signs of spring

March 11, 2024  •  4 Comments

Signs of spring are everywhere in this second week of March.  The amount of daylight is becoming longer at an ever increasing rate as the Vernal Equinox - this year on 19 March - approaches.  Although there are no flowers in evidence just yet, in the early morning hours, a trip out the door ushers in a chorus of glorious noise from the bushes and trees.  The birds are keenly aware that the season is upon us.  Assorted finches, juncos, bluebirds, solitaires, sparrows, jays, crows, canyon and rufous sided towhees, and ravens are vying for attention.  But the robins in massive numbers are the most evident.  In addition to assorted chirps and other sounds, there are several songs they sing.  Set aside the fact that some of those probably mean, "Hey, this is my territory" or "I saw her first".  Whatever the reason, they are speed dating and making preparations to nest.  And the warmer temperatures lure them to assorted water dishes to bathe.  It seems there is nothing robins like more than bathing.   Note the lone solitaire on the rock, waiting for the basin to clear.




Depending on the dish size, several can bathe together while others drink.  Note the juncos hanging around the side of the dish in the upper third and lower half of this photograph.  They particularly like to slurp water off plants and other objects as the drops fall.




This robin required a private bath.


So as many of you plan or begin spring travel, I hope that your cameras and phones will accompany you to document the season.

Thanks to Barbara F. R., Robert, Tim, Jean & Sam, Kay C., TTT, Marilyn G., Steve, and Rebecca for writing this week!

until next Monday,


a passion for the image©


What a terrific harbinger of spring. Your photos capture beautifully the robins' delight in warmer weather and a great bath.
Steve Immel(non-registered)
I love the movement in these images. It brings such vitality to them. The robins appear to be posing or waiting for a splash in the first two photographs. This post is well timed as the longer days and warmer temperatures announce that spring may be here to stay. This is the longest false spring that I can remember, and I still foresee an April surprise. When, after all, has it not snowed in April?

The drops and the tumult of the proud robin in the final image get my vote. And your writing was exceptional today.

Thanks for the refreshing post.
Love the frolicking and looks of joy on their little faces
Ann Alexander(non-registered)
The lone solitaire is waiting for his internet connection so he can speed date too. Love these photos!
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