With high temperatures predicted in the mid-90s, it seemed like the perfect time to head to the mountains and inhale that rarified air one encounters at 10 to 11,400 feet in elevation. Although we have walked the Aspen Vista trail/service road for the Santa Fe Ski Basin a number of times during the years since returning to Santa Fe, we had not gone all the way to the open rocky area for some time. With crystal clear blue skies and not a cloud around, thunderstorms and lightning were not a problem. Definitely a good time to put in a few more miles than normal. It was definitely worth it. Below is a photograph of one of the rock outcroppings, northeast of which are the radio towers and the top of the ski area. You can see patches of snow in the right middle of the photograph. Although there were lots of puddles on the trail, we did not walk through snow or mud. There were, however, still some large patches of snow along the sides of the trail above 11,000 feet.
Aspen Vista/Santa Fe Ski Area road rock pile
We were unaware of a companion in the rocks until it appeared as we were resting and enjoying the view. Affectionately known as a GMGS, this golden mantled ground squirrel had grown up on snacks from hikers. Had it been able to speak human, it would have asked us what was on the menu. Regardless, its request was pretty obvious.
Animals - golden mantled ground squirrel 1 2024
Animals - golden mantled ground squirrel 2 2024
Animals - golden mantled ground squirrel 3 2024
Along the road were a number of late spring/early summer flowers. There is going to be a bumper crop of wild strawberries this year. I had not noticed walking on the way up that distributed within their numbers were also Canadian violets. The retina-burning brightness of the white at high altitude is stunning, not to mention the clarity of the flower's center. Almost like an eyelash winking at you.
Flowers - Canadian white violet 1 2024
Flowers - Canadian white violet 2 2024
Mountain parsley is scattered along the road...
Flowers - mountain parsley 2024
as is the western wallflower, on which painted lady butterflies (I trust you will correct me if that is wrong, Clyde) were feasting.
Butterflies - Painted Lady on western wallflower 1 2024
This painted lady was working on a dandelion.
Butterflies - Painted Lady on western wall flower 2 2024
Because of the lack of wind, dandelions that had gone to seed were perfect in shape and detail.
Flowers - dandelion seed head 1 2024
Finally, the early afternoon light was playing on a scarlet paintbrush in the shade of aspens.
Flowers - scarlet paintbrush 1 2024
Thanks to Jean & Sam, Marilyn G., TTT, Steve, Catherine, and Ingrid for commenting on the blog site this week, and to others who comment via email, text, phone, or in person. It is always good to hear from you. I hope you have an excellent week of photography and exploration!
until next Monday,
a passion for the image©