We have heard a lot about aliens lately - in reference to people not in the country legally, and those which might be associated with UFOs - but not much about those residing in the garden. I realize this might not be the most desirable photographic theme to some people, but the big green grasshopper residing on a basil plant caught my attention.
Granted, I flipped it off and it ended up on the wall the following morning. These big green aliens scared me endlessly when I was child. They used to show up on a regular basis amongst the piles of leaves into which I would jump. Did not like them one bit. However, I decided to shake my trepidation and started to photographic this particular one. It was drying itself off after the previous night's rain. The first image below, you can see rain droplets on the "pronotum" or extended neck collar. To me, it looks like armor of finely cut and tooled leather. The wings resemble stained glass. And the eyes - those compound eyes. What can I say? Like jewels, these organs are basically "motion/light detectors" (according to Wikipedia).
Grasshoppper 5 2024
The pronounced rear leg is actually a femur, and the round part at the end is attached to the tibia which is tucked underneath the grasshopper.
Grasshoppper 1 2024
The assorted and chunky collection of parts in the front under the eyes is the reason they can chew through plants so efficiently.
Grasshoppper 6 2024 Grasshoppper 3 2024
A perfect space alien
Grasshoppper 2 2024
It still amazes me to see things close up and this subject was no exception. I wonder if early movie makers of alien invaders actually copied the eyes of grasshoppers for their alien beings.
Since yesterday was the autumnal equinox, it is officially autumn, and with luck, each one of you will be able to photograph and enjoy the most elegant of seasons.
until next Monday,
a passion for the image©