Despite the temperature roller coaster ride in northern New Mexico this week, nature continues to surprise and amaze. Nearly everyone I see while walking comments about how beautiful the trees and flowers look this year, some giving advice on where to look for particularly outstanding blooms. It had to be, then, that at least one more blog would feature this spring abundance. This time, with members of the lily or Liliaceae family, since all tulips are members of that botanical family. As much as I tried, and spent plenty of time trying to identify the tulips I photographed this week, I only found one confirmed name. But does it matter when they are showing off so brilliantly? Like the plain yellow tulip - so complex and so stunning. Even the bud is more than worth photographing.
tulip bud 2024 1
It doesn't take long for the buds to open, revealing all.
Flowers - yellow tulip 2 2024
A little shadow play in the nearly unfurled bud.
Flowers - yellow tulip 1 2024
Here is another specimen I had never seen before this year. Again, I thought I had come close to a name but, alas did not. We'll just have to settle on its looks!
Flowers - multicolored tulip 2024
I found this tulip in a local cemetery. Again, clueless as to the specific name.
Flowers - rose colored tulip in cemetery 2024
Last but not least, some different photographs of the one tulip I think I identified. It is a species tulip Tulip clusiana. I am grateful to Tami for planting it!
Flowers - Tulip clusiana 1 2024
Flowers - Tulip clusiana 2 2024
Many of you know that I collection quotations. I have an overflowing binder and another folder packed with them, in addition to Barlett's Familiar Quotations. I just felt that the words below written by Chicago Sun-Times film critic Roger Ebert was more than appropriate for spring and these times in which we are living. He wrote it on the 2nd of May in 2009
"I believe that if, at the end of it all, according to our abilities, we have done something to make others a little happier, and something to make ourselves happier, that is about the best we can do. To make others less happy is a crime. To make ourselves unhappy is where all crime starts. We must try to contribute joy to the world. That is true no matter what our problems, our health, our circumstances. We must try."
Thanks to Jim and Louise, Victoria, M. Fred, Barbara F. R., Marilyn G., Catherine S., Minna, Steve, Ingrid, Ann, and Pater for your comments this week!
until next Monday,
a passion for the image©