little things

April 08, 2024  •  3 Comments

Spring in New Mexico is unfurling at a faster pace each day.  The recent frost in parts of northern New Mexico was not deep enough to damage too much in the way of flowering tree blossoms, thankfully and ironically, due to the spring winds.  Anything that could take flight this week did, including a piece of pink day-glow plastic tape that may be a permanent fixture in the Russian olive tree in the open space near us.  Unless, that is, a raven finds it a fascinating piece of interior decoration for its nest.  Adding to the excitement of spring is the solar eclipse, beginning at 10:06 PDT, 11:06 MDT, 12:06 CDT, and 1:06 EDT.  The path of totality of that eclipse is across many of America's major cities, effecting many more than last year's annular eclipse that we in New Mexico witnessed last October.  People gathering in places in its path easily represents the biggest collective party of the year.

But it was little things in the garden that caught my attention.  When winds were light, I headed out with my camera to take advantage of the calm.  The Daffodil 'Tazetta Minnow' are sweet little things measuring barely an inch in circumference, and were among the first garden blooms this year.

Daffodil Tazetta Minnow 3Daffodil Tazetta Minnow 3

Daffodil Tazetta Minnow 1Daffodil Tazetta Minnow 1

Daffodil Tazetta Minnow 2Daffodil Tazetta Minnow 2  



Then there are the Ornithogalum dubium or Star of Bethlehem.  Part of the asparagus family and like the asparagus, they produce nice stalks of flowers.  

Ornithogalum Star of Bethlehem 3Ornithogalum Star of Bethlehem 3

Ornithogalum Star of Bethlehem 1Ornithogalum Star of Bethlehem 1

Ornithogalum Star of Bethlehem 2Ornithogalum Star of Bethlehem 2



Last but definitely not least, here is a Vinca bloom just awaiting its closeup in the detritus next to a water catchment container hose bib.



My thanks for Christina W., Tim, Suz, Veronica, Barbara F. R., Kay, Jean & Sam, Lisa, Peggy, Catherine, Steve, Paule, and Robert for writing this week, to Cristina for providing some of the subject matter, and to all of you for reading and following my sometimes wildly diverse subject matter!

May the world never cease to amaze you.  Happy Eclipsing!  

until next Monday,


a passion for the image© 



Steve Immel(non-registered)
A lovely springtime set, Daryl. Last might be first since I really love the juxtaposition of the lovely Vinca and the hose bib. The odd coupling of the natural and mechanical is precious and highlights the delicacy of the flower. The Daffodil Tazetta Minnow is a diminutive powerhouse, a sweet little thing for sure. And finally, the Star of David is a voluptuous creature. Nicely seen and captured as always.
Lawrence Jones(non-registered)
Simply gorgeous images.
Tim Anderson(non-registered)
Absolutely colorful way to start my day, Daryl! Thank you!
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