Many mornings last week, before the wind began its daily grind, I stood beneath ornamental apple, pear, plum, and peach trees, staring in awe at their blossoms, and inhaling one of the finest fragrances nature has to offer. The hum of hundreds of bees made it absolutely mesmerizing. It was as if I had been transported to an extraordinary place. Needless to say, today's blog is image-heavy, and that is fine.
I actually cannot recall the last time I saw a peach tree in bloom. But a text from a friend last week asking if I would like to photograph her peach tree sent me into action. What a display of varying shades of fuchsia!
Peach blossom 2024 1
Peach blossom 2024 5
Although I had been shooting multiple photographs of crab apple blossoms as well as pear blossoms throughout the week, it wasn't until I really looked at this bud along with the flat open characteristics of the fully revealed peach flowers that something hit me. They were a bit like some of the Austrian copper roses growing in older areas of Santa Fe. The reason is because many fruit trees belong to the Rosaceae or rose family. The family includes apples, peaches, pears, plums, almonds, and apricots, along with numerous others. The family contains 2,500+ species. The peach bud below was a beauty.
Peach blossom 2024 4
Our neighbor, Carol's, pear tree, on the other hand, was a puzzle. No one seemed to know what it was. I spent hours over several days searching its characteristics on the internet and in numerous plant books without luck. The closest I could come was either an ornamental pear tree or a crabapple. The puzzlement was the fact that many ornamental pears were described as having blossoms that smelled like fish. Her tree was just the opposite and had the most delightful smell for weeks. Thankfully, another neighbor took a small sample to a local nursery where the person identified it.
pear blossoms (ornamental) 2024 2
Masses of white blossoms, the petals of which fall like snow flakes, created a beauty of their own.
pear petals on water 2
Then there were the crabapple trees. Since their bloom period is what I would call time-sensitive, I never tire of trying to capture them in slightly different ways to show them to the world. At the risk of boring you, below is a small collection.
crabapple blossoms 2024 3
Whether in sun, shadow, or silhouette, the clusters of flowers - near or from a distance - are a pleasure, and also offer some surprises.
crabapple blossoms 2024 8
crabapple blossoms 2024 10
crab apple blossoms and lady bugs 2024 1
crab apple blossoms and lady bugs 2024 2
crabapple blossoms 2024 6
Finally, just to demonstrate that the flowers are not always the prize, this flowering plum has a trunk that was definitely influenced by the predominant winds out of the southwest.
Plum (ornamental) tree 2024
Thanks to Barbara for texting a photo of her peach tree and asking if I wanted to photograph it. I am also grateful to Charleen, Ingrid, Terry T., Jean & Sam, Kay, Catherine, Steve, Rebecca, Marilyn G., Paule, Robert, and TTT for writing this week and for hanging hummingbird feeders. May all of you be graced with blossoms and birds of many colors in the coming days.
until next Monday,
a passion for the image©