the potato.  My guess is that the fingerling potatoes shown below are a cultivar of one of the 4,000 plus varieties world wide.  Peru alone has 3,000 types of potatoes.     



And Thanksgiving in New Mexico probably would not be complete without at least one type of pepper included somewhere in the meal.



Onions, apples, and mushrooms are all possible ingredients of the dressing with which a turkey, goose, or duck might be stuffed.  

onions, purple 1 2024onions, purple 1 2024 Food - mushrooms, Newcastle Farmers' Market 3 2024Food - mushrooms, Newcastle Farmers' Market 3 2024 apples 2apples 2


And somewhere on the table is a salad, perhaps made with beautiful Romaine lettuce, as a complement or palate cleanser.

Food - Romaine lettuce from Farmers' Market 2024Food - Romaine lettuce from Farmers' Market 2024


Thanks to Steve, Pater, Marilyn G., Barbara F. R., M. Fred B., and Catherine for commenting on last week's blog.  I am grateful to all of you who read every Monday and thereby participate in my grand photographic experiments.  Have a wonderful and tasty Thanksgiving!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image© 


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) apples Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black fingerling potatoes food mushrooms New Mexico peppers photography Romaine lettuce Thanksgiving vegetables Sun, 24 Nov 2024 22:36:21 GMT
Solvitur ambulando A beautiful and appropriate saying landed in my lap this week, courtesy of a friend who regularly forwards "5 Bullet Friday" to us.  Published by author, podcaster, and lifestyle guru Tim Ferris, there is always something that catches my attention in his publication.  This week, it was the Latin saying "solvitur ambulando" which means "it is solved by walking".  I was dumbfounded to read this because my personal feeling has always been that myriad things are solved by walking, from internal questions and the world's struggles to finding the perfect photograph.  When the snow began to fall two weeks ago, leaving 15 inches on the ground in Santa Fe, I began to walk and shoot photographs.  Not of lovely stacks of snow on stucco walls and in the trees, but of the thousands of leaves previously hanging on the trees but brought to the ground when the storm moved in. The ground was covered with layers of leaves, ranging in colors, according to Kassia St. Clair's book  The Secret Lives of Colors, from yellows to browns and multiple shades and hues in between.  Normally, by this time of year, most of the leaves have already fallen but the ones brought down by the moisture were subdued, moody, and some might say bleak in feel, but I always tell myself that these colors represent the many backgrounds of nature.  They are not the bright "in your face" colors that capture our attention for relatively short periods of time, but the brown and yellow that linger and change as the daylight becomes shorter.  The way moisture falls in beads on a leaf is fascinating. A bonus is that when the temperature is perfect, beads are in that elusive intermediate state between liquid and ice.


The leaves shown below held a bit of everything - ice and water beads, like the one in the bottom right hand corner that was in limbo between liquid and ice.

Still life -aspen leaves in ice and snow 5 2024Still life -aspen leaves in ice and snow 5 2024


The droplets on the leaves below were all liquid, being transparent enough to show the leaf veins.

Still life -aspen leaves in ice and snow 3 2024Still life -aspen leaves in ice and snow 3 2024 Still life -aspen leaves in ice and snow 1 2024Still life -aspen leaves in ice and snow 1 2024



The near-icy patches on the top leaf could have been a map defining continents. 

Still life -aspen leaves in ice and snow 4 2024Still life -aspen leaves in ice and snow 4 2024



I found this combination of the top soft yellow aspen leaf and the rich brown leaves below very pleasing. 

Still life -aspen leaves in ice and snow 2 2024Still life -aspen leaves in ice and snow 2 2024


It was heartwarming to hear from so many of you last week, including Minna, Barbara F. R., Terry T., Victoria, TTT, Claudia, Kathryn and Gene, Catherine, Jean & Sam, Katy, Steve, Ingrid, Pater, and Marilyn G.  My hope is that the changing seasons, wherever you may be, provide abundant interest as well as photographic possibilities, with solvitur ambulando in mind. 

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©



(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) blacks crossing photography daryl a. black Kassia St. Clair leaves new mexico photography snow The Secret Lives of Color water droplets Mon, 18 Nov 2024 01:34:09 GMT
fuchsia faces for any season Frequently, when a photographer ventures forth into the world, whether near or far, surprises await.  They could be part of what one plans to photograph or they could emerge during the process. A catchment or small pond filled with water lilies was in an unexpected place - a horse stable where one of our nieces rides.  I had not intended to shoot water lilies, but the opportunity presented itself and I was not going to turn it down. Some of the photographs are here.  The stunning fuchsia-colored flowers literally float on and reflect the water.  They pop and brighten any mood or season.

Flowers - water lilies CA  4 2024Flowers - water lilies CA 4 2024 Flowers - water lilies CA  3 2024Flowers - water lilies CA 3 2024  

Flowers - water lilies CA  1 2024Flowers - water lilies CA 1 2024 Flowers - water lilies CA  2 2024Flowers - water lilies CA 2 2024


Not only was the place alive with water lilies and their flowers but with frogs.  So it really wasn't a surprise that there would be a photo bomb somewhere in my images.  With luck, you will be able to see the frog's head poking up in the upper right hand corner of the image below.

Flowers - water lilies CA  5 2024Flowers - water lilies CA 5 2024


Thanks to Minna, Kay, Tim, Marilyn G., Barbara F. R., Steve, Jean & Sam, Catherine, Rebecca, and Geula for writing this week.  And as waves of winter move back and forth across the land, I hope that the seasons offer each of you ample photographic opportunities.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image© 

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black flowers frogs nature New Mexico photography reflections water water lilies Sun, 10 Nov 2024 22:55:23 GMT
still life near the ocean Early morning hours are magical, regardless of the location.  But living in the high desert of the southern Rocky Mountains, I tend to forget that the sound of the ocean is always there, never ceasing, and the birds that live in any given area near the ocean, communicate seemingly non-stop as well.  An endless cycle of life.  As the sun rises, many birds, including the cormorants, have been feeding.  They doze on nearby rocks and trees, and fix their feathers after many dives into the water.  

CA - Morro Bay 2024 1CA - Morro Bay 2024 1


The low blue glow of the early morning hours lent itself to a tree, making an other-worldly scene reminiscent of many pirate movies.

CA - Morro Bay 2024 4CA - Morro Bay 2024 4


It would be a sad day indeed if I was unable to locate a good reflection of something, anything.  This morning did not disappoint as sailboat masts appeared on the water.  

CA - Morro Bay 2024 2CA - Morro Bay 2024 2 CA - Morro Bay 2024 5CA - Morro Bay 2024 5



And what would a coastal community be without a hodge podge of canoes, kayaks, and paddle boards?

CA - Morro Bay 2024 3CA - Morro Bay 2024 3

Thanks to Victoria, Barbara F. R., Robert, Peggy, Jean & Sam, Dick and Carol, Steve, and Veronica for commenting on last week's blog.

Welcome moisture has arrived in northern New Mexico in the form of both rain and snow.  A bonus before a La Niña year begins.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©



(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) bay Blacks Crossing Photography cormorants Daryl A. Black nautical shots ocean photography reflections still life Mon, 04 Nov 2024 15:19:49 GMT
the creative mind Creativity and the creative process has been a regular theme of my blogs.  It differs from person to person, but creativity is a physical, mental, and emotional need that expresses itself consistently in artists and craftspeople of all stripes.  And that need must be filled, as it lurks under the surface in our brains.  Of the many discoveries on our quick road trip to visit some of Fred's family in California was how profound the artistic desire abides in our brother-in-law, Steve.  Years ago, I remember a photography teacher asking a small group of students in Santa Fe "What projects are you working on?"  And if we didn't have one, he would say, "you must have a project.  You always need to be working on a project." Well, projects are major elements in Steve's life, whether small or large.  I feel honored to have been able to photograph some of his work of a lifetime, along with his newest work.  An expert welder and fabricator, his work would be considered industrial art if it were made for large scale distribution.  But Steve's work is basically one of a kind, more in keeping with pieces of art.   

And where do I begin?  Probably with the first big project (and there were no doubt many others) of which we aware - the bathroom.  Steve has always been a fan of mechanical things, including gauges, and he knows how everything works.  The gauges show both water pressure and temperature.  He has an incredible schematic in his head! 

Rizzoli powder room 2024Rizzoli powder room 2024


The next project that we followed thanks to photographs sent by his wife, Debbie, was the lighthouse.  She was always a fan of lighthouses, and Steve decided to build one for her.  Not only do you need vision and some semblance of a plan in one's head to build something like this, the artist must be intimately familiar with possible sources of material and what kind of equipment it takes to place things.  Frequently, if Steve lacked the tool to make an element, he would fabricate it.  And in-person research was required so I suspect more than one trip to Point Reyes was made in that regard.  The base is a concrete culvert put on end, which must have been quite the task in itself.  A circular staircase allows you to enter the lighthouse and also sit on a metal deck. 


Rizzoli lighthouse 1 2024Rizzoli lighthouse 1 2024   

Rizzoli lighthouse 2 2024Rizzoli lighthouse 2 2024

What some don't realize is that every piece of glass, every screw and rivet were put in by hand.  It is truly a handmade piece of art.  Below is the large fresnel lens surrounded by pieces of glass fitted into brass.  

Rizzoli lighthouse 4 2024Rizzoli lighthouse 4 2024 Rizzoli lighthouse 3 2024Rizzoli lighthouse 3 2024


Another addition to the house was a replica of the Titanic bow Steve built, complete with searchlight.  

Rizzoli Titanic bow and searchlight 2024Rizzoli Titanic bow and searchlight 2024


The latest project is something Steve had dreamed of getting his hands on for some time - a Stoof.  A Grumman S-2F, the Stoof flew in the U. S. Navy Fleet for years, and as the Navy was phasing them out, a number of the aircraft were acquired by Cal Fire.  This one was used as a tanker to drop water and retardant on forest fires.  This Stoof (in Navy slang "S two F became Stoof) had seen better days and was in pieces in an aviation boneyard, waiting for Steve to find them.  Which he did!  All the pieces are in place now, and every day, it awaits Steve's skills.  

Rizzoli Stoof 2 2024Rizzoli Stoof 2 2024

They were powered by nine cylinder, radial-piston engines.  My husband, Fred, was a Navy aircraft mechanic in the late 1960's and early 1970's and actually worked on these planes.  He was able explain some of the innards of the lovely beast.


There is plenty of electrical and hydraulic pasta here behind the engine firewall.

Rizzoli Stoof 2 2024Rizzoli Stoof 2 2024

Below is a photograph of our car, to show scale, in front of the Stoof.

Rizzoli Stoof behind Bolt for scale 2024Rizzoli Stoof behind Bolt for scale 2024

After seeing everything that Steve has fabricated, cut, painted, and built over the years, I will never look at anything human made in quite the same way.


Thanks to Steve and Debbie for giving us the grand tour and allowing me to take photographs, and to Fred for filling me in on the elements of the plane.

My appreciation goes to Victoria, Minna, Marilyn G., Jean & Same, Catherine, Pauli, Steve, TTT, Marilyn R., Lawrence, and Ingrid for commenting on the 13 October blog.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©



(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black industrial art lighthouse new mexico photography still life Stoof Sun, 27 Oct 2024 22:51:17 GMT
autumnal accents Autumn and the whole of nature moves at its own pace.  The aspen color in the mountains is working its way from higher altitudes to lower altitudes.  The gold and variations of orange can be seen both near the Santa Fe Ski area, and near Chama, and it has been a spectacular season. With rain predicted from Thursday through next Sunday, now is the time to enjoy the high altitude color.  The cottonwoods and oaks are already starting their turn at the color parade.  Before all of the leaves fall from the trees, today's blog offers a few more autumnal accents.

The scrub oak trees near Chama vary in their color from year to year.  These are showing a nice combination of yellow and leaves with ruddy tones, in addition to some lingering green. 



The aspen are stunning not only in their brilliance but in stature.


Even garden-variety strawberries are striking as they turn from green to gold and red.


Thanks to Marilyn G., Catherine, Veronica, Jean & Sam, Tim, Barbara F. R., Steve, TTT, Ingrid, and Earle for your kind words last week.


There will be no blog next Monday, as we'll be on the road with our trusty Bolt, discovering the joys and intricacies of driving an electric car out of state.  Naturally, many photographs will be made along the way.  Some of those will, no doubt, appear in the October 28 blog.

until then,


a passion for the image@ 


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) aspen autumn blacks crossing photography daryl a. black nature new mexico oak photography scrub Sun, 13 Oct 2024 22:57:46 GMT
fur face Another Santa Fe Wool Festival is behind us, and as tends to be the case, it was a learning experience on many levels, including meeting and connecting with a variety of interesting people.  Held at the Santa Fe County Fairgrounds, it has a similar feel to a state fair, which always includes animal judging.  One of the judges this year was Jay Begay, shown here considering the qualities of one fleece submitted for judging.  Fred had been following him on Instagram so it was good to meet him in person.  

Wool Festival Santa Fe, NM  2024 3Wool Festival Santa Fe, NM 2024 3


Friday was set up day.  We raked the dirt and hay in the animal barn space before erecting Fred's hanging rack for his rugs.  Here it is bright and early Saturday morning.

Wool Festival Santa Fe, NM  2024 2Wool Festival Santa Fe, NM 2024 2 Wool Festival Santa Fe, NM  2024 1Wool Festival Santa Fe, NM 2024 1


Fiber was in abundance, and on Sunday, we were treated to a group of three very young alpacas (part of the Camelid family) called "cria" in a space next to us.  The youngest was three weeks old, while the elder was six weeks old.  At this age, they are all still nursing, but the personalities are already quite clear.  The alpacas were from Que Sera Alpacas near Santa Fe.   

Wool Festival Santa Fe, NM  2024 4Wool Festival Santa Fe, NM 2024 4



All of the "cria" were endlessly fascinated with the collar and tag one of the "dams" was sporting.  Alpaca chew a lot, which helps keep their teeth in proper working order.  When alfalfa and grain pellets were brought in for them during the late morning, the mewing and talking in camel was quite impressive.  Yummy noises, to say the very least.    

Wool Festival Santa Fe, NM  2024 8Wool Festival Santa Fe, NM 2024 8


Believe it or not, the very dark brown mother gave birth to the white cria, shown below.  A Madonna and child, as it were.  When they are not wrestling with other cria, they stick close to their mothers.  You might be able to see a brown spot on the white "cria" in the photographs above and below. Owners are thinking that might be evidence of an appaloosa-like coat pattern.  There was actually more talk of genetics in alpacas and sheep than I have ever heard at a wool festival before.  If you are interested in learning more, particularly in reference to Navajo-Churro Sheep and sustainability, click on the link here.   

Wool Festival Santa Fe, NM  2024 5Wool Festival Santa Fe, NM 2024 5



Below is an image of Hamish, the youngest.  Quite the attitude!  

Wool Festival Santa Fe, NM  2024 7Wool Festival Santa Fe, NM 2024 7


One of the mothers or "dam", ever watchful.  

Wool Festival Santa Fe, NM  2024 6Wool Festival Santa Fe, NM 2024 6


Thanks to Barbara, Ingrid and Robert, Carolyn, and Victoria for stopping by the booth over the weekend and bringing great conversation to the mix.  

Minna, Claudia, Jean & Sam, Barbara F. R., Marilyn G., Steve, and Terry T. left comments on last week's blog, which were most appreciated.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©





(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) alpacas blacks crossing photography daryl a. black fiber mavwa mountain and valley wool association nature new mexico photography santa fe county fairgrounds santa fe wool festival sheep Mon, 07 Oct 2024 15:08:53 GMT
Nature's switch The opening of autumn in northern New Mexico defies description.  Perfect days with crisp blue skies, dotted with a fleeting cloud or two, and nights occasionally bringing the closing acts of thunder and lightning, trying to wring out what little moisture is left in the atmosphere.  It is magnificent.  Responding to precisely the right conditions, the aspen in the Sangre de Cristo mountains near Santa Fe Ski Basin, are putting on an unparalleled show right now.   It feels as if suddenly someone - nature - turned on a switch this week.  It happened, literally, in a two day period, when the aspen went from a fading green to yellow, gold and burnished orange.  There may soon be some red in the mix as well.  It is spectacular.   Autumn makes me smile!  

Trees - aspen 2021 9.jpgTrees - aspen 2021 9.jpg

Trees - aspen 2021.18.jpgTrees - aspen 2021.18.jpg


This is one of my older aspen photographs taken while we were living in Taos County.  Highway 64 between Tres Piedras, and Tierra Amarilla has some real gems.  These had been dusted with snow that left what I call rain "shadows" on the trees.  

Trees - aspen rain shadows in autumnTrees - aspen rain shadows in autumnKONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERA


If you live in the northern hemisphere, I hope you are able to enjoy autumn color and the joy it brings.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image© 



(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) aspen autumn Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black gold nature photography Sun, 29 Sep 2024 22:59:51 GMT
alien in the garden We have heard a lot about aliens lately - in reference to people not in the country legally, and those which might be associated with UFOs - but not much about those residing in the garden.  I realize this might not be the most desirable photographic theme to some people, but the big green grasshopper residing on a basil plant caught my attention.  

Granted, I flipped it off and it ended up on the wall the following morning.  These big green aliens scared me endlessly when I was child.  They used to show up on a regular basis amongst the piles of leaves into which I would jump.  Did not like them one bit.  However, I decided to shake my trepidation and started to photographic this particular one.  It was drying itself off after the previous night's rain.  The first image below, you can see rain droplets on the "pronotum" or extended neck collar.  To me, it looks like armor of finely cut and tooled leather.  The wings resemble stained glass.  And the eyes - those compound eyes.  What can I say?  Like jewels, these organs are basically "motion/light detectors" (according to Wikipedia).   

Grasshoppper 5 2024Grasshoppper 5 2024



The pronounced rear leg is actually a femur, and the round part at the end is attached to the tibia which is tucked underneath the grasshopper.  

Grasshoppper 1 2024Grasshoppper 1 2024


The assorted and chunky collection of parts in the front under the eyes is the reason they can chew through plants so efficiently.

Grasshoppper 6 2024Grasshoppper 6 2024 Grasshoppper 3 2024Grasshoppper 3 2024


A perfect space alien

Grasshoppper 2 2024Grasshoppper 2 2024    

 It still amazes me to see things close up and this subject was no exception.  I wonder if early movie makers of alien invaders actually copied the eyes of grasshoppers for their alien beings.  

Since yesterday was the autumnal equinox, it is officially autumn, and with luck, each one of you will be able to photograph and enjoy the most elegant of seasons.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black grasshoppers insects nature photography Sun, 22 Sep 2024 22:13:17 GMT
revelatory rain The rain fell gently during the night, leaving behind evocative water droplets, revealing easily missed details in the natural landscape. As you have read here many times before, rain in New Mexico is a spectator sport.  Particularly after extended stretches of dry weather, which has been the case in the last couple of weeks. Although the dryness makes for near-perfect early autumn days, there is something about a rainy interlude that makes a moment in time.  The way in which rain falls and settles on different leaves and flowers is a simple wonder of nature.  Elongated leaves, such as those of a garden iris, provide individuality in each drop.  

Revelatory Rain iris leaves with rain dropsRevelatory Rain iris leaves with rain drops


With their many-petaled construction, roses have room for both tiny water bowls and lines of droplets, as shown in the next four images.

Revelatory Rain rose bowl 2Revelatory Rain rose bowl 2

Revelatory Rain rose bowl 3Revelatory Rain rose bowl 3 Revelatory Rain rose bowl 1Revelatory Rain rose bowl 1 Revelatory Rain rose bowl 4Revelatory Rain rose bowl 4



Hosta leaves are photogenic in three seasons before they die back to the ground for winter.  Rain that falls onto the curved leaves is shaped into little reflecting pools. 

Revelatory Rain hosta catchment 2Revelatory Rain hosta catchment 2

Revelatory Rain hosta catchment 1Revelatory Rain hosta catchment 1 Revelatory Rain hosta catchment 3Revelatory Rain hosta catchment 3


Then there are the spider webs which I encounter on a regular basis while walking through garden, that really shine when it rains.  

Revelatory Rain spider webRevelatory Rain spider web


Finally, lacy Japanese maple leaves carry and shed rain drops quickly.

Revelatory Rain Japanese maple leavesRevelatory Rain Japanese maple leaves


My thanks to Paule, TTT, Jean & Sam, Catherine, M. Fred, Marilyn G., Barbara F. R., Steve, and Ingrid for your blog input last week!  

The autumnal equinox is next Sunday, 22 September, as the amount of daylight becomes increasingly less (by two minutes and 13 seconds today).  It provides the absolute best natural light for photography, and with luck, you will be able to take advantage of it as autumn progresses.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) blacks crossing photography daryl a. black flowers hostas japanese maple nature new mexico photography rain roses still life water Mon, 16 Sep 2024 16:13:55 GMT
Festival time of year Just when the amount of daylight in any given day is changing radically as the autumnal equinox approaches, and the morning temperatures become cooler making more mellow days, animal activity (including human) actually increases.  Migratory birds are preparing for their trips to warmer climates.  Hummingbirds and seed eaters are feeding on everything they can get.  Mammalian hibernators are also hitting nature's chow hall. Farmers are busy harvesting myriad crops and city dwellers start to come alive for the art festival season.  Signs for studio tours around New Mexico are almost as prolific as political signs.  Which means that preparations for the Santa Fe Wool Festival at the Santa Fe Country Fairgrounds on the weekend of October 5 and 6 are in full swing.   Fred is finishing Rug 411, which will be featured along with 17 other rugs in Booth A-02 located in southwestern corner the Animal Pavilion.  The Alpacaas, always a favorite, will, naturally, be included.  

Santa Fe Wool Festival 2023 animals 8Santa Fe Wool Festival 2023 animals 8   



Below is a shot of Fred's booth area from the 2023 festival.
Santa Fe Wool Festival 2023 Fred's display 1Santa Fe Wool Festival 2023 Fred's display 1



Included in the stable of this year's 100% Navajo-Churro rugs is #410 shown in the following two photographs.  He achieved the stripes using a technique called "pick and pick".  The wool is dyed in the traditional Navajo way by Zefren (who is located in Shiprock), using indigo and cochineal.  Arts and crafts style side table is also Fred's work.  

Rug 410Rug 410


Rug 410 interior design shot BRug 410 interior design shot B



Detail of Rug 408, which will also be featured at the Festival.


These lovely coasters are also made of 100% Navajo-Churro wool.  They will be included in the Silent Auction.

Coasters 2024Coasters 2024

The Santa Fe Wool Festival will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, October 5 and from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday, October 6th.  

The Santa Fe County Fairgrounds on located at 3229 Rodeo Road in Santa Fe.



Given all the possible activities available during this season, I especially appreciate comments from Rebecca, Jean & Sam, Marilyn R., Charleen, TTT, Catherine, Steve, Marilyn G., and Barbara F. R. last week. 

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) blacks crossing photography daryl a. black fred black new mexico photography santa fe wool festival weaving wool Mon, 09 Sep 2024 16:04:00 GMT
bun ready The monsoon rains bring nature's culinary specialties when just the right conditions present themselves.  Mushrooms and fungi emerge from the 
forest duff and debris, and it doesn't take long for animals of all stripes to discover them, including humans.  It was always a wonder to me when those who were experts said they were going mushroom hunting in the mountains.  Eating one from the wild without said expert is not something I would do.  But photographing them is another thing all together.  This year's late season batch - be them edible or not - definitely seemed bun ready.  Easily hamburger or salad-plate sized, the majority of them were located near the bases of spruce and Douglas fir trees. Something about the chemistry appears to work for their growth.  Can't you see the specimen below grilled with a bit of olive oil and stuffed in a bun?  All the mushrooms shown here were 4-8 inches across.

mushrooms and fungi 1 2024mushrooms and fungi 1 2024



The mushroom below looks like it has been sautéed and is ready to eat. 

mushrooms and fungi 4 2024mushrooms and fungi 4 2024



Given the color of the mushroom shown below, my guess it could be poisonous.

mushrooms and fungi 3 2024mushrooms and fungi 3 2024



Nature appears to have already roasted the one shown below.  

mushrooms and fungi 7 2024mushrooms and fungi 7 2024



A great brain?

mushrooms and fungi 6 2024mushrooms and fungi 6 2024



Chunks of granite provided the bun here.

mushrooms and fungi 5 2024mushrooms and fungi 5 2024


Thanks to Barbara F. R., Tim, Bill & Sue, Charlie, TTT, Orlando, Sam & Lena, Carolyn, Sara and Chuck, Jean & Sam, Ann M., Claudia, Victoria, Gustavo, Dianne, Earle, Dave & Donna, and Steve for your comments last week and for the good wishes.  I hope with the opening of September, temperatures are cooler and the feel of autumn is carried on the breezes!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image© 

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black mushrooms nature New Mexico photography Sun, 01 Sep 2024 22:19:53 GMT
Throughout the years 1972 was a good monsoon year.  Thunderstorms punctuated almost every afternoon and evening.  A particularly rousing storm shook the travel trailer and another camper in which at least ten of Fred's relatives drove to Albuquerque.  Mind you, coastal areas on the west coast are not known for thunderstorms.  Earthquakes, yes, but this particular storm has become the stuff of family legend. Another squall passed over the Duke City the afternoon of our wedding but luckily, it moved through before the scheduled time.  And it rained several days and nights thereafter.  But it was August in New Mexico, and it has been that way the last couple of days fifty two years later.  


Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) gave some suggestions for living life.

 "Dance like nobody is watching; love like you've never been hurt; sing like nobody is listening; live like it's heaven on earth."


And this particular quote also says volumes about the times in which we live.

"Live your life with joy, despite having all the facts."  -- Jane Goodalll


Many thanks to TTT, Sandra B., Veronica, Barbara F. R., Sara, Marilyn G., Chuck, Jean & Sam, Lisa, Steve, and Catherine for commenting on last week's blog.  Here's to all of you, and to Fred, I cannot say enough!   

We are off for a little hike in the rare damp mountain air to celebrate.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black New Mexico photography Mon, 26 Aug 2024 13:42:57 GMT
It is about the people On a very rainy August day fifty two years ago, our plan was to camp at Hyde Park in the mountains near Santa Fe.  But because of the rain, we checked into the El Rey Court, and then drove to the Plaza.  Little did we know when we ventured into the Plaza that the 50th Indian Market was in progress.  Then, as now the first response to the hundreds of booths, and number of people was excitement, and amazement, followed by a sense of wanting to buy a little bit of everything.  It can be overwhelming.  But It remains is a very special event.  Sponsored by Edgar Lee Hewitt, director of the Museum of New Mexico, and curator Kenneth Chapman, the first market took place in 1922.  Now in 2024, the Southwestern Association for Indian Arts (SWAIA) Santa Fe Indian Market, featured over 1,000 juried artists.  Over the years and generations of artists, the variety and style of work has changed to a certain extent, with fashion becoming more and more a part of the market.  Along with traditional pottery, jewelry, and weaving, more apparel was featured this year, including many more hats of different varieties. Younger artisans are leading the way in painting and photography as well.  Artists Cody Sanderson and Kenneth Johnson designed a one-of-a-kind motorcycle for Indian Motorcycles.  The 2025 Indian Scout Bobber is being auctioned online.  "All funds raised will go to SWAIA as unrestricted support for our artists."  

One thing has not changed.  Indian Market is about the people of multiple generations who create and those who appreciate and collect their work. And the people watching is unsurpassed.  It is a photographer's paradise.  


Walking and styling

SWAIA Indian Market Santa Fe, New Mexico 1 2024SWAIA Indian Market Santa Fe, New Mexico 1 2024


Decision time at the booth.  I am beginning to think I am the only one who isn't sporting any ink!
  SWAIA Indian Market Santa Fe, New Mexico 2 2024SWAIA Indian Market Santa Fe, New Mexico 2 2024


Shoes are definitely part of the style, regardless if they are athletic shoes or wedges.

SWAIA Indian Market Santa Fe, New Mexico 7 2024SWAIA Indian Market Santa Fe, New Mexico 7 2024


Street photography as shown above comes easily to me, but I find myself having to set my shyness aside in order to ask people if I can photograph them.  For one thing, the artisans are busy at their booths and lots of people are around.  I hate to interrupt someone trying to sell their work.  So the next sequence of photographs were gained by introducing myself as a photographer and asking if they would allow me to photograph them.    

Indigenous Designer Shaydee Snow Pretends Eagle was kind enough to be a photo subject.   

SWAIA Indian Market Santa Fe, New Mexico 5 2024SWAIA Indian Market Santa Fe, New Mexico 5 2024



Having never been very precise with makeup, I cannot even imagine the process and time involved in putting together her style.

SWAIA Indian Market Santa Fe, New Mexico 6 2024SWAIA Indian Market Santa Fe, New Mexico 6 2024



Golga Oscar, artist and owner of Third Generation Art in Kasigluk, Alaska, had a winning smile I needed to photograph.  The work at his booth included two stunning coats - one made of muskrat pelts, and the other of rabbit.   

SWAIA Indian Market Santa Fe, New Mexico 3  2024SWAIA Indian Market Santa Fe, New Mexico 3 2024


SWAIA Indian Market Santa Fe, New Mexico 4 2024SWAIA Indian Market Santa Fe, New Mexico 4 2024



Marita Ahhaitty Growing Thunder owner of the Growing Thunder Collective and her exquisite bead work.  

SWAIA Indian Market Santa Fe, New Mexico 10 2024SWAIA Indian Market Santa Fe, New Mexico 10 2024 SWAIA Indian Market Santa Fe, New Mexico 8 2024SWAIA Indian Market Santa Fe, New Mexico 8 2024 SWAIA Indian Market Santa Fe, New Mexico 9 2024SWAIA Indian Market Santa Fe, New Mexico 9 2024

My thanks go to these great artists and activists for their work and for permitting me to photograph them and their work.


And many thanks to Barbara F. R., Victoria, Catherine, Kay, Jean & Sam, Steve, Ingrid, and Lawrence for commenting on last week's blog.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©




(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black Golga Oscar Marita Ahhaitty Growing Thunder New Mexico photography Santa Fe Shaydee Snow Pretends Eagle SWAIA Indian Market Third Generation Art Sun, 18 Aug 2024 21:39:09 GMT
the creep factor Reading my blogs this summer, you might think that I have a keen interest in insects.  That is not really true, although they are fascinating in their own ways.  And for some reason, I keep seeing them, which means they become photographic subjects.   To me, many of them have a real creep factor.  One of these is the praying mantis.  The bright green body with or without wings and bulging eyes that provide stereo vision, gives it just enough edge to be creepy.  Adding to the weirdness is the fact that (according to Wikipedia), "Females sometimes practice sexual cannibalism, eating their mates after copulation."  Too much?  Definitely enough of that.  

The praying mantis belongs to a large order Mantodea "that contains over 2,400 species in about 460 genera in 33 families."  (Wikipedia). They have a habit of rocking, which can mimic the movement of leaves.  As a photographic subject, they are perfect because they wait for their many types of prey to come to them.  If you watch a mantis long enough, they will start watching you. Despite that, the are very good for the garden, consuming a number of different pests.  The following photographs demonstrate the statement "What are you looking at?"

Insects - praying mantis 3 2024Insects - praying mantis 3 2024 Insects - praying mantis 2 2024Insects - praying mantis 2 2024


The image below with the front legs together shows why they are called "praying mantis"

Insects - praying mantis 1 2024Insects - praying mantis 1 2024  


Some minor developing adjustments gives a slightly spooky effect.  

Insects - praying mants 4 2024Insects - praying mants 4 2024

Thanks to Jean & Sam, Ann, Peggy, Melissa, Catherine, Marilyn G., Barbara F. R., Steve, MFB, Carolyn S., Victoria, Dianne J. and Robert for commenting on last week's blog.  During these vacation months when so many of you are out and about, I particularly appreciate your thoughts on the blog.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©



(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black insects Mantodea nature New Mexico photography praying mantis Mon, 12 Aug 2024 00:39:51 GMT
a lucky morning During summer in the Rocky Mountains, early mornings are normally lovely and cool.  This year, the mornings have been a good deal warmer than normal but given lower light and a bit of moisture in the air, it is a pleasure to step outside, smell the air and view one's surroundings.  You may recall, we had been on chrysalis watch after seeing the caterpillar stage of a Papilio polyxenes or American swallowtail.  You saw this several blogs ago, but just as a reminder, here is the caterpillar stage.


It was quite exciting when I noticed a chrysalis on a lavender stem.  Having no clue what would eventually emerge from it, all I could do is wait. Probably a butterfly, but which butterfly?  There is an abundance of swallowtails flying the neighborhood, in addition to many other butterflies. Reading that the chrysalis stage lasts between 7 and 10 days, and that the speed depended on the temperature, the best I could do is check every day to make sure it was still intact. You may remember this from my 21 July blog.

Chrysalis 2024Chrysalis 2024

Last Thursday, as was our habit, we were about to go for our standard three mile walk when Fred came into the house saying "You had better grab your camera now."  The rather rough looking off-white object in the lower left hand third of the photograph, was torn and empty, and a female black swallowtail was drying its wing.  I have chased butterflies with my cameras for years, but have never seen one newly emerged, with all the wings perfectly intact, undamaged, and ready to fly.  The female of the species is very different from the male, the dots of which are bright yellow rather than a light cream color, as shown in the image below.  Both sexes have the blue and orange markings on their wings.


Butterflies - black swallowtail Papilio polyxenes) 1 2024Butterflies - black swallowtail Papilio polyxenes) 1 2024

Butterflies - black swallowtail Papilio polyxenes) 1A 2024Butterflies - black swallowtail Papilio polyxenes) 1A 2024


Who would have thought that concrete and macadam pavement would provide such interesting backdrops?

Butterflies - black swallowtail Papilio polyxenes) 4 2024Butterflies - black swallowtail Papilio polyxenes) 4 2024

Butterflies - black swallowtail Papilio polyxenes) 2 2024Butterflies - black swallowtail Papilio polyxenes) 2 2024 Butterflies - black swallowtail Papilio polyxenes) 5 2024Butterflies - black swallowtail Papilio polyxenes) 5 2024 Butterflies - black swallowtail Papilio polyxenes) 72024Butterflies - black swallowtail Papilio polyxenes) 72024  


After having seen the evolution from caterpillar to butterfly, I now know why children get such a thrill out of cutting a plant stem with a caterpillar on it, putting it in a jar, watching it create a chrysalis, and then become a butterfly.  A better demonstration of one of nature's wonders is hard to find, and it was just plain lucky to see and photograph it.


Thanks to Anne, Marilyn R., Lisa S., Jean & Sam, Catherine S., Barbara F. R., TTT, Dave O., Paule, Steve, Brenda, M.Fred, Marilyn G., Lawrence, and Char for your very kind comments about last week's blog featuring Fred's rugs.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©



(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) black swallowtail Blacks Crossing Photography butterflies Daryl A. Black nature New Mexico Papilio polyxenes photography Sun, 04 Aug 2024 22:25:46 GMT
weaving on Musings on art, artists, and craftspeople are endless.  What, when and where we do our work and why.  The process.  The goals.  It is different for every person but usually there are several common reasons - the personal need to create, coupled with the need to make a living, along with the desire to improve and reach a pinnacle in the work you are doing.  Which is generally followed by reaching for other heights.  I suspect it is similar in that regard to the athletes in the Olympic Games going on now in Paris.  Every single athlete is reaching for a goal and achieving it in astounding ways.  With artists, it is quieter and sometimes more solitary.  But the work continues.  As is the case with Fred's weaving.  People frequently ask "How long does it takes to weave a rug?"  It varies with each piece and the technicality of it.  But he usually weaves roughly six hours every day on his trusty and well-worn Rio Grande style walking loom.  As in any art, including photography, he learns something every single time he stands at the loom, with his brain absorbing the information while contemplating the next piece.  It is up to me to capture his work for social media and his portfolio.  

Rug 409, is a particularly complex rug, involving design, geometry, and architecture or engineering.  As you can see in the top of the image below, he starts on the drafting table drawing the design before proceeding to the loom.  It will probably take a month to complete.

Rug 409 in progressRug 409 in progress

Although at first glance, a viewer might think it is either Aztec or Mayan in feel, but it really is a Celtic knot of his own design.

Rug 409 detail 1Rug 409 detail 1


Rug 408 is a blend of Southwestern themes, as well as elements of the arts and crafts movement.

Rug 408Rug 408 Rug 408 in progressRug 408 in progress



Rug 407, with its flattened triangles (which in Navajo weaving represent  "K'os Yisheh" or cloud terraces) is bold and dramatic.

Rug 407Rug 407 Rug 407 in progress 2024Rug 407 in progress 2024


The rugs above are made of 100% Navajo-Churro wool, both warp and weft.  All three of these rugs will be among 18 Fred will feature in his booth at the Santa Fe Wool Festival, Saturday and Sunday, October 5 & 6 at the Santa Fe County Fairgrounds.

Thanks to Fred for continuing to create and carry on traditional weaving.  And thanks to Connie, Gustavo, TTT, Jean & Sam, Steve, Catherine, and Marilyn G. for commenting last week.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) big sage artisans blacks crossing photography daryl a. black fred black navajo churro wool new mexico photography rugs weaving Mon, 29 Jul 2024 15:25:20 GMT
holidays, markets, and sports During a week, a month actually, when Americans and many in the world have been on a political roller coaster ride, life in nature continued, as it does. I discovered a chrysalis on a lavender plant and am awaiting the butterfly's emergence.  If you look carefully, you can see how it is attached to the lavender stem.

Chrysalis 2024Chrysalis 2024

It is also the height of the travel season for many.  They are on holiday, scattered around the world, enjoying time away from jobs and the news.  And there are a good many who are home but glued to their televisions or are actually on the roadways now, watching the Tour de France, which was won for the third time as I write (spoiler alert) by Tadej Pogacar  And the Olympic Games opening ceremony is this Friday in Paris.  Given those, I recommend viewing The Boys in the Boat on Amazon Prime.  The Boys in the Boat is based on the 1936 Olympic rowing event, and how an underdog junior varsity team from the University of Washington is chosen, trained, and makes its way into national and international races. Based on the true story turned into a narrative non-fiction novel by Daniel James Brown, it is an uplifting story for the ages.  

Released in 2023, Tour de France Unchained is airing on Netflix, and goes into the inner workings, strategies, mayhem, injuries, and brut strength that these cycling men/machines possess.  Quite frankly, I cannot even imagine how much food each of the cyclists consumes to make it through even part of a single stage.  Although the gentleman below is obviously not participating in the Tour, my bet he has pretty decent quads driving this rig around the streets of Bratislava.



Bicycles are everywhere in Europe.  They are major means of transport.  No wonder the Tour means so much to so many.


Thanks to Barbara F. R., Gustavo, Kay C., Catherine S., Paule, Rebecca, Steve, and M. Fred for your comments last week.



I found this quotation in the beginning of a book I am reading and thought it appropriate.

"The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper."    W. B. Yeats

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) germany slovakia blacks crossing photography bratislava daryl a. black new mexico photography regensburg spanish market Mon, 22 Jul 2024 00:13:26 GMT
sacrificial parsley The heat of summer 2024 continues to break records throughout the northern hemisphere, as does the number of people traveling.  And just as many were settling into well-deserved vacations, the breaking weekend news brought the United States to an abrupt halt.  Now it is Monday and the beginning of the work week.  Life will proceed, as it always does, one way or another, in the whole of the natural world.  That world never ceases to amaze me, as I continue to scan and observe it.

Each spring, I plant basil seeds in pots in order to have an ample supply of it for pesto.  And I always planted parsley in Taos County as well.  It was quite hardy and apparently either reseeded or wintered over in our raised beds, so it seemed a good idea to plant some here as well.  The first year's crop evolved into a second, third, and now fourth year.  It really is quite a resilient and lovely plant.  Normally, I will clip some for a number of different dishes.  When I looked down at it yesterday, I saw a caterpillar or worm on it.  At first blush, I thought it was a tomato worm, but should have known better because they are quite green and have horns.  This particular caterpillar was different.  Papilio polyxenes or the American (or black) swallowtail reminded me of a koshare, with its clown stripes and dots of color.  The striping is simply perfect.  Doing research, I learned that their preferred food is parsley.  What are the chances that this caterpillar shows up in a pot in our yard, when probably no one else in the neighborhood is growing parsley? Apparently decent because now two caterpillars are here, and I figure it is worth the sacrifice of some parsley for the beauty that it is and will be as a butterfly and pollinator.   




If you look carefully or zoom in, you can see little nails or grippers that firmly hold the parsley stem as they chew.  They truly are little eating machines.  



Quite frankly, I can't wait to see the butterflies in their fullness next month.  


Thanks to Sara, Jean & Sam, Marilyn R., Catherine, TTT, Steve, Barbara F. R., and Marilyn G. for writing this week! 

until next Monday


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) black swallowtail butterfly caterpillar Blacks Crossing Photography caterpillars Daryl A. Black nature New Mexico photography Mon, 15 Jul 2024 14:53:45 GMT
mallow family, otra vez Several blogs ago, I indicated that there would probably be more hollyhock photographs featured.  Since the flowers are "time sensitive" and I need to take the photographs while I can, today's blog is the vehicle for a few more shots.  With this year's early monsoonal activity in New Mexico, there may be additiional blooms later, but one has to strike while the iron is hot, as it were.

It seems to be the case that hollyhocks grow and thrive in poor soil, the same that many gardeners try desperately to amend year after year.  But don't be fooled.  They are quite choosy.  A bit like paintbrush, which is very site-specific, hollyhock seeds plant themselves where they will grow and thrive, despite where we think they should be growing.  Which made me wonder about a plant in the gravel at the corner of a house several blocks away.  It does not appear to have been planted.  And the leaves were different than any hollyhocks I had seen here.  They looked more like Boston ivy leaves, coming to a point at the end rather than round.  On further inspection, I had to think this was a hibiscus or Rose of Sharon rather than a hollyhock.  In the same family (Malvaceae - the Mallow family), they look much more tropical (as most hibiscus are) than hollyhocks, probably because the hundreds of species like the tropics.  But we are lucky to have some that grow in Albuquerque and Santa Fe (with additional warmth from southern exposure and warm walls).  The following two images are of the local Rose of Sharon, looking quite Hawaiian. 

    Hibiscus/Rose of Sharon 2 7/24Hibiscus/Rose of Sharon 2 7/24

Hibiscus/Rose of Sharon 3  7/24Hibiscus/Rose of Sharon 3 7/24


Compare those to the hollyhock images that follow.  It seems to me that new colors appear every year.  There must be some mixing and matching going on among the species and subspecies.

Hollyhocks 3 7/24Hollyhocks 3 7/24
Hollyhocks 1 7/24Hollyhocks 1 7/24

Even the white flowers shine.  There is a lot going on here.

Hollyhocks 6 7/24Hollyhocks 6 7/24
Hollyhocks 2 7/24Hollyhocks 2 7/24

The color of the hollyhock flowers below is magnificent, elevating themselves to royalty in the garden.

Hollyhocks 7 7/24Hollyhocks 7 7/24


But they also serve the photographers working in black and white well.

Hollyhocks 4 7/24Hollyhocks 4 7/24


My gratitude goes to Jean and Sam, Marilyn R., Tim, TTT, Victoria, Barbara F. R., Steve, Ingrid, and Marilyn G. for writing about last week's blog.


I hope the summer continues to present plentiful photographic opportunities in your lives.  

until next Monday,


a passion for the image© 

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) blacks crossing photography daryl a. black flowers hibiscus hollyhocks malvaceae nature new mexico photography Mon, 08 Jul 2024 15:21:23 GMT
oddities The unusual, the slightly weird, or odd attracted my camera this week.  Matter of fact, I had intended the entire blog to be devoted to another agave or century plant that is blooming in the neighborhood.  It seems odd to me that two different plants around the corner from each other would bloom in successive years.  But they did.  Mind you, because I do not know the provenance of either agave, there is no way of knowing how old they are, their place of origin or how old the plants were when they arrived in the area.  Last years huge specimen had yellow buds and flowers while this year's is sporting coral colored buds that are oddly rendering yellow flowers.  That is the joy of nature.

But yesterday morning, while having coffee on our small patio, there were very little creatures crawling around on the sandstone.  Strange things happen after a hard rain in New Mexico and Saturday night, there was a righteous thunderstorm, yielding 1.05 inches of rain.  Literally, things crawl out of many places after it rains in earnest.  On closer inspection, Fred noticed that they were snails.  Knowing full well that some of you may think of snails as the bane of your existence, I nonetheless had to photograph them just because we have never had them anywhere we have lived.  And they were really, really small.  So in addition to the macro lens, a tape measure was required for scale.  Thus, both the snails and the agave blooms made it into today's blog.


Beginning with the agave, here is the beautiful desert plant as most people see it in a native environment....



...or in a garden


And from this emerges a 10 foot high bloom stalk that yields heaven for bees and other pollinators.  Everything that appears to be a dark spot on the image is a bee in motion.  Looking at the flowers, I feel connected to ancient history.

Agave in bloom 6 2024Agave in bloom 6 2024

Agave in bloom 4 2024Agave in bloom 4 2024

Agave in bloom 3 2024Agave in bloom 3 2024 Agave in bloom 2 2024Agave in bloom 2 2024 Agave in bloom 5 2024Agave in bloom 5 2024


Moving on to another ancient creature, the humble snail.  These gastropods have been around since the Paleozoic era, some 520 million years ago.  To catch these little wonders, I used a macro lens and a fill flash.

Snails 1 2024Snails 1 2024


Looking closely, you can see the "snail trail" left by the foot as a communication tool for other snails.  

Snail 4 2024Snail 4 2024 Snails 3 2024Snails 3 2024

 With two thunderstorms yielding 2.54 inches here June (not a lot for many parts of the world but for the drier climes of New Mexico it is substantial), I await more oddities to photograph as July begins.

Thanks to Tim, Lawrence, Jean & Sam, Larry & Carol M., M. Fred, Catherine, Steve, Barbara F. R., Kay, and Ingrid for commenting on last week's blog.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©





(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) agave blacks crossing photography daryl a. black flowers nature new mexico photography snails Mon, 01 Jul 2024 15:24:17 GMT
a fly on the wall A fly on the wall is widely thought of as a person who wishes to be or actually is witness to something without being seen or heard.  It is what I try to be as a photographer during a wedding, or in public places or events.  The expression has also been applied to a type of filmmaking ' on the wall documentaries' which are films of real life situations supposedly made without affecting the behaviour [of the participants]. (from o'  The writer in that O'Reilly piece indicated that "The first citation of it that I can find is from The Oakland Tribune, February 1921: “I'd just love to be a fly on the wall when the Right Man comes along.”  I suspect most people have uttered the statement multiple times.  

This week, I was not a fly on the wall, but a dragonfly on the wall did capture my attention.  My knowledge of many species in the insect world is somewhat lacking, so when I noticed the dragonfly, not only did my camera emerge, but after downloading the first collection of images, I returned to do research.  Because the dragonfly stayed in the same location for hours, I was able to photograph it at four different times that day.  As far as I can tell, I saw my first Variable Darner or Aeshna interrupta.  It is in the family Aeshnidaeand according to the Montana Field Guide, darners are among the largest and fastest-flying North American dragonflies.   Wikipedia indicates that the variable darner is native to the mountains of New Mexico, among other places including Alaska, and the Northern Territories, New Hampshire, and Michigan.  One of those widely scattered insects. Still, it was exciting to see one at close range and have the opportunity to photograph it.

Dragonflies have heads (with compound eyes), thorax, (which looks like some sort of tool for automobile repair) and abdomen - the multicolored sections with two dark colored things (technical term) - at the end.  They are the Cercus/clasper and the Epiproct, which are identifiers of the male of the species.  There will not be a test, I promise.

Butterflies and dragonflies 5 2024Butterflies and dragonflies 5 2024


 I never realized until seeing it in close proximity that the wings are so incredibly reflective.  Absolutely pure and beautiful design courtesy of nature.  The first three photographs in the series were made around 10:45 in the morning, when the wall on which I found the dragonfly was still in the shade, but enough light was coming from opposing surfaces to light the wings and make them reflective.  

Butterflies and dragonflies 1 2024Butterflies and dragonflies 1 2024


Butterflies and dragonflies 2 2024Butterflies and dragonflies 2 2024


At 11:50, the refraction of light through the wings onto the textured wall was something I simply could not ignore.
Butterflies and dragonflies 3 2024Butterflies and dragonflies 3 2024



The light had changed enough at 1:30 in the afternoon that the stained glass effect of the wings warranted another and very different take. 

Butterflies and dragonflies 4 2024Butterflies and dragonflies 4 2024


Now that northern hemisphere summer is here in earnest, I hope each of you has plentiful opportunities to witness what it has to offer.  

Many thanks to Orlando, Jean & Sam, Barbara F. R., Robert, Sara, TTT, Catherine, Jean, Lisa S., Steve, Dick & Carol, and M. Fred for writing this week. 


until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) aeshna interrupta Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black dragonflies insects nature New Mexico photography Variable Darner Sun, 23 Jun 2024 22:34:15 GMT
Las Varas de San José Life long learning, in its most simple form, can be achieved by watching, regardless of where you are.  A week without it is incomplete.  The past week was overflowing, courtesy of a flower that is exploding into bloom throughout Santa Fe right now - the hollyhock.  A member of the Malvaceae family, the hollyhock or Alcea rosea, has quite a story to tell.  According to an article in the Santa Fe Botanical Garden website written by Susan Bruneni, Alcea rosea or the hollyhock, came to New Mexico like many different growing things, via Spanish explorers. "When Juan de Oñate headed north along the Rio Grande with a party of settlers, livestock, and Old World plants, tiny hollyhock seeds they called Las Varas de San Jose (St. Joseph’s staff) were tucked in with their supplies. The Spanish believed these plants brought good luck from St. Joseph. And they proved they indeed brought good luck by their ability to flourish in the harsh northern New Mexico climate when other plants could not survive."  And although the flowers seem to have their own site specific locations which include medians, and less than ideal soil, when the seeds have exactly what they need, they thrive. Below are four images of  beautiful "double" hollyhocks.

Flowers - hollyhocks double white 1 2024Flowers - hollyhocks double white 1 2024 Flowers - hollyhocks double pink 2 2024Flowers - hollyhocks double pink 2 2024 Flowers - hollyhocks double pink 1 2024Flowers - hollyhocks double pink 1 2024 Flowers - hollyhocks double white 2 2024Flowers - hollyhocks double white 2 2024

The story of the hollyhock is far from exclusive to New Mexico.  Bruneni (again in the Santa Fe Botanical Garden article), "Alcea, is a genus of about 60 species of flowering plants in the mallow family Malvaceae.  They are native to Asia but are high adaptable to different climates and are now found throughout the United States and eastern Canada.  They were first mentioned in England in "Grete Herbal" by John Gerard in 1597 as arriving in Britain in 1573, probably from China by way of Palestine."   After reading this, I will never see the hollyhock, which seems so iconic to Santa Fe gardens, in the same way.  Today's blog features a small sampling of the flowers.  There are so many that another blog featuring them may be in the offing at a later date. 

Flowers - hollyhocks fuchsia 2024Flowers - hollyhocks fuchsia 2024

Flowers - hollyhocks  pink 1 2024Flowers - hollyhocks pink 1 2024

Flowers - hollyhocks yellow 2 2024Flowers - hollyhocks yellow 2 2024

Flowers - hollyhocks yellow 1 2024Flowers - hollyhocks yellow 1 2024

After all of the colors that seem to exist within the body of the genus, the white ones make their own statement, including a bee photo bomb.

Flowers - hollyhocks white 1 2024Flowers - hollyhocks white 1 2024

Flowers - hollyhocks white 2 2024Flowers - hollyhocks white 2 2024


Thanks to Barbara F. R., Tim, Pauli, Kay C., Catherine, Sara, Orlando, TTT, Louise, and Steve for commenting on last week's blog.


I hope your Summer Solstice week (on Thursday) is filled with all the good things that mark summer, including hollyhocks!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©



(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Alcea rosea Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black flowers hollyhocks nature New Mexico photography Santa Fe Botanical Garden Susan Bruneni Mon, 17 Jun 2024 15:10:01 GMT
into the rarified air With high temperatures predicted in the mid-90s, it seemed like the perfect time to head to the mountains and inhale that rarified air one encounters at 10 to 11,400 feet in elevation.  Although we have walked the Aspen Vista trail/service road for the Santa Fe Ski Basin a number of times during the years since returning to Santa Fe, we had not gone all the way to the open rocky area for some time.  With crystal clear blue skies and not a cloud around, thunderstorms and lightning were not a problem.  Definitely a good time to put in a few more miles than normal.  It was definitely worth it.  Below is a photograph of one of the rock outcroppings, northeast of which are the radio towers and the top of the ski area.   You can see patches of snow in the right middle of the photograph.  Although there were lots of puddles on the trail, we did not walk through snow or mud.   There were, however, still some large patches of snow along the sides of the trail above 11,000 feet.

Aspen Vista/Santa Fe Ski Area road rock pileAspen Vista/Santa Fe Ski Area road rock pile

We were unaware of a companion in the rocks until it appeared as we were resting and enjoying the view.  Affectionately known as a GMGS, this golden mantled ground squirrel had grown up on snacks from hikers.  Had it been able to speak human, it would have asked us what was on the menu.  Regardless, its request was pretty obvious.

Animals - golden mantled ground squirrel 1 2024Animals - golden mantled ground squirrel 1 2024

Animals - golden mantled ground squirrel 2 2024Animals - golden mantled ground squirrel 2 2024

Animals - golden mantled ground squirrel 3 2024Animals - golden mantled ground squirrel 3 2024


Along the road were a number of late spring/early summer flowers.  There is going to be a bumper crop of wild strawberries this year.  I had not noticed walking on the way up that distributed within their numbers were also Canadian violets.  The retina-burning brightness of the white at high altitude is stunning, not to mention the clarity of the flower's center.  Almost like an eyelash winking at you.

Flowers - Canadian white violet 1 2024Flowers - Canadian white violet 1 2024 Flowers - Canadian white violet 2 2024Flowers - Canadian white violet 2 2024


Mountain parsley is scattered along the road...

Flowers - mountain parsley 2024Flowers - mountain parsley 2024


as is the western wallflower, on which painted lady butterflies (I trust you will correct me if that is wrong, Clyde) were feasting.

Butterflies - Painted Lady on western wallflower 1 2024Butterflies - Painted Lady on western wallflower 1 2024



This painted lady was working on a dandelion.
Butterflies - Painted Lady on western wall flower 2 2024Butterflies - Painted Lady on western wall flower 2 2024



Because of the lack of wind, dandelions that had gone to seed were perfect in shape and detail.

Flowers - dandelion seed head 1 2024Flowers - dandelion seed head 1 2024


Finally, the early afternoon light was playing on a scarlet paintbrush in the shade of aspens.

Flowers - scarlet paintbrush 1 2024Flowers - scarlet paintbrush 1 2024   


Thanks to Jean & Sam, Marilyn G., TTT, Steve, Catherine, and Ingrid for commenting on the blog site this week, and to others who comment via email, text, phone, or in person.  It is always good to hear from you.  I hope you have an excellent week of photography and exploration!

until next Monday,


  a passion for the image©   

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) blacks crossing photography canadian violet dandelion flowers and seed pods daryl a. black gmgs golden mantled ground squirrel mountain parsley nature new mexico paintbrush flowers painted lady butterfly photography scarlet paintbrush western wallflower white violet Sun, 09 Jun 2024 21:41:20 GMT
He called me a "penstemaniac" Years ago, when Santa Fe Greenhouses had a thriving business on Siler Road, where gardeners from around the state would fill the parking lot and be almost elbow to elbow with fellow enthusiasts and professionals alike, I was wandering around the greenhouses and open areas looking for assorted penstemons.  The late and great co-owner of the place (with his wife, Eva) came over to say "Hi".  We had been taking taekwondo classes together and invariably after class, many of us would ask him questions about gardening and specific plants.  David Salman's knowledge of plants and growing things was amazing, and he was always gracious about sharing.  He had a degree in horticulture, but it was his curiosity about how things work along with his way of infecting everyone who entered the place with his enthusiasm that made him a giant in the industry.  According to an online article by Julianne Mobilian about Salman, he was "a pioneer of waterwise gardening, passionate plant explorer, and charismatic storyteller."  And, given the wide variety of penstemons he bred and made available to the public, he probably enjoyed them as much as I did. Thus, when he came over to greet me that Saturday saying "You must be a penstemanic",  I was puzzled, until I realized I only had penstemons in the wagon.  I guess I was and did not know it.  Well, two more varieties were added to our garden this year.  One variety, Red Rocks, has just started to bloom, complementing the Rocky Mountain variety we brought here from our place in Taos County, and the pine leaf Penstemons I planted two years ago.  Thought it would be good to share with you as David did with so many.

I have been curious about the fact that the flowers, and actually stems of all Penstemons, are quite hairy.  Apparently, the hairiness is a way to encourage bees and insects to go deeper into the flower.  So while you are viewing the photographs, check out all the little hairs that grace the flowers.  The following images are of Penstemon (beardtongue) Red Rocks.  You can see the little hairs all over the flowers.

Flowers - Penstemon "Red Rocks" 4Flowers - Penstemon "Red Rocks" 4

Flowers - Penstemon "Red Rocks"2Flowers - Penstemon "Red Rocks"2



I made a few adjustments to this particular image, giving it a more painterly look.

Flowers - Penstemon "Red Rocks" 1Flowers - Penstemon "Red Rocks" 1

Flowers - Penstemon "Red Rocks" 4Flowers - Penstemon "Red Rocks" 4

We had quite a few Rocky Mountain penstemon plants at our place in Taos County and brought a few with us to Santa Fe,  They have been thriving for four years.  I am always torn about how to describe their look - The Rolling Stones "Hot Lips" logo, the whales I see in the buds, or just plain alien creatures.  

Flowers - Penstemon "Rocky Mountain" 1Flowers - Penstemon "Rocky Mountain" 1

Another image made painterly.

Flowers - Penstemon "Rocky Mountain" 2Flowers - Penstemon "Rocky Mountain" 2

Flowers - Penstemon "Rocky Mountain" 3Flowers - Penstemon "Rocky Mountain" 3


Finally, the Penstemon pinifolius.  This penstemon makes tidy mounds of red-orange tubes, attracting insects and hummingbirds alike.  

Flowers - Penstemon pinifolius 1Flowers - Penstemon pinifolius 1 Flowers - Penstemon pinifolius 2Flowers - Penstemon pinifolius 2


You can still find a wide selection of growing things through the High Country Gardens website,
 also a creation of the Salmans.  The plants are always superb and arrive in perfect condition.  Even in our less than desirable soil, they never cease to thrive.  Thanks, David!  You left the world quite a legacy.

And my gratitude to Terry T., Ann A., Veronica, TTT, Victoria, Brenda, Peggy, Sam & Jean, Catherine, Christine, Barbara F. R., Steve, and Lisa for your kind words this week.

Go forward with cameras and phones in hand to capture images of your own world during this first week in June.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©




(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) blacks crossing photography daryl a. black flowers High Country Gardens nature new mexico penstemon penstemon pinifolius penstemon rocky mountain photography red rocks Sun, 02 Jun 2024 22:18:53 GMT
memories Today is Memorial Day in the United States.  Several things presented themselves over the past month that made me ponder photography and how important photography is to memories and to the act of recording them as they happen.  Every single photograph you or I have ever taken is a memory of something - an item we can keep in a book or view on a screen throughout our lives.  

A friend of mine attended a wedding in Lake Tahoe two weekends ago and was kind enough to send photographs from the wedding.  Two photographers and a videographer documented the event, and the images are stunning.   It made me think about the weddings and engagement events I have photographed over nearly 50 years, and how important they really are.  If the couple remains together throughout their lives (or not), chances are, few things from the wedding or commitment ceremony - be it lavish or intimate - make it through what are probably multiple moves, and natural disasters effecting peoples' homes and lives.  (Some brides keep their wedding dresses.  The one shown below has probably been kept in an elaborate box.)  But the past week and weekend have been an example of the havoc nature can add to life.  Chances are, photographs remain in some format, representing a singular moment in time.  


Bride at South Fork, Colorado

Weddings - Robin JamesWeddings - Robin James



So my mission for the last three days was to take a deep dive into my assorted photographic formats - CDs, digital, slides, and prints - in order to make my website "wedding" gallery as interesting and impactful as it can be.  More is not necessarily better.  I was looking at the the best for the gallery, and it was full of far too much.  Remembering, I include a few of the  most interesting, funky, and lovely of almost 50 years of wedding and event photography.



engagement shoot with Jessica and Joe along the Santa Fe River
Engagements - Jessica and Joe  at Santa Fe RiverEngagements - Jessica and Joe at Santa Fe River



  engagement shot,  Ashley and Gene, Taos, New Mexico
Ashley and Gene engagement photographsAshley and Gene engagement photographs


Not all wedding photographs feature both bride and groom, as the photo below demonstrates.  It features the groom with the flower girl, and is one of my favorites.

Grubb-Trujillo wedding 2011Grubb-Trujillo wedding 2011


bridesmaid along the windy Rio Grande del Norte in southern Colorado

WEP - Wettig-Davis wedding (11 of 12)-2WEP - Wettig-Davis wedding (11 of 12)-2


a work of art in itself, the wedding cake

Babb-Varianien wedding final-101Babb-Varianien wedding final-101


Kara and Eero at Prairie Star, Santa Ana Pueblo near Albuquerque

Kara and EeroKara and Eero



Christie and her father Earle, greater Los Angeles area

bride and her fatherbride and her father



Jessica and Joe at Leaping Deer Ranch in Sapello, New Mexico

Joseph and Jessica in his headJoseph and Jessica in his head



Cathy and Javier, Hannagan Meadow Lodge, White Mountains, Arizona

Hannagan's Meadow bride and groomHannagan's Meadow bride and groom


WEP - Watkins-Telles wedding (4 of 11)WEP - Watkins-Telles wedding (4 of 11)


As I wait for Zenfolio to complete their weekend's work on the website platform along with the shift to an archival system, I will continue to make my galleries more interesting and less cluttered.

Thanks to Barbara F. R., Victoria, Jean & Sam, Steve, Rebecca, Bill P. Christina W., and Marilyn G. for writing this week! 

I hope you had a safe, thoughtful, and peaceful Memorial Day weekend, and that the week ahead opens a summer of photography, good work, friends, and family to you.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image© 








(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black memories New Mexico photography photography as history weddings Mon, 27 May 2024 01:15:38 GMT
evolving spring yellow It has been a banner year, despite less than normal moisture, for all blooming things.  So after a brief period of photographing, documenting, and delivering Fred's Navajo-Churro wool items to both Tierra Wools in Chama and to Centinela near Chimayo, I returned to photographing new flowers.  Yellow is the color of the week in this photographer's garden, and I once again turn to Kassia St. Clair's The Secret Lives of Color to describe a few of the flowers I photograph.  The first was Acid Yellow, which St. Clair indicated is used in many emojis and the smiley faces so common in our culture.  It is basically the color of the garden iris that seem to have been planted, grew, and were divided everywhere in the neighborhood.  We inherited a few with the house.  

Flowers - iris 1 2024Flowers - iris 1 2024

Flowers - iris 2 2024Flowers - iris 2 2024


According to the website Color Wheel Artist, "A Tint is sometimes also called a Pastel. But to be  precise, Color Theory defines a True Tint as any Hue or mixture of pure colors with only White added."  To demonstrate, I include a bud of the combine hybrid "Early Bird Yellow" below.

Flowers - columbine (yellow) 1 2024Flowers - columbine (yellow) 1 2024



As far the Swallowtail Columbine is concerned, the flowers are yet a different tint of yellow, which also changes as the flower opens and evolves.  This bud lets us know that the flower will be yellow, but the tints can be very different as demonstrated below in the shots of the maturing bud and of the nearly open flower.   

Flowers - columbne (Swallowtail) 3 2024Flowers - columbne (Swallowtail) 3 2024  

Flowers - columbine (Swallowtail) 2 2024Flowers - columbine (Swallowtail) 2 2024

Flowers - columbine (Swallowtail) 1 2024Flowers - columbine (Swallowtail) 1 2024

Thanks to Lawrence, Christina, Jean & Sam, TTT, Marillyn R., Rebecca A., Barbara F. R., Steve, Catherine, Karla, and M. Fred B. for chiming in on last week's blog!

With luck, all of you reading today will be able to capture nature - either with your camera or as a memory - as the yellow of spring evolves.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Aquilegia Blacks Crossing Photography Color Wheel Artist columbine Daryl A. Black flowers iris Kassia St. Clair nature New Mexico photography Swallowtail columbine The Secret Lives of Color Sun, 19 May 2024 22:40:18 GMT
woven into a day When I awoke this morning, something was missing.  For the first time in two weeks, not one leaf on the aspen trees outside our bedroom window was moving.  The wind has been so consistent that the quiet - just for a moment - was odd.  But what a welcome change!  We managed to walk every day except one, and when we saw people on the street in the area, the responses ranged from "I'm going home.  The wind is too crazy", to "I am getting just a little tired of the wind."  Wind makes everything more difficult, but we still consider ourselves lucky.  I think about how amazing it is that the birds can survive.  And the men who were building a house near us had their hands full, applying tar paper and mesh before stucco, hoping it wouldn't take flight after they departed for the day.  But wind is part of nature and it does churn the water in lakes, bringing sediment to the surface, and keeping them healthy.   So we adapted, doing things like walking and watering in the early morning hours, and the remainders of the days were excellent for hunkering down.  For me, that meant doing photography when possible, and developing and organizing when the wind was in its howling mode.  Fred was weaving.  Part of the photography work this week was of his latest rug.  It was woven into the day.  But I thought I would feature some of his work since he completed Rug 400.     



Rug 401

Navajo Chiefs Blanket motif, with hand-dyed cochineal and indigo wool from Rainbow Fiber Coop, natural white from iii dog farm, and natural dark grey from Tierra Wools

Rug 401Rug 401

Detail, Rug 401

Rug 401 detailRug 401 detail



Rug 402

made of 100% Navajo-Churro wool, cochineal from Rainbow Fiber Coop, as well as natural dark and light grey, and dyed Tierra Amarilla from Tierra Wools 

Rug 402Rug 402




Rug 403

100% Navajo-Churro Wool from Tierra Wools.  The top and bottom panels of the rug are comprised of six different dye lots of Chile Colorado, while the center panel is natural light and dark grey.  The three panels are separated by Tierra Amarilla.  This rug is listed in the New Mexico True Summer Gift Guide.

Rug 403Rug 403




Rug 405

It is made of 100% Navajo-Churro wool from the Rainbow Fiber Coop, with a field of natural dark grey, punctuated by cochineal motifs sometimes called Chinle Stars.   

Rug 405Rug 405

Rug 405, under construction  

Rug 405 detailRug 405 detail


Thanks to Barbara F. R., TTT, Tim, Jean & Sam, Steve, Catherine S., Rebecca A., and Ingrid for commenting on last week's blog.  

I hope some of you were able to photograph the northern lights courtesy of solar flares this weekend, and that the coming week is a more gentle transition into late spring and early summer.

until next Monday,


 a passion for the image©  

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Big Sage Artisans Black Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black Fred iiidogfarm Navajo-Churro wool New Mexico photography Rainbow Fiber Coop Tierra Wools weaving Mon, 13 May 2024 01:38:37 GMT
spurred on "The genus name Aquilegia comes from the Latin "Aquila" or "eagle"; this is in obvious reference to the spurred, "hook" shapes within the blooms, that many gardeners say resemble an eagle's talons."  I have to ponder that one, from the good folks at Wikipedia.  But the spurs of all columbine flowers are definitely distinctive, and make identifying the Colorado state flower along with other varieties much easier.   The particular columbine I spent the week photographing - Origami Red and White - is most likely a hybrid of Aquilegia vulgaris, the European variety.  The Origami Red and White is a semi-dwarf variety, the flowers of which are large in relation to the plant and really pack a photographic punch.  The image below shows the cup with the yellow stamens inside.  There can be as many as fifty of these per flowers, and are quite apparent to hummingbirds as well as pollinating insects.        

Flowers - Aquilegia 'Origami red & white 1 2024Flowers - Aquilegia 'Origami red & white 1 2024  


As is always the case when I have camera in hand, my goal is to shoot from as many angles as possible.  The technique also enables me to view the spurs, which give the columbine a bit of an alien look.  In all the images below, you can clearly see the spurs.  What appears to be a glistening ball or blob on the end of each spur actually secretes nectar.  

Flowers - Aquilegia 'Origami red & white 5 2024Flowers - Aquilegia 'Origami red & white 5 2024

Flowers - Aquilegia 'Origami red & white 4 2024Flowers - Aquilegia 'Origami red & white 4 2024

Flowers - Aquilegia 'Origami red & white 6 2024Flowers - Aquilegia 'Origami red & white 6 2024

Flowers - Aquilegia 'Origami red & white 8 2024Flowers - Aquilegia 'Origami red & white 8 2024

Flowers - Aquilegia 'Origami red & white 9 2024Flowers - Aquilegia 'Origami red & white 9 2024

Flowers - Aquilegia 'Origami red & white 7 2024Flowers - Aquilegia 'Origami red & white 7 2024


Thanks to Victoria, Christina, Jean & Sam, Barbara F. R., Marilyn G., Steve, Charleen, and Carolyn S. for commenting this week!

I hope you are all "spurred on" to photograph your own world during the week ahead.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©




(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Aquilegia Blacks Crossing Photography Columbine Daryl A. Black flowers nature New Mexico photography Sun, 05 May 2024 23:08:23 GMT
more spring abundance Despite the temperature roller coaster ride in northern New Mexico this week, nature continues to surprise and amaze.  Nearly everyone I see while walking comments about how beautiful the trees and flowers look this year, some giving advice on where to look for particularly outstanding blooms.  It had to be, then, that at least one more blog would feature this spring abundance.  This time, with members of the lily or Liliaceae family, since all tulips are members of that botanical family.  As much as I tried, and spent plenty of time trying to identify the tulips I photographed this week, I only found one confirmed name.  But does it matter when they are showing off so brilliantly?  Like the plain yellow tulip - so complex and so stunning.  Even the bud is more than worth photographing.

tulip bud 2024 1tulip bud 2024 1


It doesn't take long for the buds to open, revealing all.  

Flowers - yellow tulip 2 2024Flowers - yellow tulip 2 2024



A little shadow play in the nearly unfurled bud.

    Flowers - yellow tulip 1 2024Flowers - yellow tulip 1 2024




Here is another specimen I had never seen before this year.  Again, I thought I had come close to a name but, alas did not.  We'll just have to settle on its looks!

Flowers - multicolored tulip 2024Flowers - multicolored tulip 2024


I found this tulip in a local cemetery.  Again, clueless as to the specific name.  

Flowers - rose colored tulip in cemetery 2024Flowers - rose colored tulip in cemetery 2024

Last but not least, some different photographs of the one tulip I think I identified. It is a species tulip Tulip clusiana.  I am grateful to Tami for planting it!

Flowers - Tulip clusiana 1 2024Flowers - Tulip clusiana 1 2024

Flowers - Tulip clusiana 2 2024Flowers - Tulip clusiana 2 2024


Many of you know that I collection quotations.  I have an overflowing binder and another folder packed with them, in addition to Barlett's Familiar Quotations.  I just felt that the words below written by Chicago Sun-Times film critic Roger Ebert was more than appropriate for spring and these times in which we are living.  He wrote it on the 2nd of May in 2009

"I believe that if, at the end of it all, according to our abilities, we have done something to make others a little happier, and something to make ourselves happier, that is about the best we can do.  To make others less happy is a crime.  To make ourselves unhappy is where all crime starts.  We must try to contribute joy to the world.  That is true no matter what our problems, our health, our circumstances.  We must try."


Thanks to Jim and Louise, Victoria, M. Fred, Barbara F. R., Marilyn G., Catherine S., Minna, Steve, Ingrid, Ann, and Pater for your comments this week!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black flowers Liliaceae family nature New Mexico photography tulip clusiana tulips Mon, 29 Apr 2024 04:16:40 GMT
an abundance of spring Many mornings last week, before the wind began its daily grind, I stood beneath ornamental apple, pear, plum, and peach trees, staring in awe at their blossoms, and inhaling one of the finest fragrances nature has to offer.  The hum of hundreds of bees made it absolutely mesmerizing.  It was as if I had been transported to an extraordinary place.  Needless to say, today's blog is image-heavy, and that is fine.    

I actually cannot recall the last time I saw a peach tree in bloom.  But a text from a friend last week asking if I would like to photograph her peach tree sent me into action.  What a display of varying shades of fuchsia!

Peach blossom 2024 1Peach blossom 2024 1

Peach blossom 2024 5Peach blossom 2024 5


Although I had been shooting multiple photographs of crab apple blossoms as well as pear blossoms throughout the week, it wasn't until I really looked at this bud along with the flat open characteristics of the fully revealed peach flowers that something hit me.  They were a bit like some of the Austrian copper roses growing in older areas of Santa Fe.  The reason is because many fruit trees belong to the Rosaceae or rose family.  The family includes apples, peaches, pears, plums, almonds, and apricots, along with numerous others.  The family contains 2,500+ species.  The peach bud below was a beauty.

Peach blossom 2024 4Peach blossom 2024 4  


Our neighbor, Carol's, pear tree, on the other hand, was a puzzle.  No one seemed to know what it was.  I spent hours over several days searching its characteristics on the internet and in numerous plant books without luck.  The closest I could come was either an ornamental pear tree or a crabapple.  The puzzlement was the fact that many ornamental pears were described as having blossoms that smelled like fish.  Her tree was just the opposite and had the most delightful smell for weeks.  Thankfully, another neighbor took a small sample to a local nursery where the person identified it.  

pear blossoms (ornamental) 2024 2pear blossoms (ornamental) 2024 2


Masses of white blossoms, the petals of which fall like snow flakes, created a beauty of their own.

pear petals on water 2pear petals on water 2  


Then there were the crabapple trees.  Since their bloom period is what I would call time-sensitive, I never tire of trying to capture them in slightly different ways to show them to the world.  At the risk of boring you, below is a small collection.

crabapple blossoms 2024 3crabapple blossoms 2024 3


Whether in sun, shadow, or silhouette, the clusters of flowers - near or from a distance - are a pleasure, and also offer some surprises.

crabapple blossoms 2024 8crabapple blossoms 2024 8

crabapple blossoms 2024 10crabapple blossoms 2024 10

crab apple blossoms and lady bugs 2024 1crab apple blossoms and lady bugs 2024 1

crab apple blossoms and lady bugs 2024 2crab apple blossoms and lady bugs 2024 2

crabapple blossoms 2024 6crabapple blossoms 2024 6

Finally, just to demonstrate that the flowers are not always the prize, this flowering plum has a trunk that was definitely influenced by the predominant winds out of the southwest.

Plum (ornamental) tree 2024Plum (ornamental) tree 2024


Thanks to Barbara for texting a photo of her peach tree and asking if I wanted to photograph it.  I am also grateful to Charleen, Ingrid, Terry T., Jean & Sam, Kay, Catherine, Steve, Rebecca, Marilyn G., Paule, Robert, and TTT for writing this week and for hanging hummingbird feeders.  May all of you be graced with blossoms and birds of many colors in the coming days.   

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) apples blacks crossing photography daryl a. black flowers nature new mexico peaches pears photography plums rose family spring still life Sun, 21 Apr 2024 16:54:14 GMT
deadlines and arrivals In the United States, 15 April is traditionally the deadline for submitting one's income tax forms/payments to the government.  Oddly enough, it also has become the near-official arrival date of hummingbirds in northern New Mexico.  And while living in Taos County, we began looking for these amazing creatures at the beginning of April, hanging a feeder even as temperatures dipped well below freezing, in which case, we would bring the feeder into the garage.  The first type of hummingbird to arrive was the broad-tailed hummer.  We knew because the male "scouts" arrive first, their wings making what is described as a metallic or cricket-like trill.  It is unlike anything else in nature, and when you hear it, you will know. However, considering the thousands of photographs I took while living there, I have none of the broad-tailed hummingbird with its fuchsia-colored throat.  

The black-chinned hummingbird is the next to arrive in the northern part of the state.  Even if they have to remain in stasis during a spring snow storm, as were the ones shown below.  They were just starting to awaken.  I took advantage of the situation to shoot some images.

hummingbird collection for blog 1hummingbird collection for blog 1

hummingbird collection for blog 2hummingbird collection for blog 2



In flight, as all hummingbirds are, they are mind-boggling machines.  According to, New Mexico has broad-tailed and black-chinned currently in residence short of an Anna's and two rufous sightings near Las Cruces.  They winter in the Seattle area, so it is no surprise they are not residents in New Mexico.  From Houston to Chicago and Florida to New York, the entire map is covered with Anna's hummingbird sightings.  No photographs of those either but the black-chinned keep us company.    

hummingbird collection for blog 4hummingbird collection for blog 4

hummingbird collection for blog 3hummingbird collection for blog 3


The great majority of photographs I shot over 20 summers were rufous.  They usually arrived in July, creating chaos at the four one-quart bird feeders we hung every year.  It made the aerial circus that much more interesting.  

hummingbird collection for blog 7hummingbird collection for blog 7

hummingbird collection for blog 6hummingbird collection for blog 6

hummingbird collection for blog 5hummingbird collection for blog 5


There is a reason they are called rufous which means reddish-brown in color, but sometimes the males are day-glow orange, as is the dude below.

hummingbird collection for blog 8hummingbird collection for blog 8

Looking at the map in Hummingbird Central, it appears there are hummers almost everywhere in the United States right now, so I hope you see or hear one speeding by in your neighborhood soon.  Many in the world have never seen one, and when they do for the first time, the fascination is endless.  May it be that way for you upon seeing the first one of the season!

Thanks for Louise, Tim, Jean & Sam, Carol M., Lawrence, Barbara F. R., Victoria, Steve, and Tomas for commenting on last week's blog.  

until next Monday,


a passion for the image@


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) black-chinned hummingbirds Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black hummingbirds nature New Mexico photography rufous hummingbirds Mon, 15 Apr 2024 01:11:50 GMT
little things Spring in New Mexico is unfurling at a faster pace each day.  The recent frost in parts of northern New Mexico was not deep enough to damage too much in the way of flowering tree blossoms, thankfully and ironically, due to the spring winds.  Anything that could take flight this week did, including a piece of pink day-glow plastic tape that may be a permanent fixture in the Russian olive tree in the open space near us.  Unless, that is, a raven finds it a fascinating piece of interior decoration for its nest.  Adding to the excitement of spring is the solar eclipse, beginning at 10:06 PDT, 11:06 MDT, 12:06 CDT, and 1:06 EDT.  The path of totality of that eclipse is across many of America's major cities, effecting many more than last year's annular eclipse that we in New Mexico witnessed last October.  People gathering in places in its path easily represents the biggest collective party of the year.

But it was little things in the garden that caught my attention.  When winds were light, I headed out with my camera to take advantage of the calm.  The Daffodil 'Tazetta Minnow' are sweet little things measuring barely an inch in circumference, and were among the first garden blooms this year.

Daffodil Tazetta Minnow 3Daffodil Tazetta Minnow 3

Daffodil Tazetta Minnow 1Daffodil Tazetta Minnow 1

Daffodil Tazetta Minnow 2Daffodil Tazetta Minnow 2  



Then there are the Ornithogalum dubium or Star of Bethlehem.  Part of the asparagus family and like the asparagus, they produce nice stalks of flowers.  

Ornithogalum Star of Bethlehem 3Ornithogalum Star of Bethlehem 3

Ornithogalum Star of Bethlehem 1Ornithogalum Star of Bethlehem 1

Ornithogalum Star of Bethlehem 2Ornithogalum Star of Bethlehem 2



Last but definitely not least, here is a Vinca bloom just awaiting its closeup in the detritus next to a water catchment container hose bib.



My thanks for Christina W., Tim, Suz, Veronica, Barbara F. R., Kay, Jean & Sam, Lisa, Peggy, Catherine, Steve, Paule, and Robert for writing this week, to Cristina for providing some of the subject matter, and to all of you for reading and following my sometimes wildly diverse subject matter!

May the world never cease to amaze you.  Happy Eclipsing!  

until next Monday,


a passion for the image© 


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daffodil Tazetta Minnow Daryl A. Black flowers nature New Mexico Ornithogalulm photography Star of Bethlehem Vinca Mon, 08 Apr 2024 15:26:06 GMT
product photography challenge Happy April Fool's Day!

This week's blog began because I needed a watch.  I have always loved watches and when Fred suggested he buy me a watch for my birthday, I hemmed and hawed for a minute or two and went to the computer to search for watches made in America by American small businesses.  There were more small businesses than I expected and an astounding number of watches.  Dive watches, aviators watches, dress watches.  Reasonably priced to extremely expensive.  And I wasn't even looking for a digital time piece or smart watch.  Going through the lists of "best American-made watches", I was finding the same companies featured.  Many of the watches seem to be made for men or those with larger wrists.  When I stumbled upon The Waterloo watch at DuFrane Watches, I did wonder if it would simply be too big.  So my next step was to send an email to the owner and watch designer Steven Lee with a wrist measurement.  He responded very quickly with photographs and measurements of the watch and strap.  In my mind, that was a really good sign.  After several more questions answered almost immediately, I placed the order, despite the name Waterloo and Napoleon's defeat.  Why name a watch Waterloo?  As it turns out, Waterloo is the short-lived, original name for what is now Austin, Texas, and apparently, many businesses carry the name.  From Waterloo Sparkling Water Company and Waterloo Records, to the Waterloo Ice House, usage of it is very common.

Looking at the great product photography on the DuFrane website, it was truly crazy for me to think I could equal that, which I absolutely did not. But since I had told Mr. Lee I would send him some images, I spent a good chunk of time working on that evasive image.  It was an excellent photographic challenge, in which soft but balance light is the key.  The first image comes close, with natural brown Navajo-churro wool from Cedar Mesa Ranch in Dolores, Colorado.

watch product photo 1watch product photo 1


The afternoon light in the image below is much too harsh, lending a more dramatic look, rather than soft.  On some level, it works.

watch product photo 5watch product photo 5


Then there are the images of me wearing the watch.  My skin is of a certain age that lends mostly freckles and spots rather than smoothness.  Makes the rocks a perfect backdrop.  Fred shot these images. 

watch product photo 3watch product photo 3



Since I started with a shot of the watch on wool, it just seem appropriate to include one my very multi-colored hair and the watch.

watch product photo 4watch product photo 4


The light on the watch and rug is balanced enough to bring out the best in the watch.  This is Fred's latest rug, 403.

watch product photo 5watch product photo 5

watch product photo 2watch product photo 2


My thanks to Barbara F. R., Ingrid, Jean & Sam, Victoria, Terry T., Char, Kay, Marilyn G., Catherine, Sara, TTT, Steve, Pauli, and Rebecca A. for commenting this week, to Carol, Pater, and Fred for encouraging me to use this as a blog subject, and to Steven Lee and Fred for providing the watch and backdrops.  

Spring has definitely arrived in New Mexico as well as many other places in the northern hemisphere, and my hope is that all of you embrace it and its many joys in the coming weeks!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image© 


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) American made Big Sage Artisans Blacks Crossing Photography Cedar Mesa Ranch Daryl A. Black DuFrane Watches Fred Black New Mexico photography product photography Steven Lee watches Mon, 01 Apr 2024 01:18:26 GMT
of blossoms and bees Taking a break from rendering the photographs I had shot of the first daffodil of the season, I walked to the window and, to my surprise, noticed that several apricot trees were in bloom.  It seemed a little early, and although there were flowering fruit trees in bloom at the Santa Fe Railyard Park, I had not seen any in the neighborhood.  That exciting occurrence sent me out the door with camera in hand to capture the first blossoms of the season on the two apricot trees in the neighborhood open space.  The two trees seem very happy and natural, since not much in the way of pruning or maintenance has been done on the branches, leaving them in gnarly glory.  I was ducking inside and out the branches, squatting down and also giving myself as much height as I could to capture the white blossoms and still encased buds.  

apricot blossoms 2 2024apricot blossoms 2 2024

apricot blossoms 1 2024apricot blossoms 1 2024

apricot blossoms 3 2024apricot blossoms 3 2024


Suddenly, flying insects were showing up on the camera monitor.  A closer look indicated that honey bees were already in residence, primed for pollen procurement.  It seemed early for the bees as well, but this was due to my lack of observation.  Oh, they had been here alright.  I just hadn't noticed.  The hairs on these bees appear as if a fine barber had given them a buzz cut on top, while the end of their abdomens are shiny black.  The wings are beautifully delineated, with sections that almost look like stained glass.   

apricot blossoms and bee 3 2024apricot blossoms and bee 3 2024

apricot blossoms and bee 4 2024apricot blossoms and bee 4 2024

apricot blossoms and bee 1 2024apricot blossoms and bee 1 2024

apricot blossoms and bee 2 2024apricot blossoms and bee 2 2024


Thanks to Ingrid, Jean & Sam, Barbara F. R., Cristina W., Lisa S., Pauli, and Steve for checking in and commenting last week.  

With luck, each of you will be able to make some exciting and interesting discoveries while out with your smart phones and cameras this week!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) apricot blossoms bees Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black flowers honey bees nature New Mexico photography Sun, 24 Mar 2024 20:08:07 GMT
a bit of the green Given that St. Patrick's Day celebrations have been going on all weekend, Major League Baseball games begin mid-week in Seoul, South Korea, spring breakers are headed in hordes to warmer and greener parts of the country, and the vernal or spring equinox is Tuesday, 19 March this year, it only seemed appropriate to show some green in this week's blog.  In elevations over 7,000 feet, spring is slower in coming, but bulbs are poking through the soil, despite what photographer extraordinaire Steve Immel eluded to last week, "when hasn't it snowed in March and April?"  Which is, of course, what it did this weekend.  Regardless, it is so interesting to me that the shoots of some bulbs go straight up through the soil and snow, while on others, the foliage that appears unfurls in almost otherworldly ways.  All bulbs look like lumps or mud balls, and yet, after they are placed into the ground, coming up when the time is right, they produce such stunning leaves and flowers.  That is the case with the tulip bulb. Tulip foliage is definitely photogenic.  The whirls and twists and leaves creating bowls give no hint as to the ultimate character of the bloom that awaits.

tulip foliage unfurling 1tulip foliage unfurling 1

tulip foliage unfurling 2tulip foliage unfurling 2

tulip foliage unfurling 5tulip foliage unfurling 5

tulip foliage unfurling4tulip foliage unfurling4

tullip foliage unfurling 3tullip foliage unfurling 3


I hope that however you celebrate spring, your cameras and phones go with you to capture incredible shots - from northern lights in Finland to baseball around the world, and pickleball in Arizona and Mexico!

Thanks to Barbara F. R., Ann A., Jean & Sam, Carol and Larry M., Marilyn G., Debbie S., Lluvia, Victoria, Peggy, Steve, Char, & Brenda for commenting last week!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©



(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography bulbs Daryl A. Black flowers nature New Mexico photography tulip bulbs Mon, 18 Mar 2024 01:07:35 GMT
signs of spring Signs of spring are everywhere in this second week of March.  The amount of daylight is becoming longer at an ever increasing rate as the Vernal Equinox - this year on 19 March - approaches.  Although there are no flowers in evidence just yet, in the early morning hours, a trip out the door ushers in a chorus of glorious noise from the bushes and trees.  The birds are keenly aware that the season is upon us.  Assorted finches, juncos, bluebirds, solitaires, sparrows, jays, crows, canyon and rufous sided towhees, and ravens are vying for attention.  But the robins in massive numbers are the most evident.  In addition to assorted chirps and other sounds, there are several songs they sing.  Set aside the fact that some of those probably mean, "Hey, this is my territory" or "I saw her first".  Whatever the reason, they are speed dating and making preparations to nest.  And the warmer temperatures lure them to assorted water dishes to bathe.  It seems there is nothing robins like more than bathing.   Note the lone solitaire on the rock, waiting for the basin to clear.




Depending on the dish size, several can bathe together while others drink.  Note the juncos hanging around the side of the dish in the upper third and lower half of this photograph.  They particularly like to slurp water off plants and other objects as the drops fall.




This robin required a private bath.


So as many of you plan or begin spring travel, I hope that your cameras and phones will accompany you to document the season.

Thanks to Barbara F. R., Robert, Tim, Jean & Sam, Kay C., TTT, Marilyn G., Steve, and Rebecca for writing this week!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) birds Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black juncos nature New Mexico photography robins solitaires spring wildlife Mon, 11 Mar 2024 15:24:17 GMT
walls talking Since the beginning of our existence on Planet Earth, humans have sought and developed the shelter they needed to stay alive and store necessities for that same purpose. The structures vary in construction, but most have one thing in common - walls.  Whether they are solid or flexible, walls provide safety from the elements and predators.  When Homo Sapiens had enough time and resources to embellish their surroundings, they did so. Perhaps it was a need to view something interesting on the inside of the walls, but decoration on both the interior and exterior came fairly early in our history.  It is not surprising that homes and buildings around the world have differing styles, types, and colors of finishes.  In every city, even one with fewer than 100,000 people, which is considered a "small" city like Santa Fe, the variety of walls and finishes is huge.  During the years of living in Santa Fe, I have heard people say something to the effect of "everything looks the same.  All seem to be the brown mud look.  How boring."  I beg to differ.

Walking through the Railyard and downtown areas, there is a wide variety of architectural adornment.  For example, the new dormitory at the New Mexico School for the Arts in the Railyard area has a combination of territorial style and art deco brick/tile parapets.  Generally, one or two layers of bricks are laid vertically, creating a sharp edging.  The Palace of the Governors and the Bataan Building are two examples of this style. But the School for the Arts has added two horizontal layers, giving the traditional design just a bit of an art deco look. 

Architecture - Santa Fe parapet treatment 1Architecture - Santa Fe parapet treatment 1


This multi-layered parapet treatment with red tile graduating into a double stacked territorial, is followed by connected diamonds, and finished with angled uprights on the face of the building at 271 West San Francisco, near the Lensic Theater.

Architecture - Santa Fe parapet treatment 2Architecture - Santa Fe parapet treatment 2


The shadow play of the architectural elements in the former Yoberri space, which now houses Henry and the Fish, definitely make the walls talk.

Architecture - Santa Fe papret treatmentArchitecture - Santa Fe papret treatment


The Lensic Theater, which is featured in the mosaic below created by youth artists from Fine Arts for Children and Teens (FACT) in 2003, reflects the pseudo-Moorish, Spanish Renaissance character of the building exterior.   The Lensic itself deserves a separate photo shoot and blog.   

Architecture - Santa Fe Lensic MosaicArchitecture - Santa Fe Lensic Mosaic

Demonstrating the fact that Santa Fe still carries some funk is Evaneglo's Cocktail Lounge "Santa Fe's favorite hangout and live music destination"near the Santa Fe Plaza on the corner of San Francisco and Galiseto.  Talk to anyone who has lived in Santa Fe since it was established in 1971 and, and I guarantee those walls will talk.

Architecture - Evangelo'sArchitecture - Evangelo's


On the corner of Palace and Cathedral stands the Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA) Museum of Contemporary Native Arts.  The Federal Building which was built between 1920 and 1922, and originally was the post office (along with other government offices), was renovated between 1990 and 1992 to house the museum. Like a number of the buildings in downtown, it was built of brick and reinforced concrete, and "the architects modeled the facade after the portico of Palace of the Governors and its central pavilion after the auditorium of Museum of Fine Arts."  (SAH Archipedia). The painting on the east side is the "graffiti inspired work of Yakita Starr Fields".

IAIA Museum of Contemporary Native ArtsIAIA Museum of Contemporary Native Arts

Finally, the Allan Houser Art Park on the west side of the museum, currently features a mural by Ehren Lee Natay (Kewa Pueblo-Dine').

Architecture - Santa Fe - IAIA gate and muralArchitecture - Santa Fe - IAIA gate and mural


Thank you for going on this tour of Santa Fe with me.  And thanks to Marilyn G., Catherine, Steve, TTT, Barbara F. R., and Jean & Sam for your comments last week.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©




(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) allan houser art park architectural embellishments architecture blacks crossing photography daryl a. black ehren lee natay institute of american indian arts museum of contemporary native arts mosaics new mexico parapets photography santa fe Sun, 03 Mar 2024 22:21:51 GMT
new reflecting old Since the first railroad train pulled into the city of Santa Fe in February of 1880, change and development and how to deal with them have been major issues for the City Different.  They are for any city.  But because Santa Fe was originally built and connected by wagon and burro trails, fairly narrow in scope, winding down to the river and up into the hills, neat and tidy development is complicated.  It is not flat, so a grid system, such as that in Albuquerque where north to south and east to west streets dominate, is impossible.   The native landscape stretched and shaped the city in interesting ways.   And when construction is proposed, archaeological digs are frequently part of the planning and construction process. Renovation of the greater Railyard area was a long time coming, and is still ongoing.  But a recent exploration of the downtown or historic area of Santa Fe told us, once again, why we loved the place at first blush in the 70s, and why we still do.

I had actually been to both Lamy and Santa Fe on the train during my time as a Girl Scout.  It was a day-long, wonderful outing of which I have great memories.  The fact that the railroad spur line ended up in this place is a story unto itself, but the area known as The Railyard continues to change.  Thankfully, one of the original concepts for the area proposed by the Catellus Development Corporation, formed by the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company, which called for the leveling of most of the buildings and removal of the train tracks, was rejected by the Metropolitan Redevelopment Commission and the City Council.  It also would have allowed buildings up to six stories high to be built, when heretofore the Eldorado Hotel was the tallest building. Its abrupt three story edifice in itself raised quite a stink.  I remember the years - decades actually - of wrangling and plans.  One thing about Santa Fe, for which I am eternally grateful, is that when it comes to the historic downtown area, things take time.  That is not necessarily a bad thing when it comes to large development. Redevelopment of some of the surrounding areas, including the Baca Railyard, were completed first.  And, in the end, the Railyard still houses trains, including the Rail Runner that serves as transportation between Santa Fe and Albuquerque.  

A concise piece and video about the history of the area is contained in the link below.



The Sky Railway Adventure Train offers rides with meals and entertainment.

Santa Fe Sky Railway engine 2/2024Santa Fe Sky Railway engine 2/2024


Given the time and planning things take in the greater Santa Fe historic area, it did not surprise me to hear of the massive discussions about the New Mexico Museum of Art Vladem Contemporary.  Designed by DNCA + StudioGP, its purpose was "to create an innovative structure that adapted an existing building as a showplace for the art of our time".   Its opening in September of 2023 drew huge crowds.  The original building on the site was a warehouse constructed in 1936, owned by the Charles Ilfeld Company.  In 1960, the building was sold to the state of New Mexico where it became the Records and Archive Center.  During our trips into Santa Fe from Taos County, where we were living at the time, we began to see bits and pieces of the building being chipped away and wondered what was happening.  A good portion of the building was eventually demolished, but the main two story wall on Guadalupe Street and its territorial style brick parapets retained as an homage to its original design. The metal louvres on both the north and south sides of the building give it a slightly abrupt and dramatic look.  Not a surprise to me in the least that the design instantly elicited a love-hate relationship from the community.

New Mexico Museum of Art Vladem Contemporary 2024 1New Mexico Museum of Art Vladem Contemporary 2024 1

New Mexico Museum of Art Vladem Contemporary 2024 2New Mexico Museum of Art Vladem Contemporary 2024 2



Windows on the south and east sides of the building window reflect the original Santa Fe Railway building, and other buildings along Guadalupe Street.

New Mexico Museum of Art Vladem Contemporary 2024 3New Mexico Museum of Art Vladem Contemporary 2024 3

New Mexico Museum of Art Vladem Contemporary 2024 4New Mexico Museum of Art Vladem Contemporary 2024 4


Vladam Contemporary has a few surprises, including exterior oscillating light displays, and recorded whale sounds.  After all, one of the missions of the New Mexico Museum of Art Vladem is to provide a dedicated educational educational space lacking in the immediate downtown area around the Plaza. 

New Mexico Museum of Art Vladem Contemporary 2024 4New Mexico Museum of Art Vladem Contemporary 2024 4


But as the Railyard continues to alter its ego to include a new hotel in the former building of Outside Magazine on Market Street, the water tower tells it all.  This area was and remains firmly grounded in the railroad that originally prompted outside interest and brought people to the Capitol.


Old and new, there are still amazing spaces and places to explore in Santa Fe, complemented by the amazing and ever-present smell of food -from chile, bacon, and barbecue to baked goods and coffee.

Thanks to Minna, Barbara F. R., Jean and Sam, Victoria, Catherine, Steve for your comments last week!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©






(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) architecture blacks crossing photography buildings daryl a. black details new mexico new mexico museum of art vladem contemporary photography santa fe santa fe railyard sky railway train cars vladem contemporary Mon, 26 Feb 2024 17:08:50 GMT
turn, turn, turn As I long as I can remember, the month of February always offered a spring thaw, sometimes brief, sometimes a week or two, but it happened without fail.  The trend proved true regardless of where we lived in New Mexico - in the western, northern or central part of the state - and it was always a treat.  Then March arrives, dashing hopes of an early spring.  But this week, it is time to celebrate the false spring, with high temperatures in the 50s and lows in the high 20s and low 30s.  And the amount of daylight each day is more.  In Santa Fe, today will be 2 minutes and 7 seconds longer.  In the San Francisco area, it will be 2 minutes 18 seconds longer, and in Seattle, it will be 3 minutes 19 seconds longer.  On the other side of the world in Tel Aviv, it will be 1 minute 51 seconds longer.  The change is happening at an ever increasing rate as we head to the vernal equinox. In addition to the birds feeling it, as evidenced by the increased singing - lovely but quite territorial in nature - the change is also reflected in the shadows and light on walls and other objects.  There is nothing like a stuccoed wall to show the beauty of light, even if it is in shadow.  

architecture - spring walls 2024 1architecture - spring walls 2024 1    


The juxtaposition of light and shadow always adds drama to an inanimate object.

architecture - spring walls 2024 2architecture - spring walls 2024 2      



And little displays one can witness at the oddest times and places, make all photographers smile.  

architecture - spring walls 2024 3architecture - spring walls 2024 3


The changes in light as we head toward spring reminds me of the great rock song  "Turn, Turn, Turn" released by the Byrds in 1965.  Almost word for word from the book of Ecclesiastes in the King James version of the Bible, the song was an anthem of the times, and it remains one of the truest explanations of life that I have read (not to mention some great, honest guitar work)

"To everything turn, turn, turn

There is a season turn, turn, turn,

And a time to every purpose 

Under heaven

A time to be born, a time to die

A time to plant, a time to reap

A time to kill, a time to heal,

A time to laugh, a time to weep


and the last three lines of the song sum it up


A time for love, a time for hate

A time for peace

I swear its not too late"


Not all the verses are given here, but you can find the song lyrics online, as well as the Bible verses.


Thanks to Jean & Sam, Barbara F. R., Steve, Marilyn G., Catherine, Ingrid, and Lawrence J. for your comments this week.

May you all feel the touch of spring (or autumn in the southern hemisphere) this week, and capture it with your cameras or in your beings!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) architecture Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black Ecclesiastes nature New Mexico photography The Byrds Turn Turn Mon, 19 Feb 2024 17:03:00 GMT
a week of love If one starts a week with Sunday, this week has something for everyone to love.  For American football and sports fans (not to mention gamblers), the Superbowl was the biggest event all year.  For those who like a grand party, Mardi Gras and Carnival are in full swing, culminating on Fat Tuesday.  And Wednesday is for lovers - Valentine's Day. What better way to celebrate than with flowers, particularly the beautiful roses pictured here.  Nothing like an aged cowboy boot to highlight them.

Valentine's Day roses 2024 1Valentine's Day roses 2024 1

Valentine's Day roses 2024 2Valentine's Day roses 2024 2



These roses have so many petals tightly packed that they almost like flowing water.

Valentine's Day roses 2024 3Valentine's Day roses 2024 3

Valetine's Day rose 2024 4Valetine's Day rose 2024 4

My hope is that during these days that frequently feel very unsettled in the world, the week of love does indeed bring a bounty of love, joy, and peace to everyone!   Thanks to Barbara F. R., Marilyn R., Christina W., Robert, Mary G., Minna, Paule, TTT, Suz, Sandra B., Lisa S., Catherine S., Kay C., Charlie, Steve, and Claudia for your comments, and to Ingrid for your gift and inspiration this week!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography cowboy boot Daryl A. Black flowers nature New Mexico photography roses still life Mon, 12 Feb 2024 15:48:29 GMT
milestones This week was a milestone, of sorts, for Fred.  He completed Rug # 400, which means that, to date, he has woven 468 pieces since he began learning to weave at Tierra Wools in the summer of 2003.  Obviously, the class work stuck and he never looked back. I'll talk more about 400 in a moment, but first, I need to talk about Rug # 399.

Rug 399Rug 399

Woven of 100% Navajo-Churro wool, this rug features natural indigo and cochineal, natural white, and natural dark grey.  The middle section design is called a Spider Woman Cross.   Fred wove the surrounding indigo wool in slightly more of an oval shape.  Zefren from the Shiprock area, dyed both the indigo and cochineal in this rug.  The images directly below are details of Rug 399.

Rug 399 detail 1Rug 399 detail 1

Rug 399 detail 3Rug 399 detail 3


Turning to Rug #400, Fred took Connie Taylor's words of wisdom during one of the first Wool Festivals in which he participated in 2005 at Kit Carson Park in Taos.  Connie said "Put the red one in front."  And she was absolutely correct.  Whether people are keen on having a large red rug in their homes or not, it certainly does gather attention.  400 is no different.  Bold and dramatic both in color and design, the weaving consists of wool sourced from three different flocks, two different mills, and eight different dye lots (one of them off of our kitchen stove top). With all the differences in wool and how it was spun, Fred feels it contains a bit of  Wabi Sabi, or in Japanese, imperfections.  

Rug 400 detail 2Rug 400 detail 2



The image below shows how the variations in color are used to create "mesas" and the space in between.

Rug 400 detail 3Rug 400 detail 3



And here is Rug # 400, in all is red glory!

Rug 400Rug 400



But milestones come and go.  Not to burn daylight, here is Fred, once again, obscured by warp, using his instrument to make the rhythm of his next project.

Coasters 2Coasters 2



Pure tapestry, each of the eight pieces required its own balls of wool.

Coasters 1Coasters 1


A huge heaping of thanks to so many of you who have followed Fred's weaving journey, and helped along the way!


Thanks also to Barbara F. R., Sam & Jean, Steve, Victoria, Minna, Suz, Char, Robert, Sara W., Gustavo, Christina, Lawrence, Char, and Ingrid for adding to last week's blog with your comments!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©





(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography cochineal Daryl A. Black Fred Black indigo Navajo-Churro wool New Mexico photography Rainbow Fiber Coop rugs Spider Woman Cross Tierra weaving Wools Zefren Mon, 05 Feb 2024 16:12:06 GMT
eyes and colors This week had me wishing, once again, that I had taken physics in high school and college.  It seems everything with which people deal on a daily basis involves three subjects that many students tend to avoid in school - math, chemistry, and physics.  Particularly in photography, all these subjects come into play.  Today's subject, once again, has to do with the physics of light.

 "Whiteness and all gray Colors between white and black, may be compounded of Colors, and the whiteness of the Sun's Light is compounded of all the primary Colors mix'd in a due Proportion."  Sir Isaac Newton, 1704.   His book Opticks was published in 1704.  It should be on my reading list...

But let me digress a bit.  Every person who has a taken a photograph - whether with a camera or a phone - knows that her or his own eyes, light, and the piece of equipment are essential elements of the image that is ultimately produced.  And when one of those elements is missing or behaving oddly, things are not quite right.  The only reason I began delving into the subject matter again is because I had a cataract removed this week, and the results were quite astonishing.  Everyone I have talked with says that, but the results are hard to explain.  So my mission was to try to come up with a clear explanation of the difference in the colors that I was seeing, and that was a tough one.  

As wonky as it is, I now have the ideal laboratory for experimentation - one eye containing a brand new lens and the other with my birth lens, aged by a few years.  By closing one eye and keeping the other open, I can instantaneously compare the view.  So to begin the work, I turned again to my favorite source on the subject of color - The Secret Lives of Color by Kassia St. Clair.  I proceeded to search the book trying to identify one that most closely resembled how my eye was being filtered.  St. Clair's "white" category, seemed to include the closest matches, although given variations in the book printing process, none really matched.  Isabelline leans more toward a pale yellow, whereas whitewash feels peachy to me.  Chalk is close, but not a true fit.  Which took me to Shirley Williams' "Color Wheel Artist" website, discovering the intricacies of Hue, Tint, Tone, and Shade. As a photographer rather than a painter, my knowledge of color is mostly experiential, enhanced by some reading, and not color theory.  So I turned to my photographs to see if one existed that could duplicate the filtration color.


Was the fall hollyhock bloom, with its bright yellow-green throat and yellow-white petals a possibility?  Sadly, no.

hollyhock, late fallhollyhock, late fall



How about the curved-bill thrasher in her cholla cactus nest?  A bit dark and smokey.

Birds - curve billed thrasher 4Birds - curve billed thrasher 4


Any part of the mushroom show below, gill to center?  Nice variations in color but it was not close enough.


The image of Great Sand Dunes in Colorado also has a wide variety of possibilities.  Getting closer.  

Great Sand DunesGreat Sand Dunes


But the one photograph that seemed to replicate the filtration is one of wildfire smoke I took on 29 April 2022.  The gradation from the right hand side to the left in the image shows blue sky being slowly obscured by a graduated filter of St. Clair's colors of Isabelline, chalk, and beige.  The contrail adds a special touch.

forest fire smoke 29 April 2022forest fire smoke 29 April 2022

When a wildfire has been extinguished and is no longer burning, the smokey haze clears, resulting in a stunning brightness and blueness in the sky. It is truly incredible.  Exactly like having a lens with many miles on it removed.  I am lucky to live in a time and place in which there are medical professionals and facilities available to make cataract removal possible.  And I am grateful to have such excellent auto-focus features on my cameras in this time of vision transition!

"The purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love color the most." - John Ruskin, The Stones of Venice 



Thanks to Christina, Barbara F. R., Tim A., Minna, Brenda M., Ann A., David O., Charlie K. C., Catherine, Steve, Jean & Sam, Lucia, and Charleen for writing this week.     

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) blacks crossing photography color color theory color wheel artist daryl a. black eye kassia st. clair photography shirley williams the secret lives of color Mon, 29 Jan 2024 02:38:45 GMT
humble yet essential I would be hard-pressed to find someone staring at the onions in a grocery store.  Unlike shoppers gazing at the cheese cases as if they were at the Guggenheim taking in a Monet or van Gogh, people just grab the humble onion, and lob it into their basket or cart, not giving it another thought. Not me. I look deeply at the onions, as if part of my soul is contained therein.  To me, they are essential and vital to many prepared dishes. Onions cleanse the eyes by making them water when you slice and chop them, and when cooked, pique our tastebuds.  One person with whom I did a shoot several years ago said I went in circles while photographing my subjects, which I tend to do.  This was true of the onions I photographed this week. Just like the right human or other animal, these root crops are extremely photogenic. 


The purple or so-called red onions, have a deep rich color, with which I am certain a person could dye fabric.  The stems left to dry add gnarly character.

onions, purple 1 2024onions, purple 1 2024




As is the case with the flavor, the shape and color of the humble onion has multiple layers.

onions, purple 2 2024onions, purple 2 2024



I like this particular image because the dried growth ends of the onion remind me of a dirt road.  It is hard to tell where it leads.

onions, purple 3 2024onions, purple 3 2024



The handmade basket by fiber artist Donna Coates, complements the onion veins.  The two photographs that follow just let the yellow onion show off a bit.   

onions, yellow 3 2024onions, yellow 3 2024

onions, yellow 2 2024onions, yellow 2 2024

onions, yellow 1 2024onions, yellow 1 2024

Shall we all chop the humble onion, cook it the way we choose, and by doing so stave off the chill of winter?

The days are getting longer.  Here in northern New Mexico, there will be 1 minute and 28 seconds more daylight today.  Near the border of the United States and Canada, it will be 2 minutes and 23 seconds longer.

Thanks to Barbara F. R., Catherine S., Christina, Jean & Sam, Steve, Marilyn G., and Rebecca for commenting this week.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black food New Mexico onions photography purple onions still life photography yellow onions Sun, 21 Jan 2024 21:24:05 GMT
aged roses and new snow We have been lucky this week.  Snow has fallen during the night and throughout the day on several occasions.  Almost any location in the Southwestern United States can use moisture in whatever form it presents itself.  This time, it happened to be snow rather than rain, either in a powder skiers dream of, or wet and solid, worthy of an igloo or snowman.  It was powder both days, a bit easier to remove with shovel or hefty strokes of a broom.  The temperatures were such that it simply did not start melting until today.  Which left the perfect photography backdrop.

Roses, in all their glory, make compelling photographic subjects.  From bud to initial and full bloom, and even as they dry and take on that aged copper patina, they offer beauty, ready to be captured.  Although it is frowned upon in the world of Feng Shui, I tend to keep some dried roses just for the subtle color and shapes of their chameleon selves.  Put together with the mottled mini-landscape partially melted snow provides, they shine as if in original bloom.  Here are two images of a dried miniature rose bud from last March.  In all of the photographs here, the granular snow is a big player.

aged roses and snow 4aged roses and snow 4

aged roses and snow 3aged roses and snow 3



A lone petal on the snow carries shades of pink and burnished orange.

aged roses and snow 7aged roses and snow 7




The full stems with buds and leaves

aged roses and snow 2aged roses and snow 2




Two different angles and a slightly darker take on the roses adds a bit of mystery.

aged roses and snow 1aged roses and snow 1

aged roses and snow 5aged roses and snow 5



And finally, a very Victorian-looking rose, shares its subtleties.   aged roses and snow 6aged roses and snow 6

As I said in my mini-book Complex and Sublime:  flowers through the lens, I beg to differ with Gertrude Stein who said "A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose", which they are.  But then.....


Thanks to Marilyn G., Gustavo, Jean & Sam, Char, Steve, Barbara F. R., Marilyn R., Dianne J., Robert, Lucia, Kay C. for writing last week!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) blacks crossing photography daryl a. black flowers nature new mexico photography roses snow still life photography Mon, 15 Jan 2024 15:56:02 GMT
of plaids and tartans Perhaps it is because a blanket of grey skies has hung over us for more days than is normal in the sunny Land of Enchantment, leaving us feeling very Scottish.  Or it could be due to a text message asking about what would be an appropriate tartan to wear.  Or due to a recent gift of a wool muffler made of the official New Mexico tartan.  Regardless, today's blog delves into the colorful world of plaids and tartans.

Early woven clothing, rugs, and wall decorations share certain characteristics.  Historically, they were made of wool, and many still are.  Chimayo and Navajo weaving carry designs and colors that may be specific to certain areas, just as Scottish tartans identify a community.  And this from Christina Garton writing for the magazine Handwoven explains a lot.  "All tartans are plaid.  However not all plaids are tartan!  Both plaids and tartans are woven of stripes that meet at 90-degree angles. Tartans have an identical pattern of stripes running vertically and horizontally, resulting in overlapping square grids."  (Handwoven 18 October 2022).   But there is something else that make tartans unique.  Thinking about how many modern homes are built is helpful.  They have an upright structure, for instance of wooden 2x4 or 2x6 studs/uprights onto which dry wall or other siding is attached.  These provide the skeleton or frame of a house.  When it comes to weaving, the warp or wool strung on a frame or loom serves the same purpose as the 2x4s.  The  wool weft is a little like the dry wall or siding which is then applied to the warp in various colors and designs.  In Southwestern weaving, the warp skeleton then disappears within the body of the weft.  One can only see the warp at the top and bottom of the weaving.  That is why Rio Grande, Chimayo, and Navajo weaving and most modern weavings are called weft faced.  Tartans are made using what is called a "balanced weave" wherein both warp and weft are visible.  Below is a fine MacLean of Duart red muted tartan swatch. 

MacLean of Duart red mutedMacLean of Duart red muted  



A personal disclaimer.  I struggled with geometry in school, and weaving is filled with geometry.  So I will just add a couple of things that make tartans distinctive.  "The plaid of a tartan is called a sett.  The sett is made up of a series of woven threads which cross at right angles."  Jeff Ezell, Heraldry Crests.  "Tartan is recorded by counting the threads of each colour that appear in the sett. The thread count not only describes the width of the stripes on a sett, but also the colours used. For example, the thread count "K4 R24 K24 Y4" corresponds to 4 black threads, 24 redthreads, 24 black threads, 4 yellow threads. The first and last threads of the thread count are the pivot points."  I admit I have yet to wrap my head around that part, but for those of you who can and are interested, the link above will lead you to the really detailed and excellent posting by Jeff Ezell.  


In the mean time, visuals might help.  This is a muffler woven in Ireland, actually.  It is a Black Stewart tartan.  Looking at the warp ends (fringe), you can see the sett and how the weft is worked into the warp.  

  Black StewartBlack Stewart

Black Stewart color setsBlack Stewart color sets



Given the intensity of the red in this tartan, it is hard to believe it is also a MacLean of Duart, as is the tartan in the first photograph.  Frequently, tartans have multiple styles with different colors, including ancient, modern, muted, dress, and hunting (usually darker for camouflage purposes). 

MacLean of Duart redMacLean of Duart red



Here is yet another MacLean, with the same sett but the weaver has chosen to substitute a maroon or burgundy color yarn for the bright red.  

Maclean tieMaclean tie




The Black Watch tartan (a regimental tartan also worn by coachmen and servants in the late 1800s ) is comprised of black, dark green, and navy blue yarn.

Black Watch tartanBlack Watch tartan


One of the most frequently seen tartans is the Royal Stewart.  Shortbread lovers will recognize it from the boxes.

Royal StewartRoyal Stewart



Finally, a photograph of the New Mexico tartan, officially registered in 1996, with the colors of our state flag nicely included in its setts.

New Mexico TartanNew Mexico Tartan     


Thanks to Char and Robert for getting me rolling on this, and to Fred for the geometry lesson!


Starting out the New Year right were Victoria, Christine, Tim A. Minna, Gustavo, Jean & Sam, Marilyn G., Lisa S., M. Fred, Tomas, Catherine S., Steve, Rebecca, and Ingrid who wrote and commented this week!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black design New Mexico photography plaids tartans weaving wool Mon, 08 Jan 2024 02:27:24 GMT
The New Year The New York Times online had a wonderful feature yesterday titled "Your Best Advice for 2023".  Many of us make lists - both mental and written - of things we are going to do in the new year.  Statistics may prove that some of those goals fall by the wayside as early as February, while quite a few people are serious about trying to achieve specific things and reach those goals throughout the year.  What better way for artists of different media to start a year than to start new work, bring work to completion, and pushing it out the door.  In that regard, I am doing shameless self-promotion here of the three books on which I have been working in 2023.  I used Blurb Books, and am very pleased with the quality of the paper and printing, and speed with which they were printed.  It took some work to take the photographs, do research, and format each page of the book, and then set up the structure through which people can purchase them.  Because short printing runs (1-9 copies) are pricey, rather than a huge publisher printing thousands of copies, I hope you are not too shocked by the prices.  All are softcover.  


The first is a 10 x 8 book titled Geological Portraits:  photographic memories of some extraordinary places.

photo books 1photo books 1    

photo books 2photo books 2



The second and third are Complex and Sublime:  flowers through the lens.   I printed two different sizes - one 7 x 7 and the other in Blurb's new "mini-book" version which is 5 x 5.  That required some adjustment of photo placement on the 7 x 7 edition, but it was all part of the learning experience.  Again, both are soft cover, and the mini has a matte-finished cover.  It is a perfect little jewel to keep on a desk, side or coffee table for a spurt of color and refreshment.

photo books 3photo books 3

photo books 4photo books 4

photo books 5photo books 5



Finally, here is a photograph of the trio.

photo books 6photo books 6

You can check out the first several pages of the book by clicking on the link below and/or purchase them if you are so inclined.


Member Profile: Daryl Black | Blurb


Thanks for Orlando, TTT, Marilyn R., Christina, Barbara, Steve, Jean & Sam, Lawrence, Ingrid, Catherine, Rebecca, Claudia, Minna, Robert, and Marilyn G. for rounding out 2023 with your comments.  I hope that 2024 is year that becomes a bit more peaceful and one wherein kindness is in greater supply.  May all of you find your creative juices bubbling over like a well-filled glass of champagne! 

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Blurb Blurb Books books Complex and Sublime: flowers through the lens Daryl A. Black flowers Geological Portraits: photographic memories of some extraordinary places geology landscapes nature New Mexico photography Sun, 31 Dec 2023 21:29:07 GMT
Christmas 2023 A bright blue sky is greeting us this Christmas morning, as crows and ravens circle the sky to the accompaniment of "The Bells of Dublin" by the Chieftains. Ice remains on the landscape after a most welcome warm rain fell on Saturday, followed by graupel and snow.  The chill will be with us for several days but the brightness of the day will not be diminished.  We think of those who dare to celebrate the day and the season, despite too many horrors that lay heavy on the world.  The bravery of those in war zones cannot be overstated.  But the circle of life continues and few things demonstrate that as well as plant life, which waits patiently for the increased sunlight and warmer temperatures.  Matter of fact, tomorrow, there will be 12 more seconds of daylight in our part of the world.  I let the Amaryllis, which is cultivated commercially to give humans a quick fix of bright, bold life in six weeks during the winter months, say the rest and wish you a Happy Christmas Day!


Flowers - amaryllis 26 2022.jpgFlowers - amaryllis 26 2022.jpg

Flowers - amaryllis 28 2022.jpgFlowers - amaryllis 28 2022.jpg




And to complete the Christmas wish, The Kiss by Gustav Klimt.

Flowers - amaryllis 18 2022Flowers - amaryllis 18 2022


Thanks to Marilyn G., Minna, Jean & Sam, Steve, Barbara F. R., Lisa S., and Rebecca for your blog comments about last week's blog.

Best wishes for a gentle and joyous week!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©





(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) amaryllis blacks crossing photography christmas daryl a. black flowers nature new mexico photography still life winter Mon, 25 Dec 2023 16:59:44 GMT
all about the light In photography, light (or lack thereof) is everything.  Humans and all animals recognize, on some level, the effect of light on their lives and behavior.  It must have been horrifying for our early ancestors when the daylight disappeared.  Did they wonder whether it would return, and if so, when?  It was probably a relatively short period of time before they realized the appearance of light as day and night was a trend.  But when the number of daylight or nighttime hours changed with the seasons, that was huge. Nature offered ways of tracking the light in the form of shadows on rocks, and through tree branches, but a good many people throughout the world were thinking about the light's track during the year.  Stone circles can be found almost everywhere in the world, and many are in northern or far southern latitudes where there are significantly fewer hours of light in their respective winter seasons.  We learned that in Scotland years ago while visiting in February, when the sun would come up around 9 a.m. and set around 3 p.m.  Not knowing where the heck we were going in some cases, our mission was to find the next bed and breakfast between those hours.  You can definitely see the darkness from the scanned slide below.  As I recall, this photograph was taken around 10:30 a.m. 

Standing stones in the shadow of Ben Lawers on the outskirts of Killeen, Perthshire, Scotland.

standing stones near Killin, Pethshire, Scotland in the shadow of Ben Lawers 1991standing stones near Killin, Pethshire, Scotland in the shadow of Ben Lawers 1991Scanner



All of this leads to the fact that Thursday 21 December, is the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere.  It occurs quite late in the day at 10:27 p.m., according to the Farmers' Almanac.  "The winter solstice marks the official beginning of astronomical winter (as opposed to meteorological winter, which starts about three weeks before the solstice). The winter solstice occurs once a year in each hemisphere: once in the Northern Hemisphere (in December) and once in the Southern Hemisphere (in June). It marks the start of each hemisphere’s winter season. When one hemisphere is experiencing its winter solstice, the other is simultaneously experiencing its summer solstice!"  Northern or southern, artificial or natural, it is all about the light.  We consider ourselves lucky to have electric lights, especially having lived with only kerosene lamps at one point.




After the sun rises, there are usually bright blue skies to greet us in New Mexico.  Occasionally, like this weekend, the sky was dotted with high cirrus clouds, and contrails (condensation trails), courtesy of the thousands of airplanes literally criss-crossing the sky.

solstice sky 2023 1solstice sky 2023 1

solstice sky 2023 2solstice sky 2023 2




When the sun does set, sometimes I am lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time to catch and photograph it.



Then there are occasions when photographers simply have to look around their immediate environment to see the play of light and shadow against a wall to know where the sun is in the sky.  Very subtle gradations of white and gray fill the image below.  


I will be celebrating the return of light, be it only a matter of seconds per day.  But we can still revel in and relish the return of those seconds to our days!

Happy Solstice and thanks to Suz, Minna, Christina, Barbara F. R., Paule, Tim A., Karla P., Catherine, Steve, Geula, Lisa, Robert, Marilyn G., Jean & Sam, and Rebecca for touching base this week about the blog.

until next Monday,


 a passion for the image© 

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black light nature New Mexico photography shadows sky solstice sunset winter solstice Mon, 18 Dec 2023 18:00:53 GMT
left over right and under, right over left and under The words in today's blog title were the ones we were always taught in Girl Scouts, as far as tying a square knot is concerned.  It is the same knot that Fred uses to produce the Damascus edge on select rugs. But first, here is an image of Rug 397 in progress on the loom.

Rug 397 detailRug 397 detail



To secure the ends of the weaving, he ties 366 knots on the top and bottom, and then reverses the process and ties 366 more knots also on the top and bottom, resulting in 366 square knots.  When he finishes that process, he adds another touch to the rug - maritime cabling - which secures the Damascus edge.  He ties one knot at the end of each cable for a total of 92 knots before the rug is complete. Complicated but extremely strong as well as beautiful.  

The photographs below show how he uses this treatment on the warp ends of his rug.  The first step after removing the rug from the loom is to trim the edges of the warp.  Notice the engineer's scale being using to keep the length exactly even.  

Rug 397 Damascus treament 1Rug 397 Damascus treament 1

Rug 397 Damascus treament 2Rug 397 Damascus treament 2




In the next three photographs, he is tying knots - the first knot in the warp, followed by the second.

Rug 397 Damascus treament 4Rug 397 Damascus treament 4

Rug 397 Damascus treament 6Rug 397 Damascus treament 6
Rug 397 Damascus treament 5Rug 397 Damascus treament 5



The cabling is the last step before the rug is completed.  You can see the structure or architectural elements in the finished piece.

Rug 397 Damascus treament 6Rug 397 Damascus treament 6

Rug 397Rug 397




Fred has included a "Spirit Line" or ch'ihónít'i in Navajo, in the lower right hand corner of the rug.  A weaver puts her/his spirit into a piece, and the spirit line provides a pathway for the spirit to exit the work.

Rug 397 Spirit LineRug 397 Spirit Line

Thanks to all of you who commented this week and for your often creative words, including Connie, Barbara F. R., Charleen, Christina, Terry T., Jean and Sam, Marilyn G., Veronica (who geeked out at the blog, a high compliment indeed), Steve, Catherine, and Sara.  May you be presented with wonderful photographable things and events this week!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©



(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) big sage artisans blacks crossing photography damascus edge in weaving daryl a. black design fabric fred black hand weaving navajo-churro new mexico photography rugs weaving wool Mon, 11 Dec 2023 02:28:35 GMT
shutter work 101 Nature gifted us heavy, wet snow last week.  You could have built an igloo with it.  It was the first really substantial snow in several years and something in which neighborhood dogs were reveling.  I, on the other hand, was out with my camera for a personal workshop in shutter speeds. And the snow continued to fall for roughly four hours during the morning, which provided plenty of opportunity to photograph walls, gates, and doors in different conditions of winter dress.

One of the reasons I bought the Fujifilm X-T5 camera is that it has the same knobs and buttons cameras of yore had before electronic menus were developed - ASA, f stops, shutter speeds.  I can change everything without having to scroll through an electronic menu.  The camera has the menus as well, but being able to do it on the fly is always handy unless you have tons of presets.  I shifted between 1/8th of a second and as high as 1/2,000 of a second to achieve certain effect while the snow was falling.  Starting with this shot, you can see what appear to be streaks on both the gate and the stucco walls.  That is the falling snow at 1/40 of a second.

Winter - snow and shutter speeds 2023 1Winter - snow and shutter speeds 2023 1     



I basically shot close to 150 images, and during the process, I found 1/30 of s second more to my liking for the effect I was trying to achieve, which was a combination of the patterns in the existing patterns in the stucco and the long lines of falling snow.  The black and white image here demonstrates the early morning grayness that came with the snow.

Winter - snow and shutter speeds 2023 7Winter - snow and shutter speeds 2023 7

Winter - snow and shutter speeds 2023 4Winter - snow and shutter speeds 2023 4

Winter - snow and shutter speeds 2023 2Winter - snow and shutter speeds 2023 2

Winter - snow and shutter speeds 2023 5Winter - snow and shutter speeds 2023 5



In the image below, a bit of a breeze had come up, changing the angle of the streaks.

Winter - snow and shutter speeds 2023 6Winter - snow and shutter speeds 2023 6



I also experimented with stopping the snow.  Even at 1/2000 of a second (a relatively short period of time for the light to come through the lens) the intensity and size of the flakes made a difference in the clarity.  It was a too dark at faster than 1/2,000 to provide any contrast between the snow and the wall.

Winter - snow and shutter speeds 2023 3Winter - snow and shutter speeds 2023 3

Winter - snow and shutter speeds 2023 7Winter - snow and shutter speeds 2023 7  

Thanks to TTT, Barbara F. R., Connie, Steve, Lisa S., Rebecca, Ingrid, and Claudia for writing this week.

As the winter solstice approaches and nights are longer, I hope you still find time to be outside with camera in hand (after shoveling) to document the season.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©



(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) adobe blacks crossing photography daryl a. black nature new mexico patterns photography shutter speeds snow stucco walls winter Mon, 04 Dec 2023 15:10:07 GMT
lovely leftovers Many people worldwide celebrated the holiday of Thanksgiving on Thursday, and, no doubt, in a variety of ways.  Most probably involved food, friends, and family.  Even if the groaning board did not contain turkey and dressing, there was likely an assortment of leftovers.  How lovely they are!  Due to the fact that I see the world in terms of capturing it with a camera, I frequently discover something that needs to be photographed. Whether it is a surprise or intentional, capturing the special food offered in thanks was an agenda item last week.


I noticed the refraction of light caused by sun coming through a partially filled glass of claret, after only crumbs of chicken and dressing remained in the dish.  

Thanksgiving leftovers 2023 1Thanksgiving leftovers 2023 1

Thanksgiving leftovers 2023 2Thanksgiving leftovers 2023 2



My father once told me that his mother made pumpkin pie using carrots rather than pumpkin while his family was living in Canada raising wheat.  It makes sense.  Same color and texture after they are cooked and pureed.  And the traditional spices would probably make it impossible to tell the difference.  The pie slice in both photographs below was made with pumpkin puree poured into a homemade crust and baked.  Two different angles, with slightly altered natural light.

Thanksgiving leftovers 2023 4Thanksgiving leftovers 2023 4

Thanksgiving leftovers 2023 5Thanksgiving leftovers 2023 5



And last but not least, a gifted slice of pecan tart, as only the queen of these delicious desserts, Ingrid, can make it.  Layers of lusciousness!

Thanksgiving leftovers 2023 7Thanksgiving leftovers 2023 7

Thanks to Marilyn R., Barbara F. R., Kay C., Jean & Sam, Catherine, TTT, Lawrence, and Steve for commenting during this busy holiday week.

My hope is that everyone reading had the opportunity to celebrate, one way or another.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black food New Mexico photography pie still life tart Thanksgiving Mon, 27 Nov 2023 01:56:09 GMT
Thanksgiving rush You could feel the rush on the weekend before Thanksgiving.  Locals in need of specific goodies for the traditional holidays meals, people with license plates from different states having dazed and confused looks on their faces, and that unidentifiable feel of urgency to get things done.  It was obvious that the Thanksgiving rush was on and what better place to feel it than by driving in downtown Santa Fe.  

The Farmers' Market was packed with vendors both inside the Market pavilion and outside under pop-up tents.  And even at 9 a.m., many folks were already busy buying, eating, laughing, and talking in a boisterous and festive way.  I joined in the fray because I was on a mission to purchase dried Chimayo red chile powder, cream cheese, and honey from a local vendor.

But the route to achieve the mission is hardly ever a direct one.  In the outside booths, I found the chile, and numerous intricately crafted wreaths and ristras. If you have ever tried to construct these beauties, you have a pretty good idea how much work is involved.

Farmers' Market, Santa Fe 2023 1Farmers' Market, Santa Fe 2023 1

Farmers' Market, Santa Fe 2023 2Farmers' Market, Santa Fe 2023 2

Farmers' Market, Santa Fe 2023 3Farmers' Market, Santa Fe 2023 3



Entering the Market building, I spotted the Camino de Paz School and Farm table.  Located in Santa Cruz, the students and teachers make THE best cream cheese on the planet, as well as several varieties of "quark".  The chile powder is a Chimayo seed variety grown by Jesus Guzman and his partner, Kate, who gave good advice on the heat of each kind.

Farmers Market Santa Fe 2023 6Farmers Market Santa Fe 2023 6


Feeling pretty good about scoring two out of three items in a relatively short period of time, I had to stop and chat with the owners of CLC Pecans in Hobbs, who happen to be neighbors, and were reveling in the birth of their first grand child.  Walking a bit further, I found Steve at Buckin' Bee Honey and Candles. His table was attracting a lot of attention, so it would have been rude to strike up a conversation.  Just asked him if I could take some photographs and he kindly agreed.

Farmers' Market, Santa Fe 2023 5Farmers' Market, Santa Fe 2023 5

Farmers' Market, Santa Fe 2023 4Farmers' Market, Santa Fe 2023 4  

 Another neighbor, Gustavo, raved about how perfect Steve's honey was on bread with butter, so I had to try it.  I also promised him a loaf when I bake next time.    


Thanks to Barbara F. R., Christina, Minna, Lluvia, Jean & Sam, Catherine, Ann A., TTT, and Steve for commenting this week and to all of you for reading throughout the year.  I am grateful and thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image© 


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) blacks crossing photography buckin' bee honey camino de paz school and farm chile daryl a. black farmers' market new mexico photography Mon, 20 Nov 2023 16:31:35 GMT
not letting go just yet After a week with a taste of winter, our part of the world has been given a reprieve, and stunning autumn days have returned.  Mind you, the .05/inch of moisture that fell in the form of snow was not quite enough to deeply dampen the land, but it did give the plants and trees that still have leaves some much deserved moisture.  Thankfully, autumn is not letting go, nor are some of the leaves on an assortment of trees and bushes, the names of many I do not know, but the colors and designs by nature in the leaves are quite incredible.  This blog is image heavy and I will leave them for you to ponder and describe in your minds as you see fit.  Many of the images below are from assorted flowering fruit trees. 

autumn leaves 2023 4autumn leaves 2023 4

autumn leaves 2023 5autumn leaves 2023 5

autumn leaves 2023 1autumn leaves 2023 1

autumn leaves 2023 3autumn leaves 2023 3

autumn leaves 2023 2autumn leaves 2023 2

autumn leaves 2023 6autumn leaves 2023 6

autumn leaves 2023 7autumn leaves 2023 7

autumn leaves 2023 8autumn leaves 2023 8

As you can see, nature is doing some truly weird and wonderful watercolor work on the trees.  Happy as a clam I am!


Thanks to all of you who commented this week, including Minna, Barbara F. R., Victoria, Dianne J., Jean and Sam, Terry T., Marilyn G., TTT, Steve, Pater Ingrid, and Rebecca.  With luck, all of you will be able to get out this week and enjoy the season, especially with your cameras and phones in hand!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©



(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) autumn Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black leaves nature New Mexico photography still life tree Mon, 13 Nov 2023 03:17:17 GMT
coasting in black and white A call from the archivist at the Santa Fe Institute where I photographed scientists from 1995 to 1997 tested my organizational and memory skills this week.  It was excellent to look at the hundreds of photographs I made with film using both 35mm and 1 3/4 x 2 1/4 cameras, developed into negatives, and made into contact sheets and prints was a great exercise. The Institute is celebrating its 40th anniversary next year and a number of books are being updated and republished.  Thus, the need for a few of my photographs.  

In addition to the Santa Fe Institute work and the other books on which I am been spending time curating, designing and writing, I have toyed for some time about using photographs for a black and white/food-themed set of coasters.  People still use coasters.  Whereas many have turned in their mouse pads and are using the trackpad/touchpad on their laptops, coasters are still part of the home dining and coffee tables.  I was also thinking in terms of food and beverages as part of the set.  Included in today's blog are some of the many possibilities.  The first is a beautifully cast door handle on the Bamberg Backerei in Bamberg, Germany.


A shop with numerous goodies in Bratislava, Slovakia

A New Mexico-made tart being served.

Ingrid's birthday tart 27 March 2022Ingrid's birthday tart 27 March 2022

Fancy dancing shoes deftly sculpted of marzipan in a Vienna shop.

Demel Eiscreme in Vienna

Glowing onions

A touch of vin rouge...


...with a touch of brie in Vienna

Just another sampling of the lovely randomness in a photographer's life. 

It was good to hear from so many of you last week including Barbara F. R., Tim A., Ann A., Lawrence J., TTT, Marilyn G. Steve, Catherine, Rebecca, and Carol.

I hope that the upcoming week contains some creative and interesting photographic adventures!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©



(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) black and white photography Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black food photography photography still life travel photography Mon, 06 Nov 2023 02:06:15 GMT
the mad curator strikes again Given the events of the past couple of weeks in the Middle East and the United States, and in political arenas here and abroad, I did what is probably typical of artists and journalists who are not covering "the main stories".  They ponder, wonder what is right, and then continue with their art or writing, despite horrible events and conditions and circumstances in which others find themselves.  And the work for me was curating photographs for the three books I am putting together, along with some organizational work on images I made from 1995 to 1997 of scientists at the Santa Fe Institute.  These were made with black and white film, using both 35 mm and 1 and 3/4 by 2 1/4 format cameras. I developed and printed the film in a local public darkroom.  It left me wishing I had been more diligent in my recording of the people I had photographed on my negative sleeves and proof sheets.  But the new archivist at the Institute who contacted me recently about the photographs should be able to fill in some of the blanks.

That project aside, here is a selection of photographs for one of the books on flowers.  The image below was made in Arizona during a spring time bloom.  California poppies and owl clover are the dominant flowers.  


Foxglove saturated with fog in Point Reyes, California


Tulip and clouds

Salmon-colored poppy

Polish Spirit clematis

For this particular book, I wanted to feature flowers in both interesting natural settings and in quirky and traditional still life-inspired settings.  Curating like mad tends to focus one's eye on what might truly be interesting to others.  Which means you may see another blog of this ilk in the near future.

Thanks to Christina, TTT, Jean & Sam, Marilyn G., Catherine, Steve, and Rebecca for commenting this week.  In New Mexico, we have moved from what has been one of the most spectacular autumns ever to early winter, overnight.  Hope all of you have been able to keep warm.

until next week,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography clematis clover Daryl A. Black flowers foxgloves nature New Mexico owl photography poppies. Sun, 29 Oct 2023 21:22:42 GMT
first impressions Those of you who have been following my blog for years know that autumn is my favorite season.  It is also one time during the year that I experiment with the concept of impressionism.  The autumn palette is expansive and loves the camera lens, offering boundless opportunities to willing photographers.  Close-up or long range, it never fails to satisfy.  Stucco walls provide soft, mottled backdrops for the aspen below.  Full disclosure here.  I made some adjustments to the colors and contrast that resulted in an image somewhat out of the ordinary for an aspen photograph.    


If you see a tree that is screaming red in New Mexico, it is probably a maple of some sort.  In years past, the leaves on this particular tree had more burgundy hues.  This year, orange and yellow are emerging.  Perhaps because of the dryness.  I don't know.  Regardless, it is quite the specimen.


Rather than having the sun behind me on this shot, it was in front of me, showing the backlighting on the leaves.  

Leaves on ash trees here are the first to fall.  They develop what I call "skirts" or layers of leaves that remain on the trees while others are blowing in the wind.  The leaves on this particular skirt went from pale yellow to a ruddy gold.  These first ash tree closeups begin to provide some elements of impressionism.

The aspen tree reflections in the images below definitely move closer to the small pinpoints characteristic of impressionistic brush strokes.

I suspect there will be additional photographs in future blogs featuring autumn.  It is evolving before us, and, after all, these were just "first impressions."


How wonderful it was to hear from so many of you last week, and especially to see the photographs you sent of the eclipse designs you saw on both the ground and walls.  I loved the fact that Connie used a colander as her pinhole camera.  In this world that sometimes seems very nearly insane, creativity abounds, and brings joy.  

Thanks to Char, Dianne F., Barbara F. R., Marilyn R., Minna, Claudia, Connie, TTT, Tim A., Brenda, Jean & Sam, Christina W., Victoria, Rebecca, Steve, Carol, Terry T., and Marilyn G. for writing this week!  It appears that in many places across the globe, the weather will continue to provide great opportunities for photography, and I hope you will be able to take advantage of it.  

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) ash trees aspen trees autumn Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black gold leaves maple trees nature New Mexico photography red trees Sat, 21 Oct 2023 21:22:41 GMT
light and semi-dark I had planned to include more photographs from the Mountain and Valley Wool Association's Santa Fe Wool Festival in today's blog, but a once-in-a-lifetime event and serendipity interfered.  An annular (meaning shaped like or forming a ring) eclipse took a direct path over New Mexico from the northwestern corner of the state to the southeastern corner, giving people in both Santa Fe and Albuquerque a front row seat.  Many at the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta stayed on the field to witness the eclipse.  It was yet another physics lesson about light.  

Some of you had asked earlier in the week whether I was going to photograph it.  I am not an astronomy photographer nor do I have the equipment to venture into the realm.  I leave that to the experts in the field and there are many amazing dark sky photographers who were out shooting with perfect placement for the eclipse.  But the eclipse morning had surprises waiting for us.

As we do during the weekend, we walked over to the middle school track about half a mile from our house to do our martial arts workout and a couple of jogs around the track.  Thought it might be interesting to do our routine during the eclipse, just to see what would happen and how it would feel.  There are 25 different forms we do, and about halfway through, I noticed that the big elm tree under which we practice was not exhibiting its normal shadow patterns.  In actuality, the shadows were becoming the shape of a three quarters or a waxing gibbous moon.  My original thinking was that I was imagining things.  The patterns were fascinating.  There were several people around the track who were awaiting the eclipse so I ran over to get them and show them the shadows.  Kid in a candy shop that I am, it seemed my responsibility to show people what was happening.  We kept on doing our forms when up walks our neighbor, Rebecca, and we showed her.  At this point the patterns were becoming thinner and thinner, revealing the fact that the sun was quickly being obscured by the moon, leaving slivers of light and shadow.  The tree leaves were acting as a pinhole camera, directly focusing the light.  Luckily, she had her phone and was kind enough to loan it to me.  I was totally unprepared for the occurrence. 

Annular eclipse 2023 1Annular eclipse 2023 1

Annular eclipse 2023 2Annular eclipse 2023 2

In this image, you can see the trunk and limbs of the trees in addition to the leaf shadow effect.

Annular eclipse 2023 3Annular eclipse 2023 3

Annular eclipse 2023 7Annular eclipse 2023 7

Given a bit more contrast, the slinky like shadows take on a rolling look.  Having heard that the our part of New Mexico would have roughly 86% darkness, it was interesting to witness the light in the sky very gradually change from the bright, autumnal light to what I would term semi-dark.  There was something about the eclipse that was deep and stirring.  Something from the early days of human evolution.  The event was both "smile" and "sigh" worthy.   

Annular eclipse 2023 4Annular eclipse 2023 4

Granted, these shots are not quite as sexy as the ring and darkened sun that many astronomy photographers got during the eclipse.  But thanks to our neighbor, I was able to capture a different take on this extraordinary event.


By the way, here are two screen shots of the sun being tracked by our solar panels.  In the first, a nice bell curve reflecting a normal, sunny pattern. 



The dip in the bell curve show below was the precise time when the eclipse began to happen over us.  



Thanks to all of you who read and commented on last week's blog, including Barbara F. R., Tim, Minna, Marilyn G., Jean and Sam, Claudia, TTT, Geula, Steve, Ingrid, Christina W., Sara, and to Rebecca for providing the tool to record the Saturday's eclipse.    So many of you have extremely busy lives while others are experiencing so many extenuating circumstances that my appreciation of your comments has increased exponentially!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©



(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) . annular eclipse blacks crossing photography daryl a. black light new mexico photography shadows Mon, 16 Oct 2023 15:45:30 GMT
inland fiber sea The first weekend in October is a beautiful time in New Mexico, filled with abundant activities, including the 9 days of squeal and ooh and ah-filled moments during the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta.  The city population expands easily by 100,000 people.  However, balloons were not the only featured stars of the weekend.  A plethora of events included the Abiquiú Studio Tour, the Taos Wools Festival, Indigenous Peoples' Day weekend celebrations, and a curated exhibit by Emily Trujillo of Centinela Traditional Arts in Chimayo, which opened on Friday and will run through April 1, 2024 at the Museum of Spanish Colonial Art on Museum Hill in Santa Fe.  In addition, thousands of people head to the high country to see the gold and red of aspen trees.  

But I happily spent the weekend at the Santa Fe County Fairgrounds for the Mountain and Valley Wool Association's 40th Wool Festival, as support staff for my husband, Fred, at his display space.  Photographic opportunities were in abundance and I took advantage of as many as I could.

As a casual observer, I could tell that many visitors were totally overwhelmed by the abundance and variety of fiber products, and an "inland sea of color".  Looking closer, one begins to sense the number of different skills present at the Festival.  Eric Wilson, a fiber artist from Cortez, Colorado, had (as his business card puts it) had hand-spun yarn, crochet and knit goodies, handprinted yarn and roving, and lastercut notions. Watching him work throughout the weekend, I would guess he spent a minimum of eight hours spinning a very fine yarn.  I asked if his foot and leg get tired.  His answered "You get used to it."

You can see how fine the wool is between his thumbs in this photograph.


Minna at Lana Dura renders wool into felt, using natural wool colors.  

The festival truly is a celebration of animal fiber, and the llamas and alpacas are always show stoppers, particular for children.  I finally got a simple answer about the visual differences between the two statuesque and beautiful animals.  Llama are taller but their ears look more like bananas, while the alpacas are shorter and have pointed ears.  The llama below is a magnificent creature, designed for roaming the pampas of South America.  With their long necks and flexibility, they are able to reach food wherever they find it.  



I loved this alpaca and its top knot, ever curious, always mewing to the world as if saying,  "Hmmm, what is going on here?  Is there something to eat?  Do I know this person?" 

Sheep shearing was also a featured element of the festival, and Tom Barr - an institution in sheep shearing around New Mexico and southern Colorado - has a skill like no other.  Upper body strength and flexibility are essential here, as you can see by his positions working with the sheep while shearing.  He has one of the sheep's legs in his left hand while shearing under parts with his right.  His knees are keeping the animal under control as well.

I always worry a bit about the horns...

Another thing I pondered as the Wool Festival ended Sunday afternoon, is how incredibly flexible all the vendors are.  From using all the fiber they can in any way they can, and not wasting a thing. to taking apart their exhibits, it was like a tribe of plains Indians, moving their camps across the prairie.  The process is quick, efficient, and part of who they are.  Not something most people recognize when they attend a fair.  But the fiber community, in many ways, is like a family of like-mind people who believe in what they do.  


Thanks to Barbara F. R., Steve, Catherine, Christina W., and Char for commenting on last week's blog, and all of you who stopped by the exhibit space this weekend - friends old and new!  And kudos to the vendors for their creativity and sharing it with the wider world.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) animals blacks crossing photography daryl a. black fiber new mexico photography weaving wool festival Mon, 09 Oct 2023 15:39:40 GMT
of words, images, and randomness It is the first Monday in October.  The autumnal equinox is a week past, evidenced by the shorter days, and trees beginning to shed their summer garb.  October is a very busy month for artists and balloonists alike.  And aside from retrieving several of Fred's rugs and wool from Tierra Wools in Chama and Centinela in Chimayo, as well as an early afternoon chat with friends from California outside on the Museum Hill plaza, my head has been deep into the three books that are my current photographic projects.  Choosing photographs and background paper, and organizing them into a logical but interesting layout, as well as writing text and selecting type fonts tends to have a dizzying effect on the old brain.  Since the creative juices are really flowing, the flow continues into other parts of life.  A random selection of images and words accompany me throughout the work day.  Thus, today's blog is also a random set of images from the week.  

I photographed this dancing gent eleven years ago when photographer and friend, Steve Immel and I had cameras in hand, exploring Santa Fe. Here are the "then" and "now" photographs. 

One mission was to shoot a decent photograph of a piece of obsidian, for one of the books in process. Much more difficult than I thought it would be.  But here is a test shot and finger selfie.

Because the statuesque Ponderosa pine trees have a mention in one of the books, I feature one here.

And the topping on the cake of randomness, is a hummingbird trumpet or zauschneria.

Zauschneria "Hummingbird Trumpet" 1 2023Zauschneria "Hummingbird Trumpet" 1 2023

Sincere thanks to all of you who commented last week, including Barbara F. R., Victoria, Connie, Kathryn and Gene, Anne O., Marilyn G., Lisa S., Tomas, Brenda, Steve, Ann A. Ingrid, and Catherine, and a huge debt of gratitude to Christina W. who provided a new home for Rug 386 this week.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) art blacks crossing photography daryl a. black museum of indian arts and culture new mexico obsidian photography ponderosa pine trees Mon, 02 Oct 2023 01:46:08 GMT
Wool Festival 2023 The Mountain and Valley Wool Association was founded in Antonito, Colorado in 1983, with the mission to "promote fiber from all fiber bearing animals - especially those in Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas -and to pass on the rich history of the fiber-related crafts to the next group of fiber enthusiasts."  Members of MAVWA produced the Taos Wool Festival for 38 years at Kit Carson Park.  Because of extenuating circumstances, the festival was moved from Taos to Santa Fe last year, and this year's festival in Santa Fe will be its 40th.  Fred had a booth at the Taos Wool Festival for 13 years, and will be back in the festival this year at the Santa Fe County Fairgrounds located at 3229 Rodeo Road, east of the intersection of Cerrillos Road and Rodeo Road.  Fred's exhibit space for his business - Big Sage Artisans - will be A-04A in the Animal Pavilion.  We'll be happily ensconced with the critters - alpacas, llamas, rabbits, goats, and of course, sheep. 

Fred has been busy preparing work for the festival.  This week's blog features 8 of the 20 rugs he will have on exhibit.  The event is a good opportunity to see his work in the flesh and feel the ample texture and colors of rug-weight Navajo-Churro wool.    


Rug 344


Rug 370

Rug 370 product picture 1Rug 370 product picture 1


Rug 375

Rug 375Rug 375


Rug 381

Rug 381Rug 381


Rug 386

Rug 386Rug 386


Rug 391

Rug 391Rug 391


Rug 392

Rug 392Rug 392


Rug 393

Rug 393Rug 393

The 40th MAVWA Wool Festival will be held on Saturday, October 7 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., and Sunday, October 8 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.  The juried show is free and open to the public, and features the fiber work of 58 different fiber vendors as well as food vendors offering snacks, beverages, and lunch items.  

Thanks to Tim A., Christina, Barbara F. R., Jean & Sam, Deb R., TTT, Lucia, Terry T., and Steve for commenting on last week's blog!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©





(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Big Sage Artisans Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black Fred Black MAVWA Mountain and Valley Wool Association Navajo-Churro wool New Mexico photography weaving Wool Festival Sun, 24 Sep 2023 21:05:50 GMT
mysteries of flight I am fascinated by birds in flight.  Some birds spend a lot of time on the ground, scratching with their bills and feet for their food, and then suddenly take to the air, as if to escape. Canyon towhees scrounge around parked motor vehicles to see what insects might be on the undercarriage or stuck in the grills. Others, including bluebirds, phoebes and flycatchers hunt flying insects, diving and turning wildly and abruptly until they catch the insect mid-air with a resounding snap.  Some are scavengers and cleaners, while others contribute to the continuation of species by eating fruit and seeds and discreetly (or not) depositing them on the ground.  But hummingbirds.  Ah, hummingbirds. They are the most amazing fliers, and I never tire of watching them.  Their aerial maneuvers and dog fights are challenging to photograph, and I have literally taken thousands of photographs of them over the years, particularly when we were living in Taos County.  So when circumstances aligned at a friend's house last week to photograph both hummingbirds and a drone, it was far too tempting to ignore.

While talking and eating, we could watch the world to the south, and a storm developing.  Since one hardly ever knows where and when it will rain in New Mexico, we watched and waited.  It ended up being quite the storm, complete with probably two inches of rain and hail.  As happens here, after the sky had opened and literally poured its contents onto the land, the sun emerged.  And as good documentary filmmakers do these days, our host pulled out her drone and computer system, preparing it to fly.  While it was taking off, I took some shots of it before it left our sight.  She flew the drone over the arroyos, and we watched in real-time as the water tore through them and over the land to end up, eventually, in the Rio Chama.  The drone looks rather alien in nature. 

drone 2drone 2

drone 3drone 3

drone  1drone 1

As with any aircraft, take offs and landings are the most tenuous times.  On this particular day, not landing in the water was also a priority.  Notice in this image that the propellers are still in motion, as they are in the other photographs.

drone 4drone 4

Because the storm had been a good twenty minutes in length, the hummingbirds needed to eat after it exited.  Got to keep those tiny bodies and hearts going.  I suspect these are all female rufous hummingbirds, although they could have been broad-tailed, except I did not hear the audible trilling of their wings that is one of their identifiers.    

hummingbird in Medanales 2hummingbird in Medanales 2

hummingbird in Medanales 1hummingbird in Medanales 1

hummingbird in Medanales 3hummingbird in Medanales 3

And after the rain, and the flights of the hummingbirds and drones, I still marvel at and appreciate the great mysteries of how both fly.

Thanks, Cristina, for the wonderful real-time show.

And thanks to TTT, Larry & Carol, Charleen, Jean & Sam, Marilyn G., Steve, Christina, Pater, Lisa S., Ingrid, Catherine, and Marilyn R. for your comments on last week's blog. Enjoy the changing seasons, wherever you are in the world.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©



(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black drones hummingbirds nature New Mexico photography Sun, 17 Sep 2023 20:57:08 GMT
web of life As the horrible day in American history - 9/11/2001 - is being remembered- I ponder life and its connections or webs that bring us together.  An example from nature is a spider we have been watching with interest, trying to avoid and keep from walking through its web that is tethered to our patio walls, which have become its patio walls and home.  Far from being an insect photographer, I sometimes cannot help myself and must observe and then pull out my cameras to see what can be caught.

Araneus gemmoides or the cat-faced spider, is part of a family of orb weavers.  The lifespan is said to be a few weeks, but this particular female must feel quite comfortable and happy here because we have been watching her for at least a month.  We know it is a female because of its very large abdomen, as you can see here.  She was skillfully moving around her web and drinking water from the strands.  The cat-faced spiders' legs are quite long and spindly, and although I did not capture her using her legs for weaving, you can see how see they are used to construct the web.  The photographs were made over three days and late evenings.  

spider, cat face 4spider, cat face 4


You can see how very delicate the fibers appear but they are incredibly strong.  The "hairs" on the spider are actually trichobothria or sensory organs. The abdomens has spinnerets or spigots from which the protein is emitted to create a silk that is so strong it withstands wind and rain, and human idiots walking through the web.

spider, cat face 2spider, cat face 2

spider, cat face 1spider, cat face 1

spider, cat face 5spider, cat face 5

And the pre-Halloween special is this odd image created with a flashlight after sundown.

spider, cat face 6spider, cat face 6

The reason it is called a Cat-Face spider

spider, cat face 3spider, cat face 3

Many thanks to Barbara F. R., Christina, Jean & Sam, TTT, Catherine, Pat L., Carolyn, Steve, and Lucia for commenting last week.  It looks like we may have, surprisingly, a rainy week in northern New Mexico, offering its own opportunities for photography.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Cat faced spider new mexico photography spiders webs Mon, 11 Sep 2023 15:09:29 GMT
labor of love It is Labor Day, 2023.  Although 1894 was the year the U. S. Congress declared the first Monday in September every year as a holiday to honor American workers, the first celebration happened in 1882 in New York.  The holiday also dates back to the Haymarket Riot in Chicago in 1886.  According to an article in Wikipedia, a rally by labor organizers "began peacefully in support of workers striking for an eight-hour work day, the day after the events at the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company, during which one person was killed and many workers injured.[3] An unknown person threw a dynamite bomb at the police as they acted to disperse the meeting, and the bomb blast and ensuing gunfire resulted in the deaths of seven police officers and at least four civilians; dozens of others were wounded."  In other words, it was a significant and history-making event, after which "eight anarchists were convicted of conspiracy."  Seven were sentenced to death.  Blood was shed to improve working conditions in factories, and to create the eight hour work day, holidays, and weekends. That should never be forgotten. To read more, Wikipedia has an excellent article on the Haymarket Affair.

Today, the holiday is so beloved that huge numbers of people are on the highways and in the skies, taking advantage of the three day weekend.  I doubt the workers involved in labor rallies at that time imagined such a thing, or foresaw sales on sofas and other stuff as part of the holiday.  But the fight for decent treatment of workers prevails, as members of SAG, the Screen Actors Guild, and the Writers' Guild of America continue their strike action.  Even though many think of these strikes as being frivolities, there are serious issues involved, including the use of artificial intelligence to replace actors' images and to write scripts. Copyrighting work is almost always an issue for artists.  I am glad people are still fighting for their rights in the workplace, wherever that may be.  

In addition, there is a huge amount of work in America being done by a relatively unrecognized group of people - volunteers.  Quietly, but steadily and efficiently, these people perform labors of love every day in almost every area, including in schools, libraries, hospitals, animal shelters, food banks, gardens, within the national park system, and numerous non-profit and emergency aid organizations.  Given last week's blog on Valles Caldera, I thought more information was called for about the volunteers or near-volunteers who have contributed to the restoration of the area and other wilderness and ranch locations damaged in years past by humans, other animals, and machines.  

Renea Roberts - producer, editor, and director for R3 Productions - along with her team and contributors, are putting together a five-part documentary series on water restoration titled Thinking Like Water.  It features renowned forester and water wizard Bill Zeedyk.  Zeedyk is author of Let the Water Do the Work:  Induced Meandering, an Evolving Method for Restoring Incised Channels.  Anyone who has lived in the Southwest has seen channel cuts, also called head cuts.  Many people see it as erosion, which it is, but it can be fixed.  Zeedyk and numerous volunteers he has mentored over the years, have worked on restoring these cuts, including at Valles Caldera.  Zeedyk's restoration strategies have been adopted by many government agencies, paid contractors, and private landowners, in addition to the all volunteer Albuquerque Wildlife Federation. The Thinking Like Water website is well worth exploring. along with the trailer for Thinking Like Water, front and center on the link.  At just over twelve minutes long, it is a great introduction to Zeedyk and volunteer restoration work in the Southwest.  You can learn more about and support the project, and spread the word about it.  I raise a glass to all of you who volunteer! 


East Fork of the Jemez River, a good case for meandering

Valles Caldera East Fork of the Jemez River 5Valles Caldera East Fork of the Jemez River 5

It was exciting to see how many of you have visited Valles Caldera in years past and were just as enchanted by the place as I am, including Barbara F. R., Victoria, Donna and Dave, Catherine S., Claudia, Tim, Ingrid, Ann A., Lawrence, Jean and Sam, M. Fred B., Marilyn G., Terry T., and Steve. Thanks also to documentary filmmaker Cristina McCandless, who among others, is doing drone footage for the series and alerted me to it.  

Since today (in addition to being Labor Day) is the first Monday of meteorological autumn, I hope all of you are ready with cameras in hand to take advantage of the special light that comes with the season.  

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©








(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black Don Unser Labor Day nature New Mexico photography Renea Roberts Thinking Like Water volunteers William deBuys Sun, 03 Sep 2023 21:10:50 GMT
Valles Caldera There is a very large hole in northern New Mexico.  A circular depression in the earth that covers some 13 miles in width.  It is Valles Caldera, formerly known as Valle Grande.  Now part of the National Park Service, its official name is Valles Caldera National Preserve.  From NM Highway 4 via Los Alamos, or U. S. 550 through Jemez Springs to NM 4, at first glance, you might not even see anything other than a lower, grassy spot with volcanic plugs, cones, and other features surrounding it.  But according to the Park Service, when you stand anywhere in the middle, "you are standing in a sunken volcano.  Its eruption 1.25 million years ago was 300 times larger than Mt. St. Helens in 1980."  To say it altered New Mexico's landscape radically is an understatement.  "Ejected ash fell as far as Kansas, Utah, and Wyoming".  Not to mention what happened to the immediate area.  Cerro La Jara is a tree-covered small, broad bump (hardly the technical term) in the right middle of the photograph below.  There is an easy trail walking trail that surrounds it.  By walking it, you begin to get a feel for how big the area is, and how you really are in a huge basin.

Valles Caldera and Cerro La Jara 2023Valles Caldera and Cerro La Jara 2023  

We New Mexicans appreciate all water features.  The East Fork of the Jemez River, which some from the wetter parts of the country might call a creek, runs through the caldera.  The image below is looking east. 

Valles Caldera East Fork of the Jemez River 1 2023Valles Caldera East Fork of the Jemez River 1 2023

Looking west along the river, you will notice other volcanic features.

Valles Caldera East Fork of the Jemez River 2 2023Valles Caldera East Fork of the Jemez River 2 2023

Grasses being laid down by the water in the East Fork of the Jemez River.

Valles Caldera East Fork of the Jemez River 3Valles Caldera East Fork of the Jemez River 3

Coots and their chicks take advantage of the water.

Valles Caldera East Fork of the Jemez River - coots - 2023Valles Caldera East Fork of the Jemez River - coots - 2023

I suspect many of you reading this have hiked extensively in the caldera, whereas my experience is relatively new and limited.  But it is an extraordinary piece of New Mexico.  With luck, you will be able to visit, walk, and hike Valles Caldera at some point in the future.

Thanks to Lawrence, Victoria, Barbara F. R., Jean & Sam, Marilyn G., Earle, Lisa S., Steve, and Catherine for following along and commenting last week!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black Jemez River mountains nature New Mexico photography Valles Caldera volcanoes Mon, 28 Aug 2023 01:11:15 GMT
Indian Market One of the largest yearly art events in Santa Fe, and probably New Mexico, is the Southwestern Association for Indian Arts (SWAIA) Indian Market.  It was held this weekend on the Plaza and surrounding streets.  This year's market was the 101st, and it was the first we had attended in five years.  It was a joy to spend time at the market.  In addition to seeing some incredible art, the people watching was unsurpassed.

Some 51 years ago, we first encountered the Indian Market on a rainy August afternoon in Santa Fe.  We had just been married and were taking everything in, not really knowing what it was.  It has grown and expanded remarkably since then, with the 2023 market featuring more than 900 American Indian artists.  Our visit this year was primarily to enable Fred to meet one of the weavers in the Rainbow Fiber Coop, along with seeing the work of others featured on Instagram.  From my 31 July blog, you might remember the beautiful Navajo-Churro wool that Fred purchased in lustrous indigo and cochineal. Here is Zefren-M, the weaver (and jeweler) who dyed the wool, styling in his reversible pancho.  

Zefren-M 1 Indian Market 2023Zefren-M 1 Indian Market 2023    

Zefren-M 2 Indian Market 2023Zefren-M 2 Indian Market 2023

Zefren-M 3 Indian Market 2023Zefren-M 3 Indian Market 2023

Fred finally was able to start Rug 393 last week, using Efren's indigo and cochineal-dyed wool, along with Rainbow Fiber Coop dark grey.

Rug 393 detail 1Rug 393 detail 1

Rug 393 detail 2Rug 393 detail 2  

And Indian Market would not be complete with a surprise or two, one of which came in the form of a swallowtail butterfly in a puddle of water on Palace Avenue.

Swallowtail on Palace AvenueSwallowtail on Palace Avenue

Thanks to Tim A., Char, Barbara F. R., Claudia, Jean & Sam, Steve, and Catherine for your comments this week. 

until next Monday, 


a passion for the image©


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) blacks crossing photography daryl a. black fred black indian market new mexico photography southwestern association for indian arts swaia swallowtail butterfly weaving zefren-m Mon, 21 Aug 2023 00:57:29 GMT
Gilman Tunnels Having lived much of my life in New Mexico, I often find myself wondering why there are so many places in the state about which I have read or heard very little or nothing.  One such place is the Gilman Tunnels in the Jemez National Recreation Area, roughly five miles northwest of the intersection of Highway 4 and Highway 485.  I read about the tunnels while researching the Jemez Mountains, and they certainly are impressive.  I was dwarfed by the height of the massive granite jumbles and stacks out of which they were blasted and cut.  The New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources division of New Mexico Tech (New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology) in Socorro provides both historical and scientific data on the area.

"Two narrow and unusually high tunnels were cut through Precambrian granite in the 1920s to facilitate passage of logging trains through this particularly rugged and constricted section of Guadalupe Canyon, known as the Guadalupe Box. Logs that were harvested in the western Jemez Mountains in the 1920s were taken by narrow-gauge railroad to a sawmill in Bernalillo. The tunnels were enlarged in the 1930s to accommodate logging trucks."  ( Not only was I impressed by the size of the tunnels and the colossal rock of the area, but by the work that must have been required to find a suitable area and survey it in the first place, and then to blast and clear rock, without having the luxury of fossil fuels and trucks to haul materials.  The original road to the area was probably sketchy to say the least.  Like many of the tunnels in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California, was well as other places around the world, human power made the project possible.  The image below is of the first tunnel you would approach driving from Jemez Springs on Highway 485.

Gilman Tunnels 2Gilman Tunnels 2

Two closeups of the tunnel ceilings and walls

Gilman Tunnels 3Gilman Tunnels 3


Gilman Tunnels 1Gilman Tunnels 1

I insert this detail of the southern part of the Guadalupe Box detail as a demonstration of the massive rock and complexity of it.  Some of the rock sheets seem to be shaggy and ready to slough off at any time.  Notice a cave forming in the center of the bottom third of the photograph.  

Gilman Tunnels/Guadalupe Box 2Gilman Tunnels/Guadalupe Box 2

shooting north in the Guadalupe Box

Gilman Tunnels/Guadalupe BoxGilman Tunnels/Guadalupe Box

"The lower stretch of the Guadalupe River canyon exposes a thick section, including Permian redbeds of the Yeso Formation, Glorieta sandstone, and Triassic Moenkopi and Chinle strata, capped by thick exposures of Bandelier tuff." ( I can guarantee you my memory won't hold all this information, but the photograph, again, demonstrates the incredible and complicated (not to mention beautiful) geologic history of the area. 

Gilman tunnels - Guadalupe Box 1Gilman tunnels - Guadalupe Box 1

As the seasons begin to change and move toward the equinox next month, I hope you are able to get out and take advantage of the special light.  The trip to the Gilman Tunnels is well worth your time.  Although Highway 485 is the former railway grade and bed, it is well maintained and an easy drive.  If you continue further into the Guadalupe Box region, the road which carries the number 376, requires a four-wheel drive vehicle.

My thanks to Tim A., Connie T., TTT, Barbara F. R., Jean & Sam, Marilyn G., Catherine, and Steve for commenting this week.  

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©





(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) blacks crossing photography daryl a. black geology gilman tunnels guadalupe box jemez national recreation area jemez river new mexico new mexico bureau of geology and natural resources photography rio guadalupe rocks Sun, 13 Aug 2023 22:16:24 GMT
this and that As the summer heat continues here and in many places around the globe, and beads of sweat roll down my brow, I still find myself grateful for living at 7,000 feet elevation in the Southwest, where a breeze or a pool of shade can provide almost immediate cooling.  Opening windows in the early morning hours allows cooler air to fill the house before the heat of the day sets in.  It provides periods of time for writing, developing and curating photographs, working on several online books I am putting together, and jelling other ideas that pop randomly and whirl around in my brain.  Plus spending what seemed far too much time researching different businesses for self-publishing books took up part of the week.  But it is always an adventure, and an occasional surprise to see where things lead.  Searching through photographs for another project I am doing involving black and white images, I came across this photograph of a hummingbird I rendered in 2018.  Bizarre but fascinating.

hummingbird abstract 2018hummingbird abstract 2018   

These red columbines that were growing along a waterfall on the Aspen Vista Trail near the Santa Fe Ski Basin are remarkably similar to the Aquilegia "Little lanterns" columbines I planted in our yard.  They are, no doubt, related.

Columbine, red 1 2023Columbine, red 1 2023

The shooting stars, also growing near the same waterfall, were a refreshing surprise.

Shooting Star 1 2023Shooting Star 1 2023

Both sides of the trail were covered with Richardson's geraniums.  Ever wonder how the bright red house plants and these are related?

Richardson's geranium 1 2023Richardson's geranium 1 2023

I am considering the images above and others for one of the books I am designing.  The other book will feature some geological portraits in New Mexico and southern Colorado.  Naturally, the Ghost Ranch area near Abiquiu will be an integral part.

O'Keefe Country landscapes - still life by natureO'Keefe Country landscapes - still life by nature

O'Keefe Country landscapes designs in sandstoneO'Keefe Country landscapes designs in sandstone

Who knows what will evolve during the week in the world of writing and photography for all of us?


Thanks to Connie T., Robert, Terry T., Barbara F. R., Jean & Sam, Marilyn G., Robert, and Kelli D., for commenting this week.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©



(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Abiquiu and Ghost Ranch blacks crossing photography books daryl a. black nature new mexico photography red columbines Richardson's geranium shooting stars Mon, 07 Aug 2023 01:28:38 GMT
a bug and a seed It was literally Christmas in July when Fred received the box containing ten pounds of Navajo-Churro wool from the Rainbow Fiber Co-op.  Skeins of the indigo and cochineal-dyed wool are eye popping.  But first, some background on the Co-op.  

"Rainbow Fiber Co-Op is a Diné-led agricultural co-operative established to improve the financial sustainability and equitable market outcomes for the remaining flocks of Dibé dits’ozí (Navajo-Churro sheep) on the Navajo Nation. Our mission is to close the gap between rural Diné shepherds and an e-commerce marketplace for their wool."  You can find more information, see their product, and even shop online by looking at their website linked here.

Using one of my favorite references on color The Secret Lives of Color by Kassia St. Clair, I was able to expand on my knowledge of both colors, which in the case of cochineal was that the dye is made from a bug.  

Rainbow Fiber Coop indigo and cochinealRainbow Fiber Coop indigo and cochineal

It never ceases to amaze me how things are discovered and put to use in human lives.  According to St. Clair, the insect from which cochineal is made, was not actually identified as an insect until the 17th century, when its confirmation was made under a microscope.  Dactylopius coccus, specifically the female, is no larger than the size of a pinhead.  Dactylopius dines voraciously on the prickly pear cactus, where they can be found in "snowy white clusters on the sunny side of the prickly pear cactus leaf...If you were to pluck one off and squeeze hard enough to crush it, your guilty fingers would be stained bright crimson."  It is one of the most brilliant and flexible of the natural dyes.  St. Clair adds that "it was used as a dye in Central and South America from at least the second century B. C. and became intrinsic to the Aztec and Inca Empires."  In the hands of a skilled dye master, including Zefren Anderson based in Shiprock, who dyed the wool shown here, the color shines in all its glory.  It is called Navajo-Churro Zefren's Red Cochineal.  The wound balls are the Co-op's dark gray, which I found to be quite reflective of the light in which it was photographed.  Perhaps that is because the Navajo-Churro sheep wander through the many colors of their environments?

Rainbow Fiber Coop cochineal and charcoal greyRainbow Fiber Coop cochineal and charcoal grey

Rainbow Fiber Coop cochinealRainbow Fiber Coop cochineal

Shifting now to indigo or the seed mentioned in today's blog title.  Indigofera tinctoria or true indigo, is a member of the pea/bean family - Fabaceae. St. Clair, again in The Secret Lives of Color, indicates that although its origins were thought to be in India, the Middle East and Africa, it grows in many areas world-wide and its discovery and use for dying could have been made in numerous places.  Apparently, it is notoriously difficult to render and create the dye, and thus was given great value.  "Males of the Tuareg tribe in Northern Africa are given tagelmusts, or headscarves, at a special ceremony that marks their transition from boy to man.  The most prestigious in the community wear the glossiest indigo tagelmusts, whose gloriously resonant hue is developed through multiple rounds of dying and beating.  Because it has always been so highly prized, indigo has, from as far back as records and educated guesswork allow, been a bedrock of global trade."  The gloss or patina in the indigo from Rainbow Fiber Coop is quite apparent in the images included here.

Rainbow Fiber Coop indigo, cochineal, and charcoal greyRainbow Fiber Coop indigo, cochineal, and charcoal grey

Rainbow Fiber Coop indigoRainbow Fiber Coop indigo

Rainbow Fiber Cooper indigo, charcoal grey, and cochinealRainbow Fiber Cooper indigo, charcoal grey, and cochineal

Fred has not yet used the cochineal or indigo, but the dark grey field from the co-op was used in Rug 391.

Rug 390Rug 390

Thanks to Connie Taylor, Zefren Anderson, Kelli Dunaj, Nikyle Begay, and all the artisans, herders, spinners and dyers who are involved in the Rainbow Fiber Co-op and its mission, and of course the Dibé dits’ozí (Navajo-Churro sheep).

TTT, Ann A., Barbara F. R., Jean & Sam, Marilyn G., Steve, and Marilyn R. commented on last week's blog and I thank you for your words.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) blacks crossing photography cochineal daryl a. black indigo kassia st. clair navajo-churro wool new mexico photography prickly pear cactus rainbow fiber coop the secret lives of color weaving zefren anderson Mon, 31 Jul 2023 15:16:35 GMT
the power of nature Nature is part of us and we are part of nature.  Sometimes we notice it more than others, especially when nature reflects the changing climate, as has been the case for the past couple of weeks, or the truth be known, decades.  It was just much more profound this July than during years past. Searing heat around the planet, drenching rains resulting in deadly flooding, wildfires that sent holiday makers on the Isle of Rhodes literally packing.  Hardly anyone was spared the impact of and power of nature, whether it was from a major catastrophic event or things that, in the scheme of things,  were relatively minor.  Ants, eau de skunk, or bears and deer joining neighbors for dining.  The Power of Nature surrounds us, so why not take joy and find things that make us smile?  

As someone who appreciates gardens as a source of that good energy when things are busy enough to keep me out of the mountains or desserts, I turn my camera on them.  My continuing missions this week included selecting photographs for a couple of different collections I am honing for books, and rug photography for Fred's portfolio.  But at this time of year when some flowers are starting to wane, the knockout garden standby is a plant that always pleases from the moment its first leaf pokes through the soil until the frost take holds. That is the hosta.  Because many of the varieties have ample leaves that are variegated, beautifully shaped and delineated, the leaves rather than the subdued flowers are the stars. Although the flowers are nice surprises when they do appear.  The leaves create an automatic backdrop for the light purple flowers. 

Hosta 2023 1Hosta 2023 1

Hosta 2023 4Hosta 2023 4

Hosta 2023 2Hosta 2023 2

Hosta 2023 5Hosta 2023 5

Showing off the leaves are hostas' speciality.

Hosta 2023 6Hosta 2023 6

Hosta 2023 7Hosta 2023 7

I almost missed these flowers, sheltering under a neighboring leaf.

Hosta 2023 8Hosta 2023 8


It was intensely gratifying to hear from so many of you last week in regard to the agave bloom stalk life cycle.  It is still in bloom, with just about all of the bloom pods fully opened.  Some of you mentioned that you had seen blooms this year, including in Arizona, Oregon, and California.  So thank you, Christina, Victoria, TTT, Sandra B., Barbara F. R., Ross, Claudia, Charlie, Ann A., Susie, Terry T., Debbie, Marilyn G., Robert, Steve, Ingrid, Catherine, and Bob S. for your input and comments!  May your week be filled with nature's delights!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black flowers hostas nature New Mexico photography Mon, 24 Jul 2023 15:09:04 GMT
alien plants? There are plants on this earth that look extremely alien or other worldly.  In my 4 June blog, I featured the yucca, the blooms of which can look quite alien.  But the process by which the agave (in the same family as yuccas) blooms is truly bizarre.

The agave likes heat.  It can grow in desert, high desert, and tropical climates, and many of its species have subdued and lovely shades of verdigris, making them perfect elements for New Mexico gardens.  Below is an image of the plant featured in today's blog two years before it evolved into its alien stage.

Because most agaves have many years on them before they arrive in a garden from their native habitats
 - as many as thirty or more - one can never really know its age or when it will bloom.  So when the bloom stalk appeared one day in a local garden around the corner, and continued to grow literally feet every day, we looked forward to seeing its progress on our daily walks.  This image was made on 4 June.  How much taller would it get?

Just 11 days later, on 15 June, I used a friend's height for scale (Robert says he's just shy of 6') demonstrating how much the stalk had grown.

agave bloom spike 2023 1agave bloom spike 2023 1

Another 15 days later, it had gained possibly another four feet and the bloom pods were starting to reveal themselves. 

agave bloom spike 2023 2agave bloom spike 2023 2

agave bloom spike 2023 3agave bloom spike 2023 3

Each one of these branched inflorescences will explode, exposing bright yellow flower parts.

agave blooms 2023 1agave blooms 2023 1

The images below were made yesterday, another 16 days after the pods started to appear.  The bloom cycle lasts 3-4 months, and happens just once in a lifetime.  New agave-lets appear in the bloom bundle and fall to the ground.  Under the right conditions, they may grow into new agaves.  Which is the point, since, unfortunately, the agave has put its life energy into the process and then dies.  I feel lucky to have witnessed its life cycle.  As you can tell, this agave has not quite finished its presentation.

agave blooms spike 2023 4agave blooms spike 2023 4

Numerous stamens are waving in the breeze loaded with pollen.  The bees had already discovered the newly unfurled pods.

agave blooms 2023 3agave blooms 2023 3

agave blooms 2023 2agave blooms 2023 2

Hope all of you in the northern hemisphere are able to deal with whatever weather conditions nature presents this week.  Thanks to Debbie & Steve, Marilyn G., TTT, Barbara F. R., Steve, Jean & Sam, and Lawrence for commenting this week.  And thanks to Ann for growing and caring for this agave, and to Robert for giving the bloom stalk scale.  

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©





(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) agave Blacks Crossing Photography bloom spikes Daryl A. Black New Mexico photography Mon, 17 Jul 2023 02:40:00 GMT
following the blooms Since I have been immersed during the last month in flower photography, specifically photographing peonies, it seemed appropriate to follow the peony blooms for one more week.  The blooms are long gone from the garden and the vase, but they remain visually alive, courtesy of cameras and technology.

Nearly every photo shoot I do involves some sort of backdrop for the subject, whether it is natural or human made.  To photograph the peonies featured in today's blog, I chose three colors as possibilities - grey, white, and black.  Two different black fabrics were used.  All three colors demonstrate how different a subject can be, dependent on texture and color of a backdrop.

The first two photographs show why so many photographers use a neutral grey for portraiture of any kind.  It is soft and capable of producing a lush color spectrum.

peony on grey 2 2023peony on grey 2 2023  


peony on grey 1 2023peony on grey 1 2023


White changes everything. The pink peony in the first photograph below  (which reminds me of the artwork of Charles Rennie Macintosh - architect, designer, and artist - who influenced Art Nouveau and the Secessionist Movement) has a pink tinge to it.

peony on white 3 2023peony on white 3 2023

White on white has a lightness to it that is completely different from the grey.

peony on white 1 2023peony on white 1 2023

peony on white 2 2023peony on white 2 2023


Finally, black can be quite dramatic when used as a backdrop.  It is bold and pulls the eye from the backdrop, leaving only the subject for the viewer to peruse, as shown here, and in the image of the base of the peony.  

peony on black 2 2023peony on black 2 2023

peony on black 4 2023peony on black 4 2023

I "pulled" the shadows a bit in the image below to show just a hint of the texture provided by the black lace fabric.

peony on black 3 2023peony on black 3 2023


Despite the fact that it was the 4th of July weekend, many of you commented on last week's blog including Mary Pat., Ann A., TTT, Terry T., Jean & Sam, Lucia, Christina, Steve, Marilyn G., Carol and Larry M., Barbara F. R., Robert, and Pauli.  Your comments are very much appreciated!  By the way, "Seating for One" seemed to be your favorite from the entrants for Shadow and Light Magazine.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black flowers nature New Mexico peonies photography still life photography Sun, 09 Jul 2023 23:41:20 GMT
time sensitive There are many eminently photographable things that are more or less static - mountains, meadows, trees, buildings, sculpture - and others that are not.  I would call those "time sensitive".  In other words, as a photographer, one needs to make the photograph relatively quickly or the subject changes.  Time sensitive things include plants with showy blooms.  Some have a long bloom cycle with changes within that cycle, while others seem to happen suddenly and disappear just as quickly.  I have spent the last three weeks making over 300 images of peonies - both in a garden setting and against backdrops - trying to capture the beauty with efficiency and daily attention to their changing nature.  

I also devoted time in the past month curating images for Shadow and Light Magazine's Color It Red special issue competition.  Below are a few of the images I included.

"Seating for One"



"Shade Sails"

Vivac Winery Shoot 2022 for blog 5Vivac Winery Shoot 2022 for blog 5


"weaving detail"

Rug 349 detail.jpgRug 349 detail.jpg



Flowers - amaryllis 29 2022.jpgFlowers - amaryllis 29 2022.jpg



Flowers - bromeliad 1 2023Flowers - bromeliad 1 2023


"Carol's peony"

Peonies - Carol's 2023 3Peonies - Carol's 2023 3


And I wish I had made the competition deadline with this beauty, but perhaps next year.  

"Peony on black 1"

Peony on black 2023 1Peony on black 2023 1

I hope all of you in the United States have a safe and beautiful Independence Day holiday.  

Thanks to Barbara F. R., Jean & Sam, Paule M., Victoria, Marilyn G., Catherine, Lisa S., Marilyn R., Steve, Ingrid and Dianne J. for your kind and most welcome comments on last week's blog.  My gratitude also goes to Cristina and Carol for providing the blooming inspiration!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Color It Red Daryl A. Black fiber flowers nature New Mexico peonies photography red Shadow and Light Magazine still life Mon, 03 Jul 2023 15:10:15 GMT
mountain refractions From certain points in the city of Santa Fe, one can look up and see the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.  In that first glance, the season becomes evident.  Gold and red in autumn, snow in winter, bare stone in early spring, and then shades of green begin to creep up the slopes as the aspen come into leaf.  The draw of the mountains is clear, and we must get to the rarified air to see what is on nature's menu in June.  Walking from roughly 9,900 feet to 10,600 feet in elevation on the Aspen Vista Trail changes everything.  There is something about it that is difficult to explain. You can feel the whole of nature in your bones and senses.  There were surprises, in the forms of brisk waterfalls and growth on the conifers that only happens when there is a good snow pack.  And many different wildflowers, some of which I had not seen in quite some time.  A future blog will hold some images of those, but today, water - that wonderful resource holding our bodies together - is the subject.

Mountain streams and waterfalls in New Mexico are petite compared to those in other locations around the world.  Nonetheless, they are gems. Using roughly 1/30 of a second shutter speed gave a most interesting photographic effect.  At first blush, the shutter speed slows down the water just enough to give a nice blur, as shown below.

Aspen Vista refractions 2Aspen Vista refractions 2  

But focusing in, the water appeared, at times, to be one sheet of shrink wrap flowing over the rocks.

Aspen Vista refractions 3Aspen Vista refractions 3

I hope your screen is big enough to see a couple of things in the shot below.  The lens captures the water, making it appear that it was frozen in time.  Also, in the bottom third of the shot, toward the center, there is a diagonal line of five dots that appear to have been applied by a white pen.  There are a couple of other places in the bottom half of the photograph where this happens as well.  It is water literally stopped in frame.

Aspen Vista refractions 1Aspen Vista refractions 1


Pulling back offers an image of the sequence of three drops of the falls.

Aspen Vista refractions 4Aspen Vista refractions 4

Not only did the waterfalls fascinate me, but the resulting slower water as it crossed the trail/road captured my attention.  Water gently moving over rocks and sand.  The sequence of photographs below were captured at 1/170 of a second at f8, allowing refraction to be caught in the most interesting ways. According to the Concise Oxford English Dictionary, a ray of light can be refracted by water, air, or glass which causes the light ray to change direction when it enters at an angle.  There was so much happening in several places that I spent a good amount of time watching and photographing the light and water dance.  Viewing the results was the equivalent of finding jewels in the water.  

Aspen Vista refractions 8Aspen Vista refractions 8

Aspen Vista refractions 5Aspen Vista refractions 5

Aspen Vista refractions 7Aspen Vista refractions 7

Aspen Vista refractions 6Aspen Vista refractions 6

Knowing full well that there are many of you reading who are in the throes of very uncomfortable heat, my hope is that it won't last long and allow you to enjoy summer.  Thanks to Lucia, Barbara F. R., Jean & Sam, Peggy, Steve, Claudia, TTT, Marilyn G., Catherine, Karla P., Charlie K. C., M. Fred, Veronica, Lena D., and Bill & Sue for kind comments this week.  

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Aspen. Vista Trail Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black mountains nature New Mexico photography refractions water waterfalls Sun, 25 Jun 2023 22:32:55 GMT
fiber abounds Artists of any ilk know there is much more involved in creating a piece than the end product.  It is the culmination of concept, materials procurement, resources, communication, production, and advertising.  That was the essence of this week in Fred's weaving business.  Not only was he able to make new contacts with people in the Navajo-Churro wool business, including Kelli Dunaj at Rainbow Fiber Co-Op (more at, a Dine' led agricultural cooperative, but he ordered 30 pounds of their natural dark grey rug weight Navajo-Churro wool.  Fiber will be even more abundant in the loom room when that joyous order arrives.   Until then, he continues to weave and just completed Rug 389, a detail of which is shown below.

Rug 389 detailRug 389 detail   

He dyed four pounds of a natural oatmeal color from iiiDogFarm in Los Ranchos de Albuquerque - two pounds a Flame Red from Greener Shades and two pounds of the same red along with a pinch of Greener Shades Sunshine Yellow.  Thanks to Andrea Harrell and Lulu, Cody, Gabe, and Bubba for sharing their wool.  The pure Flame Red-dyed is on the left hand side of the image, the natural oatmeal on which it is dyed is in the middle, and on the right side are the skeins dyed with Flame Red and added Sunshine Yellow.      

Navajo-Churro wool, hand dyed by Fred BlackNavajo-Churro wool, hand dyed by Fred Black


The last time I featured Fred's weaving here was in March while he was working on Rug 384 in which he used remnants from last year's weaving.  Because all the wool he uses is hand-dyed, dye lots vary, and thus, each and every rug is different.

Rug 384Rug 384

Rug 385, below, is in the Moki style, which utilizes narrow stripes.

Rug 385Rug 385


Rug 386 is as close as Fred gets to a pictorial weaving.

Rug 386 detailRug 386 detail

Hanging over a balustrade or wall, an observer can see "weather" in the rug - stylized clouds with rain or virga above the mesas and canyon, and a river running through it.   

Rug 386Rug 386

Rug 387 is in the style of a Navajo Chief's blanket (Phase II)

Rug 387Rug 387


Finally, a blending of six different dye lots of the same red - Chile Colorado (from Tierra Wools in Chama) - using the ombre or shading technique, make Rug 388 pop.

Rug 388Rug 388

It was great to hear from Bill and Sue, TTT, Connie, Barbara F. R., Christina W., Charlie, Sam & Jean, Marilyn G., Steve, Ingrid and Marta this week!

Hope your week, and particularly the Solstice on Wednesday, bring extra light to your photography and your lives.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) big sage artisans blacks crossing photography connie taylor daryl a. black fiber fred black iiidogfarm navajo-churro wool new mexico photography rainbow fiber coop weaving Sun, 18 Jun 2023 21:49:11 GMT
paper or poppy At the risk of becoming known exclusively as a flower/plant/garden photographer, which is not the case, I, nonetheless, venture again this week into the world of flowers.  Some extraordinary poppies in a neighbor's yard captured my attention.  Fully three to four feet tall in all their glory, they were hard to resist.  The saturated salmon color of the poppy below - Papaver orientalis - reflects the Latin meaning of the genus name "pop up".  But you can also see why it is one of the favorite flowers made with crepe paper.

Poppies - salmon 1 2023Poppies - salmon 1 2023  

Poppies - salmon 2 2023Poppies - salmon 2 2023

The white of the poppy below does not diminish its beauty in any way, with the large blotches of inky color at the base.  An orchestra of nature is playing furiously in the middle of the flower. 

Poppies - white 2 2023Poppies - white 2 2023

a black and white photograph showing more of the inner workings

Poppies - white 1 2023Poppies - white 1 2023


I had never seen this color of poppy before.  Depending on the light, the color ranged from mauve to plum to purple.  Each is stunning.  

Poppies - purple 3 2023Poppies - purple 3 2023

Poppies - purple 6 2023Poppies - purple 6 2023

Poppies - purple 4 2023Poppies - purple 4 2023

Thanks to Victoria, Lisa S., Barbara F. R., M. Fred, Kay, Christina W., Ann A., Steve, Marilyn G., and Catherine for commenting this week!  I hope you find some excellent subjects to photograph during the coming week.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black flowers nature New Mexico photography poppies still life Sun, 11 Jun 2023 20:40:27 GMT
equal time On 14 March 1927, House Bill # 371 officially declared the yucca (Yucca glauca) the New Mexico state flower.  I am the first to admit my time photographing the impressive flower stalks is limited.  But after spending a good chunk of time photographing columbines, the Colorado state flower, I thought it was appropriate to give our state flower equal time.  Viewing, researching, and photographing them - close and personal - resulted in some true appreciation for the people who chose to add the yucca to our state symbology.  Researching the botanical family for the yucca was a bit of a rabbit hole, however.  In years past, the yucca was considered part the the lily (Liliaceae) family, but now a group of new families in the old lily family have emerged.  From what I gather, it is now considered part of the Agavaceae family, a group of plants that over the millennia have been used for everything from shampoo and soap, to shoes and tequila.  Apparently, every part of a yucca is edible, except for the roots.  

The flower stalks of the yucca go through quite an evolution before coming to full bloom.  Emerging from the bottom of the plant, surrounded by green leaf spikes, they look like alien creatures.

The brown/burgundy color begins to lighten as the blooms start to open.


Thread-like filaments curling along the leaves' edges are pure design.


The blooms are quite delicate and lovely, counterpoints to the needle-sharp leaves.

Yucca blooms have a sheen that makes them look like ripe fruit.

I must include here the mammoth bloom stalk of an agave plant I noticed for the first time this morning.  Watching it evolve is going to be very interesting!


Thanks to all of you who commented on my Memorial Day blog and the meaning of the day, including Victoria, Barbara F. R., David O., Phyllis, Jean & Sam, Connie, Brenda, Ann A., Sara, Earle, Orlando, Steve, and Ingrid.  

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©



(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black flowers nature New Mexico New Mexico State flower photography yuccas Mon, 05 Jun 2023 01:32:50 GMT
we remember It is Memorial Day in the United States of America, a day designated by Congress on 11 May 1950, to honor U. S. military members who died while in service.  

"In honor and recognition of all of our fallen service members, the Congress, by a joint resolution approved May 11, 1950, as amended (36 U.S.C. 116), has requested that the President issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to observe each Memorial Day as a day of prayer for permanent peace and designating a period on that day when the people of the United States might unite in prayer and reflection.  The Congress, by Public Law 106-579, has also designated 3:00 p.m. local time on that day as a time for all Americans to observe, in their own way, the National Moment of Remembrance."  

President Biden proclaimed today, May 29, 2023 as a day of prayer for permanent peace.  "I further ask all Americans to observe the National Moment of Remembrance beginning at 3:00 p.m. local time on Memorial Day."

Memorial Day has become a collective day of remembrance of all who have died and passed from our lives.  There are sometimes heated discussions about why only military members are remembered and not peacemakers and conscientious objectors to war.  But one thing I suspect most people can agree upon is the idea, wish, or prayer for permanent peace.

In the spirit of remembering and peace, I am including photographs that seem particularly peaceful, each for different reasons, but that conjure those feelings. As is the case with the bench image below, surrounded by leaves in a cemetery, the images can be in urban or more natural settings.

A reflection of the Grand Teton in Jenny Lake, with stones

A dried lotus blossom among leaves draws in both the eyes and the spirit.

There is nothing like a healthy, open ponderosa pine forest and the smell of the sun-heated bark emitting a butterscotch/vanilla fragrance. 


Williams Lake on the way to Wheeler Peak in New Mexico is the perfect resting spot.


Looking up through an aspen canopy of fall quaking leaves settles the soul....

Trees - aspen 2021 4.jpgTrees - aspen 2021 4.jpg does the sight of a columbine flower in deep shade.

Columbine - Rocky Mountain (Aquilegia caerulean) 2 2023Columbine - Rocky Mountain (Aquilegia caerulean) 2 2023

I hope that each of you has a Memorial Day filled with good memories of those who have passed and with new memories of those with whom you celebrate!

Thanks to Ingrid, Barbara F. R., Connie, Steve, Catherine, Jean and Sam, Heather H., and Bill and Sue for writing this week.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©






(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) aspen trees Blacks Crossing Photography columbines Daryl A. Black Jenny Lake Grand Tetons Memorial Day New Mexico photography Ponderosa pine trees Williams Lake Mon, 29 May 2023 01:36:40 GMT
inside, out, and all around In between the most delicious and welcome rain showers this week, my camera and I were photographing numerous columbines.  The state flower of Colorado, the columbine is complicated and photogenic, and there are abundant species.  Here is an image I took years ago of a Rocky Mountain Columbine Aquilegia caerulea, along the Winsor Trail in the Santa Fe National Forest.  Needless to say, it was love at first sight and I have been growing and photographing different species ever since. 

Columbines - Rocky Mountain (Aquilegia cerulea)Columbines - Rocky Mountain (Aquilegia cerulea)KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERA

Like breeds or species of all stripes, columbine come in different sizes, colors, and shapes.  To begin the parade is the columbine "Little Lanterns". In Latin, Aquilegia canadensis is diminutive.  Rather than unfurled petals, the little lantern hangs down from the stem, like a lantern, and more like a bud.  The spurs come together at the top of the flower.

Columbines - Little Lanterns (Aquilegia canadensis) 2 2023Columbines - Little Lanterns (Aquilegia canadensis) 2 2023

The image below was taken in the morning after one of this week's rains the evening before.

Columbines - Little Lanterns (Aguilegia canadensis) 4 2023Columbines - Little Lanterns (Aguilegia canadensis) 4 2023

Next in size is the columbine Origami Red and White Aquilegia caerulea, the same species as the Rocky Mountain Columbine, with similar structural features, but different color and size. 

Columbines - Origami red and white (Aquilegia x caerulea) 2 2023Columbines - Origami red and white (Aquilegia x caerulea) 2 2023

Columbines - Origami red and white (Aquilegia x caerulea) 4 2023Columbines - Origami red and white (Aquilegia x caerulea) 4 2023

The next two photographs are of a columbine Swallowtail Aquilegia species.  It has not yet completely opened, given the cooler temperatures.

Columbines - Swallowtail (Aquilegia species) 2 2023Columbines - Swallowtail (Aquilegia species) 2 2023

Columbines - Swallowtail (Aquilegia species 1)Columbines - Swallowtail (Aquilegia species 1)

Finally, McKana Giants Aquilegia mckana hybrida columbines, are the largest as far as the actual plant is concerned, with a maximum size of 36 inches in height.  It was a fascinating challenge to try to photograph these amazing flowers, inside the depths of the petals, outside the petals, and complete with spurs all around.

Columbine - McKana Giant (Mckana hybrida) 9 2023Columbine - McKana Giant (Mckana hybrida) 9 2023

Columbine - McKana Giant (Mckana hybrida) 13 2023Columbine - McKana Giant (Mckana hybrida) 13 2023

It was great to hear from so many of you last week, including Victoria, Barbara F. R., Char, Jean & Sam, Steve, Catherine, Marilyn, Connie T., Heather F. H., Lluvia, Robert, and Lawrence J.   I hope all of you are finding wonderful things to ponder and photograph on this exceptional planet of ours.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image© 

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) aquilegia blacks crossing photography columbines daryl a. black flowers nature new mexico photography Mon, 22 May 2023 02:13:14 GMT
red dirt The human brain is an extremely complicated entity.  And each human brain, although basically structured the same way, is different.  It dictates how we learn and how we remember.  Driving around the Jemez Mountains during the last couple of weeks has brought back memories but has also made me realize how our memories are heavily based on a person's age and interests at any given time.  For instance, I did not remember while driving the miles of highway shoulders and pullouts that they are composed of red dirt. I am so accustomed to seeing varying shades of tan or light brown sand and gravel that comprise dirt roads in the state, that I had totally forgotten or perhaps had never noticed the red.  Of course, I wasn't driving during many of those early visits to the Jemez and possibly was seeing different things. Too young to drive.  I suspect many of you have a broader knowledge of the geologic makeup of the region than I do.  Pumice, obsidian, flint, tuff, and red scoria are familiar to me.  But the rest I have just begun to research.  I knew it was there because several women from Jemez Pueblo showed a group of us young Girl Scouts where they procured their clay for making pots.  I would have no clue where those places were and would absolutely not be able to find them today. Regardless, the red sandstone remains, and it is just as brilliant and eye-popping as it was in the late 1960s.  Driving from Highway 550 to Highway 4 through San Ysidro and Jemez Pueblo to Jemez Springs, is a real visual treat.

I made this photograph of the geological jumble along the west side of the highway.  The pillars in the top of the image (could be maar deposits) give way to red sandstone layers of a different type and consistency.  It is vintage Jemez.

Jemez Country geology 2023 1Jemez Country geology 2023 1     


Layers worked by water and wind and time abound.

Jemez Country geology 2023 5Jemez Country geology 2023 5

Jemez Country geology 2023 2Jemez Country geology 2023 2

These resemble a human-constructed dwelling.

Jemez Country geology 2023 4Jemez Country geology 2023 4

Jemez Country geology 2023 3Jemez Country geology 2023 3

Sandstone guardian

Jemez Country geology 2023 6Jemez Country geology 2023 6

Thanks for Barbara F. R., Lisa S., Jim & Louise W., Steve, Geula, Catherine, Steve, Christina, Robert, Paule, Claudia, and Pauli for writing this week.  

Who knows what next Monday will offer?  

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black Elza Seligman Girl Scout Camp Jemez Mountains Jemez Pueblo landscapes nature New Mexico photography Mon, 15 May 2023 02:16:27 GMT
layers of memories Today's blog is courtesy of a question asked a month ago by friend and photographer extraordinaire, Steve Immel.  In the process of curating photographs of California to select ten of his best for an article, Steve asked how would I do the same when it came to New Mexico.  It was truly a brain game that made me look through numerous slides and prints, as well as digital images.  I certainly know what some of my favorite places are, but found representative photographs sorely lacking.  From Bandelier National Monument, to Jemez Springs, Soda Dam, Battleship Rock and Valles Caldera, the Jemez Mountains are rich in volcanic formations and ponderosa pine forests (also known as western yellow pine). They form the southernmost part of the Rocky Mountains.  I almost feel as though the area is part of my DNA, having spent two weeks each summer for ten years at Girl Scout camps in the area.  In my opinion. the sensory richness of the area is very nearly unmatched.  So you now have fair warning that much of my photographic work for the coming summer months will be a revisit to some of the most beautiful and compelling parts of the area. 

Since the beginning of April when temperatures began to warm, the small towns of San Ysidro and Jemez Springs, New Mexico, experienced flooding from the runoff of excellent winter mountain snows.  The snow melt prompted warnings about not pulling off the side of Highway 4 because of the rushing water.  Every time I checked the state of New Mexico highway conditions map, indications were given about the highway being patrolled and police telling people they would not be allowed to utilize the shoulders for parking.  But the latest warnings were from the third week in April and I decided last week might be a good time to take a photographic trip to Soda Dam, north of Jemez Springs and Jemez Pueblo.  The drive would be enjoyable even if pulling off was not allowed.

As it turned out, the day was perfection, and the small parking area near Soda Dam was not only open but empty short of one vehicle.  For at least forty-five minutes, we had the place to ourselves.  I mentioned the sensory richness of the Jemez earlier.  As we opened the car doors, the smell of sulphur took us back, I am not certain where or even to what time, but it was the start of a heady experience - a delicious stew of smells and sounds.  The roar of the water made me realize why the authorities cautioned people not to go near the river.  Although there are many more public swimming pools in the state than during my childhood, there are still a good many who do not know how to swim.  The speed and intensity of the water would have taken even skilled swimmers for quite a ride. 

It is best to begin with a full shot of Soda Dam and the Jemez River going through the calcareous rock.  Layer upon layer of history deposit themselves in the formation, which, according to, is fifty feet high and fifty feet wide at the bottom.

Soda Dam, New Mexico - 2023 15Soda Dam, New Mexico - 2023 15

Within the body of the dam are small caverns and gnarled, contorted layers, shaped and worked by nature.

Soda Dam, New Mexico - 2023 21Soda Dam, New Mexico - 2023 21

Soda Dam, New Mexico - 2023 24Soda Dam, New Mexico - 2023 24


The noise of the water rushing through the opening was impressive, shown in the trio of progressively closer images.

Soda Dam, New Mexico - 2023 1Soda Dam, New Mexico - 2023 1

Soda Dam, New Mexico 2023 7Soda Dam, New Mexico 2023 7

Soda Dam, New Mexico - 2023 5Soda Dam, New Mexico - 2023 5


The other-worldly nature of these formations cannot be overstated.  It is seriously complicated by forces geologists can identify but the likes of me cannot.  

Soda Dam, New Mexico - 2023 18Soda Dam, New Mexico - 2023 18

A detail of the lower right hand part of the formation (travertine deposit) in the image of above makes me think of a wood burl.  

Soda Dam, New Mexico - 2023 28Soda Dam, New Mexico - 2023 28

Finally, since Soda Dam is part of the Jemez area, filled with geothermal features, and the dam is fed by 117° water from Valles Caldera, several types of algae or cyanobacteria, thrive here.

Soda Dam, New Mexico 2023 30Soda Dam, New Mexico 2023 30

Thanks for coming along for the ride, and my appreciation goes to Bill P., Barbara F. R., Christina, Lisa S., Jean and Sam, Steve, and Catherine for commenting last week.  Some very uniquely layered red dirt will be the feature of my next biog.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black geology Jemez Mountains landscapes nature New Mexico photography Soda Dam travel volcanic activity Sun, 07 May 2023 19:08:45 GMT
market bubble I heard a story some time ago about a stock market bubble in the 1600s (1636-1637) is the date given by multiple sources) about tulip speculation, and wondered, as I continued to photograph lovely yellow tulips, if it was true.  According to Investopedia, it was indeed the case that "speculation drove the value of tulip bulbs to extremes.  At the market's peak, the rarest tulip bulbs traded for six times the average person's annual salary."  "At the height of the bubble, tulips sold for approximately 10,000 guilders, equal to the value of a mansion on the Amsterdam Grand Canal."  At the time, the most expensive tulips were the Semper Augustus - a beauty of cream and burgundy-red flowing stripes - and the Viceroy, which was red mixed with yellow striations, according to The Garden of Eden blog.  Investopedia gave a bit of a disclaimer by indicating that the amount being paid could have been greatly exaggerated, but there is documentation of the wealthy paying exorbitant prices to place them in their gardens. However, by the end of 1637, due to any number of things that apply to finances and the stock market yet today, including leverage, the tulip bubble burst in dramatic fashion.  Another cautionary tale.  Today, bulbs are amazingly inexpensive for the beauty they impart.  Which is why I continue to photograph them, even the solid yellow ones in their plainness.  Sometimes, the single color allows a photographer to get close and define the bowls and petals, and appreciate nature's touch. Both images were shot at around 2 p.m, and, courtesy of variable cloud cover,  it was possible to capture two different moods. 

Flowers - tulip 2 2023 2Flowers - tulip 2 2023 2

Flowers - tulip 3 2023 3Flowers - tulip 3 2023 3       

Like every person who has taken their phone or camera out to capture snow on patio furniture, after the recent, wonderful snowfall, I made my way outside, camera in hand, as the sun was beginning to melt the snow in the late morning light.

Flowers - tulip and snow 2023 1Flowers - tulip and snow 2023 1

Flowers - tulip and snow 2023 3Flowers - tulip and snow 2023 3

As the tulips declare "Happy May Day", I thank Barbara F. R., Terry T., Catherine S., Jean & Sam, Steve, Bill P., and Larry & Carol for your comments on last week's blog!  I like to imagine all of you out and about with your cameras/phones this week, making photographic magic happen!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black flowers nature New Mexico photography tulips yellow Mon, 01 May 2023 01:16:07 GMT
a blog full of buds The buds are everywhere and in abundance.  It is spring, which in New Mexico also means that either the wind or a late frost may diminish their beauty.  I figured with both of those things forecast this week, I needed to get out and shoot as much as I could.  For the past week, the blossoms have beckoned.  Today's blog is heavy with buds from bulbs and flowering fruit trees alike.

First featured are assorted flowering plum tree blossoms that have been in bloom for several weeks.  It was during one of my first shoots of those trees I realized that the buds were equally perfect subjects.  Here is an image of buds and blossoms providing color rather than focus and form. That is left to the branch shadows on a stucco wall generating a bit of an abstraction.

Flowers - flowering plum and shadows 1Flowers - flowering plum and shadows 1

Below is a single flowering plum tree bud.  It is why I pursued buds this week and why it was well worth the time.

Flowers - flowering plum bud 2023 1Flowers - flowering plum bud 2023 1

Here is another flowering fruit tree bud.  I have no idea what type of tree it graces, but am guessing it could be a crabapple.

Flowers - flowering fruit tree bud 2023 1Flowers - flowering fruit tree bud 2023 1  

The buds here that are beginning to open are actually on the same tree as the bud featured in the previous photograph.

Flowers - flowering fruit tree bud 2023 2Flowers - flowering fruit tree bud 2023 2

Pulling away from the closeups gives an entirely different  perspective.

Flowers - flowering fruit tree bud 2023 4Flowers - flowering fruit tree bud 2023 4


The tulip buds I photographed took their time in opening.  Here is what I would call phase 2, when the color begins to appear.

Flowers - tulip bud 2023 2Flowers - tulip bud 2023 2


The bud here is poised to open.  In addition to the flower, I liked the waves created by the tulip leaves at the base.

Flowers - tulip bud 2023 4Flowers - tulip bud 2023 4

It opens.

Flowers - tulip bud 2023 5Flowers - tulip bud 2023 5


It was terrific to hear from so many of you last week, including Barbara F. R., Sandra B., Bill P., Lisa S., Jean & Sam, Ann A., Steve, Catherine, M. Fred, and Ingrid!  With luck, you will make some wonderful discoveries when you are out and about this week.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography buds Daryl A. Black flower buds flowering fruit trees flowering plum blossoms flowers nature New Mexico photography tulips Sun, 23 Apr 2023 21:32:03 GMT
all in the cup Spring really burst forth in this part of the Southwest last week, and with it, many more blooms of assorted types.  So in addition to photographing weaving details, I spent a good bit of time in the garden exploring assorted daffodils and flowering fruit trees.  In addition to the flowers, it occurred to me that buds are very nearly as beautiful themselves.  Those will be included in a future blog.  But today, it is all about the daffodil cup or corona.


The daffodil "Ice Follies" was featured in last week's blog, but the way light and shadow enveloped the ruffled cup shown here, made it a feature this week.

Flowers - daffodils - Ice Follies 2023 8Flowers - daffodils - Ice Follies 2023 8  


The same is true for this King Alfred daffodil.  The structure of the cup looks so sturdy that it seems to be able to hold almost anything.

Flowers - daffodils - King Alfred 2023 1Flowers - daffodils - King Alfred 2023 1


On the other hand, the Thalia daffodil shown below has petals and a cup that, in proportion, seem much longer and more delicate. 

Flowers - daffodils - Thalia 2023 2Flowers - daffodils - Thalia 2023 2

The stamens look like a starfish contained within the cup.

Flowers - daffodils - Thalia 2023 1Flowers - daffodils - Thalia 2023 1


Finally, the Tazetta daffodil or minnow, has very diminutive flowers, measuring one inch or 2.54 centimeters.  It was on-the-ground photography for this one. 

Flowers - daffodils - Tazetta 2023 2Flowers - daffodils - Tazetta 2023 2

Thanks to Christina, Barbara F. R., Lisa S., Ingrid, Catherine, Marilyn G., Steve, Lawrence, and Susie for commenting on last week's blog.  Yours words in addition to the flowers, are a breath of spring!

I hope you and your cameras will be out and about this week, discovering the evolution of life!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography daffodils Daryl A. Black flowers Ice Follies daffodils King Alfred daffodils nature New Mexico photography Tazetta daffodils Thalia daffodils Sun, 16 Apr 2023 22:56:34 GMT
a nod to spring After fits and starts from nature, we are having some true spring days in the southern Rocky Mountains.  To celebrate, today's blog is a nod to the season from the flower world, specifically daffodils.  Although some forsythia bushes are beginning to bloom in the city, there are few plants or trees blooming right now, particularly since a late frost claimed many of the early apricot buds and flowers.  So the harbingers and sure signs of spring happen to be the daffodils in our garden.

Two varieties are included in today's blog.  The Ice Follies bulbs produce a medium-sized flower with white petals and a yellow cup.  Here is a group I photographed in bright, late afternoon light.

Flowers - daffodils - Ice Follies 2023 1Flowers - daffodils - Ice Follies 2023 1

The photographs that follow were made between 8:30 and 9:30 in the morning, when available light was bright but softer in feel.

Flowers - daffodils - Ice Follies 2023 6Flowers - daffodils - Ice Follies 2023 6

The cups are filled with pollen, a veritable flow of it.

Flowers - daffodils - Ice Follies 2023 4Flowers - daffodils - Ice Follies 2023 4

There is mystery produced by the shadow and light in the two images below.

Flowers - daffodils - Ice Follies 2023 2Flowers - daffodils - Ice Follies 2023 2

Flowers - daffodils - Ice Follies 2023 3Flowers - daffodils - Ice Follies 2023 3

Every single part of the cup is apparent in this image.

Flowers - daffodils - Ice Follies 2023 5Flowers - daffodils - Ice Follies 2023 5

A smaller daffodil or narcissus bulb carrying the name Tete a Tete, produces flowers with a combination of yellow petals and orange cups.  This one is nodding until the warmth of the sun helps it unfurl. 

Flowers - daffodils - Tete a Tete 2023Flowers - daffodils - Tete a Tete 2023

Thanks to Ross, Ingrid, Barbara F. R., Steve, Catherine, and Charleen for commenting this week.  Happy Trails to Cristina, and Robert as they return home from their travels.  And may all you photographers who are reading this find more than ample subject matter to photograph as seasons change in both the northern and southern hemispheres.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography daffodils Daryl A. Black flowers Ice Follies daffodils nature New Mexico photography Tete a Tete daffodils Sun, 09 Apr 2023 21:10:58 GMT
the painted landscape Before humans (including painter Georgia O'Keefe) arrived on the scene, the earth's geologic forces were at work, and the shaping is ongoing. We are simply unable to see the change in terms of a day, week, month or year, or even decades.  The painted landscape in northern New Mexico, west of Abiquiu, could easily be a geology master class, millennia in the making.

Echo Amphitheater is part of New Mexico's Carson National Forest.  Most people who enter the area do so to experience the acoustic wonder. Below is an image of the amphitheater itself that produces the great echoes.  

Echo Amphitheater 1Echo Amphitheater 1  

Listening to people whispering, yelling, whistling, clapping their hands and making assorted noises and then hearing the sound ricochet is compelling.  But to me, the formations around it are the most amazing elements of the place.  You can almost see the original artist at work, layering the sandstone and applying  desert varnish over the centuries.

Echo Amphitheater 2 (1)Echo Amphitheater 2 (1)  

Formations surrounding the amphitheater are stunning in their layering and color palette.

Echo Amphitheater 5Echo Amphitheater 5

Echo Amphitheater 3Echo Amphitheater 3

Weather shapes, softens, and alters the colors over time. 

Echo Amphitheater 4Echo Amphitheater 4

One can see pillars forming in the monolithic masses of Jurassic Entrada Formation sandstone (pink to orange) and in the caps of Jurassic Todilito Formation limestone.  These are just the basics of a very complicated geological region, described further in an article from the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources.

Echo Amphitheater 6Echo Amphitheater 6

The geological region extends east of Echo Amphitheater, as shown here, and into the Ghost Ranch area.  Jurassic Entrada sandstone is found throughout much of the American West, including in Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, and Arizona, in addition to northwestern New Mexico.     

Echo Amphitheater/O'Keefe County 1Echo Amphitheater/O'Keefe County 1

Although Echo Amphitheater is currently closed for renovation, work is expected to be complete by late fall or early winter.  (The irony of the previous sentence just hit me!). You can still drive up to the bar gate and enjoy the landscape and quiet.  

Thanks to Barbara F. R., Peggy, Veronica, Christina, Catherine, Donna & Dave, Steve, Lisa S., Sara, and Jean and Sam for your comments on last week's blog.  

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) blacks crossing photography carson national forest daryl a. black echo amphitheater geology Jurassic Entrada formation Jurassic Todilito Formation new mexico photography rock formations Sun, 02 Apr 2023 20:37:22 GMT
the stone of March Oddly enough, this week's blog began with one of the base leaves of a head of green cabbage, and how it seemed a perfect cup in which to photograph the birthstone of March - aquamarine.  A bit like an oyster and its pearl.  On the wall calendar I look at everyday while working at the computer, is a rather large number of people who were born in or who married in March, starting with Susie S. and proceeding to Steve and Peggy, Debbie and Rock, Jan T., Brenda M., Terry T., Andrea S., Deb H. Jean G., Sam G., Sam W., Sara M. W., and ending with Carol R.  So one thing lead to another and ultimately camera setups celebrating the March birthstone.

As you can tell from my regular use of the cabbage in numerous images, I find them weirdly photogenic.  Lots of nice, soft curves and variations in shades of color seem to make a single leaf a perfect backdrop.  Even as I placed and photographed the necklace, I could hear the question of a friend "What are you smoking up there?"  Nothing but imagination gone wild.

Still life - aquamraine & cabbage 2Still life - aquamraine & cabbage 2

By working with my macro lens, the cabbage background is a little more mysterious and the stone and necklace more pronounced.   Still life - aquamarine & cabbage leaf 1Still life - aquamarine & cabbage leaf 1

Shooting it from a slightly lower angle, the stone and chain are almost like an oyster and pearl

Still life - aquamarine & cabbage leaf 3Still life - aquamarine & cabbage leaf 3

Speaking of shells, I used a large clam shell for the presentation below.

Still life - aquamarine & clam shell 1Still life - aquamarine & clam shell 1

Far from being an expert on sea shells and marine life, I needed to do a bit of searching for this shell, a small conch.

Still life - aquamarine & conch shell 1Still life - aquamarine & conch shell 1


Using another angle of the conch and aquamarine, the natural light filtered through storm clouds accentuated the blue hue of the stone.

Still life - aquamarine & conch shell 2Still life - aquamarine & conch shell 2

Happy Birthdays and Anniversaries to everyone whose names are on calendar, and to those I may have missed.  I hope you have had grand celebrations and that the last week of March does indeed go out like a lamb.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image© 



(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) aquamarine Blacks Crossing Photography cabbage Daryl A. Black March New Mexico photography shells still life photography Sun, 26 Mar 2023 21:33:18 GMT
off the loom Many artists - including weavers and photographers who live in colder climates - use winter as a season for indoor work.  Whether it is the art itself, organization, bookkeeping, or public relations, artists continue to work during the darker season.

This is the case for my husband Fred, who weaves six hours a day, using 125 pounds of Navajo-Churro wool, and producing 20-24 pieces of weaving (mostly rugs) annually.  Between the beginning of January and the Ides of March this year, he wove four rugs.


January brought Rug 380 from the loom room.  The rug's field is oatmeal grey, dyed black, cobalt, and chile colorado.

Rug 380Rug 380

For Rug 381, a piece where arts and crafts tradition meet the Southwest, Fred used a light natural grey wool as the field, dyed black for the borders, and Ganado red.  It appears to the eye that he used a dark grey, but while weaving, he alternated light grey and dyed black, which produced the look of dark grey. Here it is in progress on the loom.

Rug 381 detailRug 381 detail


Below is an image of the completed rug.

Rug 381Rug 381

In the detail below, notice the single line or shot of light grey just beneath the top of the black border.  It is the last line of light grey, a way out, as it were.  This is used historically in Navajo or Dine' weaving, and is frequently called a "spirit line" or "weaver's path", according to Navajo historian Wally Brown.  In Navajo or Dine', ch'ihónít'i - a weaver's path - is added to a bordered rug in order to keep the weaver's mind from being locked up inside the rug by the solid border.  You can read more about this and other traditions at Mr. Brown's website here.

Rug 381 Spirit line detailRug 381 Spirit line detail

In the third piece of 2023, Rug 382, Fred used a very dense and luscious natural charcoal grey, along with dyed wool in cobalt blue, chile colorado, and Tierra Amarilla.  It feels supportive and spongy underfoot.

Rug 382Rug 382


The quartet is completed by Rug 383, with wool dyed at Tierra Wools in brown heather, red heather, rust heather, calabasa, Tierra Amarilla, turquoise, and iron springs.  

Rug 383Rug 383

I brought the pieces together with some of the wool used in them.

Rugs 381,382,383 and wool 1Rugs 381,382,383 and wool 1

A slightly different angle

Rugs 381,382,383 and wool 2Rugs 381,382,383 and wool 2

Today is the spring or vernal equinox, a time of emergence.  I hope it is also a time of unbridled creativity for all of you!  Thanks to Barbara F. R., Melissa M., Terry T., Steve, Catherine, and Robert for commenting this week!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©









(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Big Sage Artisans Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black Fred Black Navajo-Churro wool New Mexico photography rugs Tierra Wools Wally Brown weaving Sun, 19 Mar 2023 19:33:30 GMT
hungry? Not that I am intentionally trying to make you hungry, but I spent what seemed to be an inordinate amount of time this week reviewing images, and creating and photographing food.  It is something I enjoy doing, and this time, it was a contest for the Santa Fe Reporter Food and Restaurant edition that got my creative juices going.  When I assembled the photographs (according to the specs, "images are of finely plated restaurant dishes; home-cooked successes; gorgeous ingredients from the garden; or other artful interpretations") and tucked them in a folder on the computer, I was pleased until I discovered the contest entry fee was for each image.  It required that I be a bit more discerning about my choices. The images included in today's blog were some of the "also rans", but each holds its own interest.  

As I have indicated before, when you prepare something for photography but intend to eat said subject, timing is of the essence - both to make the photograph and to eat the dish in a timely fashion.  I had pondered backdrops and locations, using them at a variety of times during the week, with both natural and other lighting, and made lists of which images in what conditions worked and which did not.

Because of the higher temperature and shorter potential window of time that presents itself when making a pizza, (a pesto pizza) I only used two locations. The first was on a pizza stone and table in some nice controlled natural afternoon light.

pesto pizza 1pesto pizza 1

In the second shot, some natural light was filled with LED lights.

pesto pizza 2pesto pizza 2

Below is a shot of green chile enchiladas.

green chile enchiladagreen chile enchilada

Homemade bread using natural light from the south and west

homemade breadhomemade bread

Finally, an image utilizing an iris and chocolates gifted to me some years ago.  My lack of adequate documentation leaves me without the local chocolatier's name.  The designer chocolates could have been from either Chocolate Smith or Kakawa Chocolate House.


Thanks to Paule, TTT, Dianne J., Ann A., Ingrid, Carol, and Robert for your blog feedback this week.  Despite flooding and massive snow in California, spring seems to be bursting there, with blossoms on fruit and ornamental fruit trees bombing every disaster video.  Things are happening here as well, with the first sighting of migrating cedar wax wings visiting the neighborhood this week.  I hope your cameras and binoculars are in hand as the week progresses.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black food photography nature New Mexico photography still life Sun, 12 Mar 2023 20:09:47 GMT
splash of spring Since the 1st of March is the beginning of meteorological spring, and since we saw two honeybees yesterday despite patches of snow here and there, and since the first daffodils are emerging from the ground, it is time to include a splash of spring color in today's blog.  Mind you, there will be many frosts, much wind, and probably (hopefully) more snow on the New Mexico landscape before most plants start to bloom, but some of the beauties included here will make appearances in the next month or so.  

Some of the first flowers to bloom on the mesas are ground huggers, and to capture a good image, photographers need to be equally adept at either sitting or laying on your back to achieve that.  The Easter daisies suddenly seem to appear at one's feet.  Wandering lazily, I sometimes stepped on them before I realized they were there.


Another ground hugger is the Santa Fe phlox, shown below.  In a good year after much snow and rain, it is everywhere, in what seems to be the worst, cracking soil.  

The cacti - including hedgehog and claret cup - throw splashes of brilliant fuchsia, red/orange, and yellow at your feet and in pockets of sandstone.

Very site specific and somewhat picky about where they grow, paintbrush can be real show offs in years with good moisture.

Finally, turning to the mountains just after the snow melts, at elevations between, I am guessing, 8,000-9,000 feet, wild iris are spectacular.  They are great fans of wetness, growing along streams or in somewhat boggy areas.  Huge fields of them cover parts of the Pecos Wilderness as well as areas along Highway 64 between Tres Piedras and Tierra Amarilla.   

Thanks to TTT, Veronica, Barbara F. R., Christina, Brenda, Kay, Pauli, M. Fred, Catherine, Heather H. and Steve for reading and commenting this week!  It is wonderful to hear from each and every one of you!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) blacks crossing photography claret cup cactus daryl a. black easter daisy flowers hedgehog cactus nature new mexico paintbrush photography wild iris Sun, 05 Mar 2023 23:28:24 GMT
New Mexico encore When I started blogging in 2010, which seems a lifetime ago, one of my purposes was, basically, to show a week in a photographer's life.  As I have written here many times, artist, sculptor, and photographer Sam Taylor once told me that "if you consider yourself an artist, you have to do your art every day."  I take that to heart and do just that.  Being a photographer and writer, the breadth of what can be done in a single day is substantial.  I do both.  This week, there has been much to document in my journal (in a burgeoning "Pages" file on the computer), as I also continued last week's curating process of New Mexico photographs for publication.  Thus, today's blog is an encore presentation of some of the photographs I have selected.  

In the image below, a healthy thunderstorm is developing over the western part of Taos County.  If you look closely in the bottom third of the photograph, there appears to be a black line.  That line or gash is actually the Rio Grande Gorge, concealing he 800 foot depth of the opening until one comes much closer. The photograph was taken from Highway 68.


Another broad landscape is produced by the lava flow and sandstone of which El Malpais National Monument between Grants and Gallup is comprised.

Malpais 1 2022Malpais 1 2022


One can find the flowers known as paintbrush in many New Mexico locations, but not all come complete with a well-aged deer antler.


The Brazos Cliffs south of Chama

Brazos Cliffs New Mexico 2021 2Brazos Cliffs New Mexico 2021 2


Native American corn


Ft. Union, in the northeastern side of the state, was once a crossroads for commerce, settlers moving west, and the military.


The boots below are a little fancy for the likes of Ft. Union, but they are a New Mexico tradition.


Buildings of religious significance - including Catholic churches and kivas - can be found in every town, village, and pueblo.  Here is a modern church in adobe style at sunset.

It was wonderful to hear from so many of you last week, including Christina, Marilyn, Lawrence, Ann M., Dianne J., Heather H., Steve, Catherine, Jean & Sam, Barbara F. R., Victoria, Brenda, Carol, and Ingrid.  ¡Muchas gracias!

until next week,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Brazos Cliffs Daryl A. Black El Malpais Fort Union marmot Native American corn New Mexico paintbrush flower photography Rio Grande Gorge Taos Mon, 27 Feb 2023 23:35:00 GMT
New Mexico not Fargo The past week, photographically, has been spent curating photographs for publications in a variety of media sources.  Negatives, slides, and digital images are all in the mix.  There was a good chunk of time in the late 1970s through roughly 2005 when I was writing and publishing fast and furiously.  After that, my focus was on blogging, entering art festivals in Taos County and nationwide, both physically and electronically, as well as working with a select few publications.  Thanks to two different neighbors and a couple of friends who keep me well-stocked with assorted magazines and books, I decided it was high time for me to return to the publishing world and get my work into broader distribution.  I also felt that given the fact that our beautiful sunny sky for which the great American Southwest is known had reverted to a backdrop more in keeping with Fargo, it was time to bring some brilliance to your computer, tablet, and phone screens.  Across the seasons, here is a selection of New Mexico images, starting with what I call "Yin and Yang" coyotes.  No alteration involved here.  These siblings were keeping warm on a rainy day. 


Claret cup cactus on the Arroyo Hondo trail south of Santa Fe

Rio Grande Gorge



There is hardly anything more iconic in New Mexico than the geology of the Abiquiu area.


Cottonwoods found along rivers and streams in the state are trees for every season. 

The colors of chile are everywhere.

chiles for OCAchiles for OCA

From the old world to the new, flamenco is also part of who we are.... are rodeos around the state.

As the hints of a slight change of season fill the air, I hope you have ample opportunity to enjoy and photograph the world around you!


Thanks to Victoria, Jean and Sam, Ingrid, Christina, Barbara F. R., M. Fred, Catherine, Robert, Carol, and Steve for commenting this week!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Abiquiu geology Blacks Crossing Photography claret cup cactus Daryl A. Black flamenco feet landscapes nature New Mexico photography Rio Grande Gorge rodeo Mon, 20 Feb 2023 15:51:24 GMT
gaggles and a flotilla As promised last week, today's blog features snow geese at the Bosque del Apache Wildlife Refuge, south of Socorro, New Mexico.  While attempting to capture the sandhill cranes to the sound of bursts from multiple cameras, I noticed a band of white almost directly across the water. It was snow geese that we hand seen earlier from a distance.  I suspected they would probably move by the time we drove over to the other side of the north loop.  But there was a large gaggle still there, eating, stretching their wings, dozing, and talking.  If I only knew the language.  It ranged from a steady, friendly din of squawks to outright cacophonous at times. In my sight, they were dazzling.

Bosque - snow geese 1Bosque - snow geese 1

Because there were so many, the geese poured over onto the road, as if waiting for their closeups.  They always seem to be on a mission.

Bosque - snow geese 5Bosque - snow geese 5

Bosque - snow geese 6Bosque - snow geese 6

One of the most fascinating things about birds is their feathers.  They seem absolutely perfect.  The neck feathers look as if they have been braided or woven like a rope.

Water beads on the feathers.

Bosque - snow geese 3Bosque - snow geese 3

Occasionally, they seem to form a flotilla, with most heading in one direction on the water...

Bosque - snow geese 2Bosque - snow geese 2

...and the next minute, they are out on their own.  Ultimately, the group prevails.

Bosque - snow geese 7Bosque - snow geese 7

By the way, many of you wrote during the week to say that wild turkeys are literally running wild in towns all over the United States, from the West Coast to the East coast, and are considered pests.  The same is true for both Canadian and snow geese, demonstrating the sometimes tenuous intersection of humans and nature. 


Thanks for Barbara F. R., TTT, Suz, M.Fred, Paule, Ann A., Steve, Luella, Orlando, Catherine, Heather H., Brenda, Christina, Robert, and Jean and Sam for your comments this week.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) birds blacks crossing photography bosque del apache wildlife refuge daryl a. black nature new mexico photography snow geese Sun, 12 Feb 2023 18:47:22 GMT
for the birds Given the ten-day forecast and the clear weather predicted, it was time to head to another of New Mexico's jewels - Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, south of Socorro and a short drive from San Antonio.  It is one of those places to which nearly as many photographers flock as birds, and it is extraordinary.  Fred and I were trying to think of the last (and only) time we were there.  35-40 years ago?  Regardless, seeing so much water alone was worth the price of admission, as they say.  It gave us a larger picture of the vast extent of the acequia system along the Rio Grande, the fields that are fed by that river water, as well as the habitats it supports.  

Bosque del Apache is known for being the wintering ground for sandhill cranes and snow geese, and both were still there in good numbers.  Our plan was to spend the day, and charge our electric Bolt along the way.  Since we did not spend the night in Socorro, I did not plan on catching sunrise and sunset shots of huge flocks of birds rising into the sky and/or flying in from other areas.  My plan was to look, and be surprised and content with what could be found and photographed.  I most certainly was.  

First, a photograph of a sandhill crane (Grus canadensis) in the field.  Other photographers with perhaps 300 mm lenses as opposed to my 70-200 lens, were shooting bursts of 5 shots at a time.  There was much complaining about the cranes having their heads down, enjoying the goodies in the fields, and digging the dirt with their ample beaks.  The sure identifying mark is the red on the crown.

Bosque 2023 sandhill cranes 4Bosque 2023 sandhill cranes 4  

While shooting the sandhill cranes scattered throughout the fields, two Tundra swans took flight.  The docent at the gate told us we might see them.  Apparently, they have only been around the Bosque the last two-three years.  

Bosque 2023 - tundra swanBosque 2023 - tundra swan


While touring the north loop of the refuge, I was surprised by a group of wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo).  As long as I have been hiking in New Mexico, I can count on one hand the number of times I have seen turkeys.  Here they were in all their glory.  I think these may be the Rio Grande variety.

Bosque 2023 - turkey 1Bosque 2023 - turkey 1

Bosque 2023 - turkey 4Bosque 2023 - turkey 4    


I am the first to admit my near-total lack of knowledge about water fowl.  When I saw these ducks, I thought they were mallards.  But after downloading the photographs and comparing the bills of mallards, I knew I was completely wrong.  These "dabbler ducks" are Spatula clypeata or northern shovelers, and I was totally enchanted by them.  Their thick, stout bills are designed for shoveling and retaining all the assorted bottom goodies found in shallower reaches.

Bosque - shoveler (northern) 3Bosque - shoveler (northern) 3

My mission in the image below was to catch the shoveler's wake.

Bosque - shoveler (northern) 2Bosque - shoveler (northern) 2

As with many of the birds we saw, they were doing one of four things.  Eating, sleeping, talking, or stretching and flapping their wings.  This shoveler was catching a quick rest, always aware with an eye open.

Bosque - shoveler (northern) 4Bosque - shoveler (northern) 4

Here is a female shoveler, also at rest.  

Bosque - shoveler (northern) 5Bosque - shoveler (northern) 5

I figure all of the birds are bulking up for breeding and nesting season.  Next week:  snow geese in abundance.


Thanks for Barbara F. R., Victoria, Paule, Jean & Sam, Lawrence, Ingrid, Steve, and Catherine for commenting on last week's blog.  

I hope that wherever you are this week, great photographic opportunities present themselves.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©



(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) birds Blacks Crossing Photography Bosque del Apache Wildlife Refuge dabbler ducks Daryl A. Black nature photography sandhill crane shovelers tundra swan wild turkeys Sun, 05 Feb 2023 23:07:06 GMT
a little light lunch In photography, as is the case with almost everything else is life, the devil is in the details. Viewing the food photography every day in the online New York Times, I take mental notes of how the prepared dish is lit, arranged, in which dish or dishes it is contained,  as well as the backdrop. What I noticed most recently in the Times is that the photographs shifted from a dark background and dishes to much lighter.  Both food and photography are great interests of mine, and I tend to notice these things photographing food as still life.  When doing a cooked dish or baked goods shot, the subject matter has to be prepared first, and organization is the key.  After things like soups and stews are prepared, a photographer can take her or his time, in most cases.  I ladled a broccoli, red pepper, and cheddar chowder into a small bowl, photographed it, and put it back into the pot.  Then it was on to the almond flour muffins.  When they finished baking, I removed them from the muffin tin and placed one on a plate, filled the bowl with chowder again and did a second shoot.  Just barely in time for the first knock on our door.  The table still needed to be dressed, but our friends are easy.  We can talk and do that at the same time.  

The solids of this chowder or soup get cut first.  Unless a photographer has assistants, or is altering the food in some way, potatoes are time-critical because of oxidation.  I didn't spend much time dawdling.   Natural light and dimmed overhead light were used.

Cheese and vegetable soupl 1Cheese and vegetable soupl 1

The initial ladle of soup is shown here in two slightly different positions.  The golden hue of the cheese gives its own backdrop to the veggies.

Cheese and vegetable soupl 3Cheese and vegetable soupl 3

Cheese and vegetable soupl 2Cheese and vegetable soupl 2

Cheese and vegetable soupl 4Cheese and vegetable soupl 4

The accompanying muffin completes the light lunch.  

Cheese and vegetable soupl 5Cheese and vegetable soupl 5

Each time I photograph food, I realize what a true art it is, and that I have a lot to learn.  But what is cooking, photography, and life without a daily lesson?


Thanks to Brenda, Barbara F. R., Ingrid, Sandra B., TTT, Suz, Catherine, Steve, Kay, Robert, Christina, and Paule for your thoughtfulness and comments last week.  

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography cheese chowder Daryl A. Black food photography photography soup still life vegetables Mon, 30 Jan 2023 16:17:17 GMT
per chance to photograph Each season presents itself to the observer or photographer in its on way.  It is up to us to look for those wedges of space and time that make themselves available.  During winter, storms here frequently come from the west, heralded into the picture by wind in fits and starts.  Then, suddenly, huge, nearly blinding flakes of snow fall from the sky with great mass and speed, obscuring all else.  Such was the case last week.  I went into the garage and noticed that the personnel door was flocked.  It took no more than about ten seconds to realize this is something that needed to be photographed - like a rainbow - immediately.  The combination of door and snow was too much to ignore.

Shooting from the inside out, which backlit the snow and left the decorative uprights in shadow, brought the abstract shapes and architectural elements of the arts and crafts door almost equally into focus.  You can see a hint of color in each, courtesy of the stucco wall.  All the images in this series were taken with the Fujifilm X-T5 and 30 millimeter macro lens.

snow-flocked door 5snow-flocked door 5  

snow-flocked door 1snow-flocked door 1


Each glass panel creates its own abstraction. 

snow-flocked door 8snow-flocked door 8

snow-flocked door 7snow-flocked door 7


The graceful curve spanning the uprights gave the snow scene its own delineation.

snow-flocked door 2snow-flocked door 2

snow-flocked door 9snow-flocked door 9


A second image, similar to the one above, reminded me of a bow drawn with an arrow held on the rest.

snow-flocked door 10snow-flocked door 10

Thanks to Barbara, TTT, Pauli, Steve, Brenda, Christina, Jean and Sam, Terry T., Victoria, Catherine, and M. Fred for commenting this week.  I hope that each of you has a chance encounter to photograph this week!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) architecture arts and crafts movement Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black frost New Mexico photography snow still life winter Mon, 23 Jan 2023 16:37:42 GMT
basic black and white A fresh, new year, and time to enter Shadow and Light Magazine's Black and White 2023 photo competition.  Actually, I entered in December and already know that the cover winner was a photograph by Heidi Egerman, but a number of slots for 6-8 runners up and finalists remain.  Still, I wanted to present a selection here for you to see.  The drama of clouds above stuccoed walls fit the shadow and light requirement.

cloud image 4 January 2022.jpgcloud image 4 January 2022.jpg   


The Pecos National Monument mission church shadows with distinct shadow and light characteristics seemed a good choice as well.

The kiva ladder at Pecos has much more subtle shades of black, white, and grey.

The white Columbine below reflects a sharp white and leaves that fade to black.

And the rose in shadow harkens the early days of black and white photography.

Roses - Corliss 2022 2Roses - Corliss 2022 2


Here's to you, Ben, with our admiration and thanks!  May you have fair winds and following seas. 


Thanks to Christina, Steve, Barbara F. R., TTT, Connie, Suz, Earle, Catherine, Jean & Sam, Victoria, and Ingrid for your comments this week, even though some of you had power outages and an excess of rain water knocking at your doors.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) black and white Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black nature New Mexico Pecos National Monument photography roses Shadow and Light Mon, 16 Jan 2023 00:37:02 GMT
music of the loom One doesn't need to look far in our offices to see fiber - whether it is a random piece that has floated onto the floor, joining other pieces of wool fuzz in a corner - or a full-blown rug.  One of the nice things about doing art as your passion and business is that it is not dictated by holidays. Fred and I both work at what we do every day.  The rhythm of the loom is not far away, with the beater bar (shown on the left-hand side of the image below) being moved forward and back to pack the wool tightly into the design.   The sound of the shuttle going through the warp and zing of it being thrown makes a music all its own.   

Rug 379 detail 3Rug 379 detail 3

The rhythm section is the warp - the strands of which can be seen here.  It provides the structural baseline of the weft or design. 

Rug 379 detail 1Rug 379 detail 1


Rug 379 is a variation on the theme of a Spider Woman Cross.  In many cultures it represents the gift that Spider Woman gave to humans, teaching them to spin thread and weave.

Rug 379Rug 379  


Rug 380 has four movements separated by the same complex design including what are sometimes called hourglasses or Chinle stars - artistic elements used in weaving world-wide.  The melody is in the eyes of the beholder or the ears of the listener.  

Rug 380Rug 380

Rug 380 detail 4Rug 380 detail 4

Rug 380 detail 1Rug 380 detail 1

Shooting the rugs and their details, provided some excellent exercises in the past month, learning about and using both the 30 mm macro and 16-80 XF zoom lenses on the Fujifilm X-T5 mirrorless camera.

Thanks to Barbara F. R., Ann M., Mary Pat, Veronica L., Connie, Steve, Catherine, Kay, Lisa, TTT, Andrea, Ann A., Dianne J., Maryanne, and Robert for your comments and inspiration this week.

until next week,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black fiber Fred Black Navajo-Churro wool New Mexico photography Spiderwoman Cross weaving Mon, 09 Jan 2023 16:51:08 GMT
new year, new lens It is a new year.  And this first blog features my recent practice with a new lens, the Fujinon aspherical lens, 30 mm macro, 1:2.8.  The smaller the number on the lens after the 1, the bigger the aperture or opening, and greater amount of light the lens allows in.  This is important in a close-up or macro lens because often, the smaller the subject matter, the less light might fall on it, particularly in circumstances where light cannot necessarily be controlled.  Enough on the technical. One thing is certain, I am already smitten with this lens.  My thrift has kept me from ever purchasing a macro.  Another one of those things that makes a person say "I should have done this a long time ago."

Pomegranates and bromeliads were the unwitting subjects.  Luckily, they didn't mind.  As a fellow photographer said when I was working with her on a spontaneous photo shoot, "You shoot in circles around your subject".  That is true.  I circle it, change positions, get down on the floor or ground, shoot from above, basically trying to get as many angles as I can, and change backgrounds.  It is all a grand experiment.

The pomegranate's skin looks like a cross between a dyed, treated piece of leather, and a planetary surface.  The "crater" in this planetary image is the calyx, in which the stamens (male fertilizing organ of a flower) are housed.  

Food - pomegranate 1 2022Food - pomegranate 1 2022


Here are a few of the backgrounds on which I placed the fruit, each showing different streaks and splotches of color in it.

Food - pomegranate 5 2022Food - pomegranate 5 2022

Food - pomegranate 6 2022Food - pomegranate 6 2022

Food - pomegranate 9 2022Food - pomegranate 9 2022

The next subject is a bromeliad.  For most in the United States, these are houseplants, but in coastal California and desert areas, they are outdoor plants.  Much to my surprise, the bromeliad is in the same family as the pineapple, as well as Spanish moss and some epiphytic orchids.  They are native to the tropics and subtropical areas of the Americas, and one is native to tropical areas of west Africa.  (Thanks to the folks at Wikipedia for the information.) 

Although the above photograph shows what most people would recognize, I wanted to capture something different, and thus, went for the leaf stalk.  These are three different images made as I turned the pot in the incoming light.

Flowers - bromeliad 2 2023Flowers - bromeliad 2 2023

Flowers - bromeliad 3 2023Flowers - bromeliad 3 2023

The acuteness of focus is revealed in different parts of the inner leaves because of the shallow depth of field.  Thanks for your patience as I share, photographically, the reason I love the macro lens.


Thanks to TTT, Barbara F. R., Lisa, Steve, Kay C., Catherine S., Pauli, Robert, Sara, Char, Jean & Sam, and Ingrid for your comments on last week's blog.  

My wish for 2023 is that it is full of creativity and learning as you pursue life's secrets and challenges.

until next Monday,


      a passion for the image©


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography bromeliads Daryl A. Black flowers food nature New Mexico photography pomegranates still life Mon, 02 Jan 2023 00:14:47 GMT
flickers and projections The sun is streaming through the window onto my hands as I write on this Christmas morning.  A rotation of seasonal music is playing, including that of pianist George Winston, the Chieftains, and the soundtrack of A Charlie Brown Christmas, written and performed by renowned jazz pianist Vince Guaraldi, along with Fred Marshal and Monty Ludwig on double bass, and Jerry Granelli and Colin Bailey on drums.  A combination of music that makes me smile and brings tears of joy to my eyes.  It is perfect.

Last night after dark, we walked around the neighborhood since we had been told many people were putting up farolitos.  The farolito is so simple and magical.  All it takes is a paper bag, the likes of which some of us carried to school filled with our lunches.  Make a nice cuff on the top of the bag to give it structure.  Pour enough sand or dirt to weigh down the bag and keep it from blowing in the wind (about one-quarter to one-third of the bag).  Place a votive candle on the sand.  That is it.  The gentle curve of a wall or linear character of a city sidewalk are only enhanced by the little fires.


Wall projections complement the farolitos in the next two images.


The outline of a patio wall draped with traditional lights cuts to the night sky.

Blue lights lend a mystical look to the stucco and stair rail.

I hope you are able to bask in the lights of the season as we move into 2023 next week!


Thanks to Barbara F.R., Steve, TTT, Ann A., Catherine, Carol, and Pater for your comments this week.  And a very Happy Birthday to Ben! 


until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Christmas decorations Daryl A. Black farolitos holidays New Mexico photography Sun, 25 Dec 2022 19:36:57 GMT
into the light This week is one of wonder and light.  Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, began last night.  Wednesday is the Winter Solstice, and Sunday is Christmas.  In many ways, when you think about it, the time has been celebrated for millennia by people on Earth as a transition from the darkness into light.

Most in the northern hemisphere have noticed that the days seem to be shorter and the nights longer.  It is true.  As we approach the solstice this Wednesday, 21 December, which is the day with the least light of any day of the year, each day becomes shorter.  For instance, today, the length of the day in Santa Fe, New Mexico will be 9 hours and 44 seconds.  Tomorrow will be 6 seconds shorter.  And that varies the farther north you go. The people in London, for instance, will have 7 hours, 49 minutes and 42 seconds of daylight on the solstice.  In Stockholm, the sunrise on the winter solstice is at 9:40 in the morning.  It sets at 2:18 in the afternoon.  That is a little over five and a half hours of daylight.  It gives me the chills just thinking about it!  

So in today's blog, I celebrate light in whatever form it comes, even if subdued.  Remember on Thursday morning, the days will begin their lengthening process as we move toward spring.  In northern New Mexico, our farolitos (and in central and southern New Mexico luminarias) serve as reminders of light and new beginnings.


We are lucky to have electricity that cleverly provides as much or as little light as one prefers.

And there are always candles that have lit the way for humans since their invention.

wine reflectionwine reflection

I end the week's celebratory blog with a photograph I made in March of 2013, of St. Francis de Asis church in Ranchos de Taos.  It was after a milonga (tango dance) at Old Martina's Hall, and snow had begun to fall.  I had my camera with me because I was taking photographs of pre-milonga dance lessons.  One of our tango buddies, Steve Villalobos said, as we all walked outside into a light snow, "Look at that.  The church is beautiful.  You have your camera.  Why don't you take some pictures?"  I was hesitant.  Too dark, I thought, and way too cold.  But Steve is always adventurous, and as an artist himself, knows a good thing when he sees it.  So, with camera in hand, I walked to the sidewalk and made some photographs with my trusty Nikon D800 and 70-200 mm lens.  The ISO was 6400 and with a shutter speed 1/25 of a second.  By golly, it worked, and the resulting photographs ended up being the few night shots of the church in winter, without farolitos.  Thanks, Steve!

Ranchos church on a snowy nightRanchos church on a snowy night

As we go into the light of the holidays and beyond, I thank everyone who commented this week including Pauli, Barbara F. R., Catherine, Ann, Lisa, Ingrid & Robert, Steve, and Christina.  Happy Birthday to Marilyn R., Lena D., Dave K.,and  Jessica F.  And the happiest of holidays to all of you!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©



(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black light New Mexico photography Solstice Mon, 19 Dec 2022 17:05:59 GMT
baubles and balls When a person walks or runs every day, particularly if the route is similar or the same, you tend to pick up little hints about others who walk daily. You meet the dogs and learn their names before you learn the names of their owners, or people with whom you have casual conversations.  It was at least a year before we learned the name of a man we saw applying a clear protective film, known as a clear bra, to the fronts of the most outrageously beautiful and expensive vehicles.  It was always a treat to see on which vehicle he was working on any given day.  Anthony is a true professional, and while I walked yesterday, he was moving a new BMW.  He had just finished applying the film onto the entirety of the 240i. Camera in hand, I asked him if I could shoot some photographs, and he said yes.  How could I resist?  As I frequently say, that is a story for another day.

But back to today's blog.  While walking during the Christmas season, outdoor decorations pop up little by little, day by day, some even before Thanksgiving.  There are human-sized snowmen, with air pumping inside at a steady flow, that seem to frighten even the boldest and biggest dogs. And being New Mexico, bagolitos (the plastic, all-weather version of the traditional farolito made of paper bags and candles) appear on the roof parapets at a rapid pace.  Two more houses were outfitted yesterday.  But a real surprise appeared around Thanksgiving - a beautiful, good-sized blue spruce tree in the front of a guest house that is gorgeous at all times of year, had been dressed for the season.  The first time I saw it, my thought was that a designer and crew had done this, which is possible.  Sporting a dazzling variety of baubles and balls in many finishes and colors, the tree is definitely a knockout.  I knew eventually I needed to photograph it.

The sun stars and reflections on the glossy balls were impressive.


The strings of matte-finished balls I had never seen before.  Light fell on them and radiated in a completely different way.  They were all fascinating.

Just one more reflection might say "And to all a Goodnight!"

Thanks to Phyllis, Catherine, Jean & Sam, Brenda, Orlando, Lucia, Kay, Barbara F. R., Steve, TTT, Carol P., Dianne James, Ingrid, and Terry for commenting last week.  Feliz Cumpleaños, Fernando and Debbie.  I hope each of you is finding delight in the season!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©




(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Blacks Crossing Photography Christmas Daryl A. Black New Mexico ornaments ornaments" photography still life Mon, 12 Dec 2022 16:58:27 GMT
technical and beautiful This week in photography here in Santa Fe was more utilitarian than art, but as every photographer, writer, artist, or tradesperson knows, both the technical and the beautiful are involved in every production.  Photographers and videographers of all stripes will recognize and perhaps cringe at some of the photographs, while some of you will laugh, recognizing all too well elements involved.  I am speaking of wires and cords for everything from computers and cameras to stand alone hard drives, USB hubs, and other accessories.  At least the mass isn't quite as complicated as is the scene under the hood of our electric car.

With every new piece of equipment, an old one might be jettisoned (or not), and a learning curve ensues, including the first steps.  "Before using the (fill in the blank), remove and identify everything in the box."  This in itself might require a YouTube search, which, thankfully, almost always answers one's question.  The new mirrorless camera that was added to the weaving side of the work space provided more excitement to this week's lessons in the technical.   It came with four different plugs for use in different countries around the world.  Of course, they are not labeled, so it is like playing with blocks and putting them together.  Even the dude on the YouTube video briefly juggled the plugs in his hand saying that the camera comes with plugs from different countries.  Clear enough.  I find the one that works in the United States while keeping the others in their plastic bags, to tuck in the camera bag for future travel usage.  Next.  Connect the wires, meaning determine whether the end that goes in the computer or USB hub is a USB A, B, or C cord, shift things around if the instructions say "Do not use in a USB hub but plug it directly into your computer."  OK. Shift things around in the hub and in the back of the computer.  Don't you just love the explosion of pasta running from point A to point B?

Some elements don't necessarily need a permanent home on a desktop, such as this wonderful scanner my sister gave me for Christmas.  You use it when you need a scanner and provide a home for it (as I do with my portable CD drive) elsewhere until the need arises.  One of my winter projects will be to select and scan the slides and negatives I will use the most.

Amidst the desk pasta, I find this setup totally comforting.  See those beautifully familiar dials on the top of the camera?  It is like coming home to my old Minolta single lens reflex film cameras from the days of yore.  Instead of going into a menu, you can set the aperture, shutter speed, and ISO/ASA from the top of the camera.  


The photograph below was made with the Fujifilm X-T5.  It is Fred's latest, Rug 378.  Both exemplify the combination of the technical and the beautiful.

Rug 378Rug 378

The detail of Rug 378 here was made with a Nikon 5200 and 18-55 lens.

Rug 378 detailRug 378 detail

Despite the brain conditioning required, I continue to be dumfounded and delighted with the improvements in all technical applications, and for the beauty in this world.  I am eternally grateful.


Thanks to Catherine, Barbara F. R., Pauli, Veronica, Christina, Marilyn, Steve, and Lisa for commenting on last week's blog.  Birthday wishes to Ingrid, Fred, Dan D., Fernando R., Debbie, S., Marilyn R., Sam D., Dave K., Jessica F., and Ben D. S.

until next Monday,


a passion for the images© 







(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) weaver black and white photography blacks crossing photography daryl a. black fred black fujifilm photography rug 378 Mon, 05 Dec 2022 18:24:32 GMT
gift bag of black and white Two photography gifts landed in my lap this week.  The first was a compact digital scanner that my sister was kind enough to give me as a Christmas gift.  Not being one to delay opening a box, I opened the first box and then realized what it was.  So why not get into it?  I began scanning some color slides as test subjects, learning how to use a very new and improved machine.  My mission over the cold winter months is to curate what transparencies/slides I feel really need digitizing, make a list, and get to work.

The second gift was a notification from Shadow and Light Magazine about their upcoming competition "Black and White".  Using black and white film, and developing and making prints from that film was how I worked in the field from 1994 to roughly 2005.  I loved working in the darkroom and found I developed some tactile and navigational skills from bumping around in complete darkness as well as low light.  But when I attended the grand opening of the then new Farmington Public Library building and encountered the local newspaper's reporter with four cameras on his body, all of which were digital, I realized the world of photography was taking a leap.  I needed to go along with it.  Photography is changing once again.  I recently read that there will be no more DSLR (digital single lens reflex) cameras produced by the likes of Nikon, Canon, Sony, Fuji or any of the other larger manufacturers.  Their new cameras will all be "mirrorless". That is a story for another day.

The images below are some of what I have selected as possible entrants for the "Black and White" competition.  Knowing this is a busy time of year, any thoughts or comments you might have regarding these would be much appreciated.


Clouds and walls


Pecos National Historical Park arches


Viga shadows, Pecos National Historical Park

Kiva ladder, Pecos National Historical Park

Aspen trees and clouds

Trees - aspen 2021 8.jpgTrees - aspen 2021 8.jpg

Rose red

Rose white

Sporan with all its regalia


And finally, Not the End of the Trail


Many thanks to Charlie, Veronica, Catherine, Ann A., Terry T., Jean and Sam, Steve, and Ingrid for writing about last week's blog.  

Special wishes this week to Ben, Cristina, and Wayne.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) architecture aspen black and white photography Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black nature New Mexico Pecos National Monument photography roses Shadow and Light Magazine still life Mon, 28 Nov 2022 15:43:44 GMT
abundance and more In the days of yore, those ancient times when I was growing up in Albuquerque, the food we savored on a day-to-day basis was seasonal.  Since our state has never been the agricultural powerhouse that California was and is, the fresh food we consumed was dictated by items, truth be told, that were able to survive the shipping process.  Now called non-perishable veggies - cabbage, root crops, celebrity, and iceberg lettuce and the like - were staples.  In the case of fruit, storage was a factor, so although apples, oranges, and for some odd reason bananas were available all winter, we would only begin to see strawberries in the supermarkets around Easter, when the crop was coming in from California.  And you couldn't get a decent tomato until the hot midwest summer months.  You had to wait until August for local corn from the north valley in Albuquerque, and it was a joyful experience to eat, lathered with butter, salt, and pepper.  Since freezers were dinky things inside a refrigerator, if you did own a stand-alone freezer, (many on farms and ranches already did) your family was special.  Some in New Mexico roasted and then dried green chile, along with red chile hung in ristras, but freezers weren't commonplace, I am guessing until the 1960s.  It was then that green chile could be roasted and frozen for later use, along with berries, corn, peas, and other vegetables.  All of this background is wrapped in my reaction to food in American stores in 2022. I never cease to be amazed at the availability and variety of fresh food in any given grocery store on any given day.  Abundance hardly covers it.  We are extremely lucky and very grateful.  With Thanksgiving approaching on Thursday and the groaning board of food that will be on many tables, I thought some food photography might be appropriate.

corn images-2corn images-2

Victoria's applesVictoria's apples

New World order 2New World order 2


50th anniversary gathering tapas 150th anniversary gathering tapas 1

Lush greens like these were grown in home gardens, in-season.



Harvest set up 2Harvest set up 2

fingerling potatoesfingerling potatoes

turkey and dressingturkey and dressingKONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERA

Happy Thanksgiving!  

I am thankful for Victoria, Melissa, Char, Pauli, Steve, Catherine, Donna K., Robert, Dianne, Fred, and Ingrid, and all of you for following this blog and keeping in touch throughout the year.  

until next Monday,


a passion for the image© 

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) apples Blacks Crossing Photography chiles Daryl A. Black food New Mexico pears photography pomegranates pumpkins squash Thanksgiving turkey Mon, 21 Nov 2022 16:52:04 GMT
all the rage Hardly a day goes by when I don't see a mention online or in print about pickleball.  The game has been around since its "invention" in 1965 on Bainbridge Island, Washington.  Joel Pritchard, Barney McCallum, and Bill Bell are credited with devising the game (ostensibly after not being able to locate a badminton shuttlecock), challenging their children to use different types of balls and rackets.  The rest is history.  I became aware of the game because of a friend, Gigi LeMaster, who began play in 2011, and eventually became a world-wide champion.  She is a member of the pickleball Hall of Fame and competes and teaches internationally.  After originally using a whiffle ball, a ball unique to the game was developed. The polymer ball should measure between 2.87 and 2.97 (73-75 mm) in diameter, weigh between .78 and .935 ounces (22.1 and 26.5 grams) with 26 to 40 evenly-spaced holes.  The paddle is hard-faced and should not exceed 24 inches wide (0.61m) and 17 inches long.  The image below gives you a visual of both items.

Pickleball photo shoot Santa Fe 2022 8Pickleball photo shoot Santa Fe 2022 8

Not knowing much about the game at all except that it is challenging enough physically and mentally, and just plain fun for people to quickly become obsessed by it.  And is a game that fits any personality, body type, age, or competitive spirit.  It can played with extreme intensity or at a more leisurely pace, which contributes to its popularity.  I spent part of a morning photographing our friend, Ingrid, her fellow players, and others on the courts at the Ft. Marcy Recreation Complex in Santa Fe last week.  Armed with both my Nikons with both the 70-200 mm lens and 18-55 mm lenses, I photographed only the second sport I have ever photographed (a rodeo in Aztec, New Mexico was the other).  I learned a lot, including the facts that I needed just a slightly faster shutter speed (used 1/1600), and that there are ample opportunities to get shots of derrières.

On this particular morning, it did not take long to discover that the people who were playing were all quite competitive and very active in their play.  I took over 200 photographs in half an hour, basically because I did not know what to look for, and I wanted to get some decent shots.  I will continue to photograph pickleball play, but here is a sampling of my first foray into the game.

Pickleball photo shoot Santa Fe 2022 18Pickleball photo shoot Santa Fe 2022 18

Pickleball photo shoot Santa Fe 2022 21Pickleball photo shoot Santa Fe 2022 21

Pickleball photo shoot Santa Fe 2022 11Pickleball photo shoot Santa Fe 2022 11

Pickleball photo shoot Santa Fe 2022 20Pickleball photo shoot Santa Fe 2022 20

Pickleball photo shoot Santa Fe 2022 5Pickleball photo shoot Santa Fe 2022 5

Pickleball photo shoot Santa Fe 2022 19Pickleball photo shoot Santa Fe 2022 19

  Pickleball photo shoot Santa Fe 2022 8Pickleball photo shoot Santa Fe 2022 8

Thanks to Ingrid for allowing me to photograph her and the games, and to Barbara F. R., TTT, Steve, Catherine, Donna K., Phyllis, Ann A., Marilyn, Pater, and Lisa for commenting on last week's blog.  

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) blacks crossing photography complex daryl a. black ft. marcy recreation complex Gigi LeMaster new mexico photography pickleball Santa Fe sport photography Sun, 13 Nov 2022 22:14:45 GMT
a tree for all seasons Beauty surrounds us every day, but it tends to be a little more vocal in the autumn months.  Following the first snowfall of the season and subsequent wind, many deciduous trees, including the aspen and cottonwoods, shed their leaves, leaving them to dry, crunching delightfully underfoot.  One tree in our neighborhood remains full of leaves, ablaze in color in the early morning and late afternoon hours.  This Pyrus or ornamental pear tree stops people in their tracks, staring in wonder.  The same thing happens in the spring when it presents massive plumes of white flowers.  It is a landscaper's joy and a tree for all seasons.  One wouldn't know from the photograph below that the color is actually on the wain.

The pears are diminutive and non-edible but lovely in their own way.

The leaves of this particular tree are quite fleshy and shiny, which may be the reason they hang on the tree longer in the autumn.


Discoveries such as these make a photographer's day, and my hope is that you have many similar encounters this week.

Thanks to Barbara F. R., Peggy I., TTT, Steve, Ann M., Jean and Sam, Catherine, Robert, Dianne, and Ingrid for writing about last week's blog!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) autumn Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black nature New Mexico orange ornamental pear trees photography red trees yellow Mon, 07 Nov 2022 17:01:31 GMT
riparian mystery The human body is comprised largely of water.  Depending on body fat and fitness, our bodies house between 60-75% water.  It is no wonder that most, if not all humans, have an attraction to, if not physical and emotional need, to be near water and feel its afterglow.  

Santa Fe actually does have a river running through it, albeit diminutive much of the time, and being neither broad nor wide, it is not always visible because of the trees that line it.  Those trees, including willow and cottonwood, provide habitat for myriad species of birds and other creatures, and cool shade during the spring, summer, and fall.  The tangles of trees and riparian species creates almost a fantasy landscape - light and ethereal with a touch of mystery.  Being Halloween, I felt El Parque del Rio or the river park that flows linearly through Santa Fe, would be a bewitching blog for today.  The photographs I made using my Nikon D800 with 70-200 mm lens, harken back to early oil paintings of the American West.

The image below puts one into the river's dreamscape.

Thanks to Julie, Barbara F. R., Robert, TTT, Jean & Sam, Veronica, Anne O., Char, Steve, Luella, Z, Dianne J., Paule, and Ann A. for your comments this week.  Happy Halloween and El Dia de los Muertos.

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) autumn Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black nature New Mexico photography Santa Fe River Trail Mon, 31 Oct 2022 15:04:59 GMT
a work in progress Santa Fe Rail Trail mural 2022 3Santa Fe Rail Trail mural 2022 3

A friend steered me in the direction of part of the Rail Trail in Santa Fe this week, where he frequently bicycles, taking in a variety of views of the city.  Between Siringo Road and St. Michael's Drive along the trail is a work in progress.  Not a painted mural but one that is being lovingly made of mosaic tiles, along with other ceramic elements, including clay birds created by 5th grade students at Aspen Magnet School, and studded with gears, sprockets, and other bicycle parts supplied by Mellow Velo.  The mosaic is the brain child of mosaic artist Julie Deery, (shown in the image above) and it is a community project in every sense of the word.  Volunteers of all ages are encouraged to participate in the project, and with roughly forty linear feet of wall to cover, the more the merrier.  Titled "Generations", it already is a fascinating splash of texture and color.  

Santa Fe Rail Trail mural 2022 1Santa Fe Rail Trail mural 2022 1

Two panels of concrete block wall are now covered, with mountains of expressions below and the sky above filled with mandalas.

Santa Fe Rail Trail mural 2022 12Santa Fe Rail Trail mural 2022 12   

Santa Fe Rail Trail mural 2022 10Santa Fe Rail Trail mural 2022 10

Under the direction of Deery, mosaics and other elements are applied in grout.  

Santa Fe Rail Trail mural 2022 14Santa Fe Rail Trail mural 2022 14

Santa Fe Rail Trail mural 2022 11Santa Fe Rail Trail mural 2022 11

Santa Fe Rail Trail mural 2022 22Santa Fe Rail Trail mural 2022 22

Pulling back from the current part of the mural, one can see what passengers will be able to see from the Rail Runner train. 

Santa Fe Rail Trail mural 2022 6Santa Fe Rail Trail mural 2022 6

If you are interested in volunteering or know of youth organizations or schools, or other organizations including bicycle groups who would like to participate or contribute, email Julie Deery at [email protected].  Check out her website at  My plan is to continue photographing this community art project as it progresses.  Work will pause after the first frost but begin again in the spring.

Thanks to all of you who wrote this week, including Barbara F. R., TTT, Catherine, Steve, and Christina, and to Robert for keeping his eyes peeled!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image© 

(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) Aspen Magnet School Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black Generations Julie Deery Mellow Velo mosaics New Mexico photography Rail Trails Santa Fe Seniors on Bikes Sun, 23 Oct 2022 23:02:17 GMT
autumn leaves as backdrop Nature provides the most enticing backdrops, and among some of them are autumn leaves.  The ash tree leaves are turning yellow at a very fast pace, and following the recent wind and rain, they are almost all on the ground.  You have seen odd pairings of objects and backdrops in my blogs before, so it is not terribly surprising that my mind went to a beautiful yellow onion.  Onion skins have a luster that is enhanced by any number of colors and textures.  I took the single and ever-so-humble onion with me on a search of ash tree leaves this weekend, in relatively low light and also broken shade.  Below are the results.

Autumn 2022 - onion and leaves 4Autumn 2022 - onion and leaves 4

Autumn 2022 - onion and leaves 3Autumn 2022 - onion and leaves 3

I have always liked the way the head of the onion or greens look when they are cut off and the end dries.  Without having a functioning auto-focus, it was a bit of a challenge to hold the onion in my hand and have it adequately focus.  But what would still-life photography be without a challenge?

Autumn 2022 - onion and leaves 2Autumn 2022 - onion and leaves 2

It is also interesting to see a black and white image of almost anything wherein the tones and light are the major features rather than the color.

Autumn 2022 - onion and leaves 1Autumn 2022 - onion and leaves 1

But the bright green of the parsley nest pairs with the onion skin to make it pop.

Autumn 2022 - onion and leaves 5Autumn 2022 - onion and leaves 5


Many thanks to Christina, Lisa, TTT, Steve, Catherine, BFR, Elida, Char, and Lawrence for your comments this week.  Since there is plenty of fall color in the lower elevations of the mountain areas and the river valleys of the west, I hope you are able to get out and enjoy it, with or without cameras or smart phones in hand!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) autumn backdrops Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black leaves nature New Mexico onions photography still life Mon, 17 Oct 2022 03:18:03 GMT
aspen beneath nature's blanket Viewing fall color in the Rocky Mountain west is a spectator sport, as it probably is all over the world, because under perfect conditions, it can be one of nature's perfect plays.  The best of the colors show themselves in our area any time between the last week in September and the second week in October.  Looking at the Sangre de Cristo mountains from our part of Santa Fe, and given the forecast for rain much of the week, we decided that Monday was probably an excellent day for aspen viewing on the way to the Santa Fe Ski Basin.  And it was indeed, despite the heavy skies. Many in Santa Fe were thinking that same thing, as the trailheads and parking areas were packed with cars and buses disgorging all sorts of folks and dogs.  Occasionally, the grey blanket relaxed, emptying some of its contents.

For photography, this type of sky is not necessarily ideal as far as brilliant panoramic views are concerned, but there is always something to shoot. I saw several people with cameras on tripods trying to capture the best of what the day had to offer.  And it was a splendid and damp day in the rarified air.  The gold in the aspen was spectacular.

Autumn 2022 7Autumn 2022 7

Shades of red and orange were scattered everywhere.

Autumn 2022 5Autumn 2022 5

Each leaf, dotted with raindrops, made its own statement.

Autmn 2022 1Autmn 2022 1

I couldn't resist photographing raindrops that had landed and pooled like a ball of mercury into the middle of nature's gold.

Autumn 2022 2Autumn 2022 2

My obsession with aspen trunks will probably be with me forever.  They are fascinating.

Autumn 2022 6Autumn 2022 6

Autumn 2022 4Autumn 2022 4

To me, the photograph below is the essence of "forest primeval", with layer upon layer of aspen trunks, leaves, and duff, emitting a fragrance that carries one's spirit back to the beginning of time.

Autumn 2022 3Autumn 2022 3

The momentarily empty trail, edged with assorted color, reflected the dream-like state of a day in the high country.

Autumn 2022 8Autumn 2022 8

Thanks to Charlie, Christina, Veronica, TTT, Victoria, Catherine, and Steve for writing this week!  I hope each of you will pack your cameras or smart phones with you wherever you go.  The whole of our world is worth documenting.  

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©


(Blacks Crossing Photography and Writing) aspen Aspen Vista Trail autumn Blacks Crossing Photography Daryl A. Black fall color mountain color nature New Mexico photography Santa Fe still life Sun, 09 Oct 2022 19:06:32 GMT
fiber abounds Fiber of many types and stripes was in abundance this week, as the Mountain and Valley Wool Association presented its first Wool Festival in Santa Fe this weekend.  The MVWA board made the difficult decision to move the festival from its previous location in Taos after 38 years to the Santa Fe County Rodeo Grounds.  Having participated in the festival for 13 years, Fred decided he needed to scope out the new digs.  

The rodeo grounds have a number of buildings in addition to ample booth space, both indoors and outside, and barns for sheep, llamas, alpacas, rabbits, and other livestock.  Word has it that the grounds were packed on Saturday, and more people were arriving as we finished our reconnoiter on Sunday morning.    

The skies were leaden with the promise of rain, and the wind was picking up as we strolled the grounds.  Having experienced weather of every sort when the festival was held in Taos, our hearts went out to the vendors trying to keep their tents and products from flying away.  Case in point, the scarves and other apparel by Carol Garnand, shown below.

From indigo dyed fabric using ice to elements of nature including leaves and flowers, Garnand's pieces showed both interesting design and color combinations.

If you don't include the logo for the Mountain and Valley Wool Association itself, the Phoenix Fiber Mill wins the prize in my book for best logo.  

Not to mention the myriad socks available from the mill, some of which are shown below.

Just in time for Day of the Dead or Die del Muerto celebrations are these wool skulls created by Ellen and Eric Sibelius of Ellen's Wooly Wonders.  

Here is a combination of wooly wonders of the ocean variety.